I am the Elementary Physical Education Specialist at the Campus School and an Instructor in the School of Health Sciences. This is my 38th year to teach at The University of Memphis. I teach one class a semester for the School of Health Studies and all the Physical Education classes (8 per day) at the Campus School. The Campus School is a labratory school located on the university campus. The Campus School is a 1-5 grade school.
I received my Bachelors of Science from Memphis State University, Masters of Education from The University of Memphis and 45 above my Masters from The University of Memphis.
I have presented at the local, state, and national levels. Presentations include information related to Elementary Physical Education - activities, curriculum, integration of academics. I have been on the Memphis City Schools Elementary Curriculum Writing Committee for the last two times the curriculum has been rewritten in the last 10 years.
I was named TAHPERD (Tennessee Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year for 2007.
Additional Information
School of Health Sciences
The Campus School
- B. S. Elementary & Secondary Physical Education - Memphis State University - 1979
- M.Ed. Physical Education - Memphis State University - 1981
- Masters + 45   - The University of Memphis - 2004
Work Experience
- Assistant Women Gymnastics Coach,   - Memphis State University - 9/80-5/81
- Teaching Graduate Assistant, HPER - Memphis State University - 1/80 - 5/81
- Gymnastics Instructor,   - Whitehaven Pesbyterian Church - 7/74 - 12/84
- Gymnastics Instructor, Continuing Education - The University of Memphis - '81 - '97
- Instructor / Elementary Physical Education Specialist, School of Health Sciences / Campus School - The University of Memphis - ‘81-present
- Jump Rope For Heart School - 2nd in Shelby county Schools for money raised - American Heart Association - September 2018
- Jump Rope For Heart School - 4th in state for money raised - American Heart Association - October 2017
- TAHPERD Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year - Tennessee Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance - 2007
Teaching Experience
- EXSS 3604 (U) / PETE 3604 - The University of Memphis
- EXSS 3605 (U) - The University of Memphis
- PHED 1811 (U) - The University of Memphis
- PETE 2006 (U) - The University of Memphis
- PETE 7005 - The University of Memphis
- Various PHED courses - Aerobics,Bowling,Archery,Stunts and Tumbling, Gymnastics - Memphis State University / The University of Memphis
- PETE 4200 - The University of Memphis
Creative Activities
- "Earth Challenge" - 1993-1994 - $175.00 - Memphis Rotary Foundation Teacher Initiative Grant Winner
- "MARS" Movement - 2001-2002 - $1,000.00 - Junior League Grant Winner - Co-Written with Nancy Harris
- "Math Steps" - 2002-2003 - $300.00 - TAHPERD Grant Winner
- MCS Elementary Physical Education Curriculum - 2002-2003 -   - MCS - Co Writer of the K-6 Elem. P.E. Curriculum
- Team Building - 2005-2006 - $1000.00 - TIG Grant
- Pedometer Pals - 2006-2007 - $500.00 - TIG Grant
- Pedometer Pals 2 - 2006-2007 - $500.00 - TAHPERD Grant Winner
- Moving with Science - 2008-2009 - $500.00 - TAHPERD Grant Winner
- MCS Elementary Physical Education Curriculum - 2008-09 -   - Team writer of MCS Elementary Physical Education Curriculum
- Residency Canadiate Supervisor Teacher - Supervise Canadiate - Aug. 2018-May 2019
- Residency Canaidiate - Supervise Canaidiate - July 2017- Nov. 2017
- Department - Basic Instructional Program Supervisor(Gymnastics/Tumbling) (HMSE) - 1984 - 91
- Department - Basic Instructional Committee (HMSE) - 1984 - 91
- Department - Physical Education Pedagogy Search Committee (HMSE) - Spring 1994
- Department - Scholarship and Awards Committee (HMSE) - 1993-94
- Department - Career Ladder Level I Teacher (Campus School) - 1985-present
- Department - Campus School Playground Committee - 1984-present
- Department - Campus School In-Service Committee (Campus School) - 1984-86
- Department - Program Improvement Committee (Campus School) - 1983-86
- Department - Science Fair Committee (Campus School) - 1990-97
- Department - Year Round School Committee (Campus School) - 1992-93
- Department - International Day Program (Campus School) - 2/27/93
- Department - Olympic Day Program - 4/28/95
- Department - Campus School Outdoor Education Camp - 1982-88,1995-11
- Department - Jump Rope For Heart (Campus School) - 1982 - present
- Department - Physical Education Demonstration Night Program (Campus School) - 1983,85,87,89,91,93,00,02,06,08,10
- Department - Courtesy Committee Chairperson (Campus School) - 1995-present
- Department - Sixth Grade Swimming - 1981-1989,1992-1998, 2000-present
- Department - Field Day Program (Campus School) - 1985 - 96
- Department - Family Field Day - Spring 1998
- Department - Supervising Teacher for Independent Study of College Student (HMSE) - Fall 1992
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Spring 1992
- Department - Clinical Professor for one (1) Student Teacher - Fall 1993
- Department - Clinical Professor for two (2) Student Teacher - Spring 1994
- Department - Clinical Professor for one (1) Student Teacher - Fall 1994
- Department - Clinical Professor for one (1) Student Teacher - Spring 1995
- Department - Clinical Professor for one (1) Student Teacher - Spring 1993
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Fall 1995
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for two (2) Student Teacher - Fall 1996
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Spring 1996
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for two (2) Student Teacher - Spring 1997
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for two (2) Student Teacher - Fall 1997
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Spring 1998
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Fall 1998
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for two (2) Student Teacher - Fall 1999
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for two (2) Student Teacher - Spring 2000
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Fall 2000
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Spring 2001
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Fall 2001
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for two (2) Student Teacher - Spring 2002
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Fall 2002
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Spring 2003
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Fall 2003
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for two (2) Student Teachers - Spring 2004
- Department - Cooperating Teaher for one (1) Student Teacher - Fall 2004
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for two (2) Student Teachers - Spring 2005
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Fall 2005
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Spring 2006
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Fall 2006
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student Teacher - Spring 2007
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for 1 Student Teacher - Fall 2007
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for 2 Student Teachers - Spring 2008
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for 1 Student Teacher - Fall 2008
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for one (1) Student teacher - Fall 2009
- Department - Cooperating Teacher for two (2) student teacher - Spring 2010
- Department - Cooperating Teacher - 4 student teachers - F2010 - Sp 2011
- College/School - Bridge Committee for Elementary Physical Education (HPER) - Feb. 1988
- College/School - "Role Expectations of the Effective Urban Teacher" - related to PDS Schools - 1992-93
- College School - HMSE Pedagogy Search Committee member - Summer 1998
- College/School - HMSE Pedagogy Search Committee member HMSE Pedagogy Search Committee member - Fall 1998/Spring 1999
- College/School - HMSE Pedagogy Search Committee member - Fall 1999,Spring 2000,Fall 2000-01,Fall 2001-02,Fa
- College/School - HSS Accreditiation Council - Spring 2004
- College/School - PDS Advisory Committee Member - College of Education - Spring 2001,2001-02
- University -   -  
- Jump Rope For Heart - Memphis Chapter Task Force Chairperson - 1985 - 87
- Tennessee Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance - Audiovisual Committee - 1986 - 87
- Jump Rope For Heart - Regional Coordinator - 1988
- State Committee - Rainy Day Activities Committee Member - 1985 - 91
- Jump Rope for Heart - State Task Force Member - 1985 - 96
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - Member Evaluation Team - Rozelle School - Spring 1996
- TAHPERD - Hospitality Committee - Nov. 1990
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - Member Evaluation Team - Riverview Middle School - Spring 1997
- American Heart Association - School-site Committee - 1994 - present
- Memphis City Schools - Elementary Physical Education Task Force - Spring 1998,Sp. 2000, Fall. 2001, 2001-02
- American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance - Member - 1984 - present
- Tennessee Association of Health, Physical Education , Recreation and Dance - Member - 1981 - present
- Delta Kappa Gamma Society International - Member - 1995-98
- Memphis City Schools - Elementary Physical Education Curriculum Committee Member - 2001-2002
-   - SCS Portfolio Workshops - 2015-16
-   - CS Emergency Management Committee - Co Chair - 2015-16
- Shelby county Schools - Summer Workshop - Elementary PE - June 2016
- Shelby County Schools - Elementary Curriculum Writting Team - Present (1/2017)
Journal Articles
- Li, Yuhua, Coleman, Diane, Ransdell, Mary, Coleman, Lyndsie, and Irwin, Carol. (2011)Sport Stacking Activities in School Children's Motor Skill Development. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 113,2, 431-438.
Appendix A - Teaching Experience
- PETE 3604 - Tchg Exer / Spt Sci K Elem
- PETE 2006 - Gym/Movmt Concepts
- PETE 3604 - Tchg Exer / Spt Sci K Elem
- PETE 2006 - Gym Movmt Concepts
- PETE 2006 - Gymnastics/Movement Ed.
- PETE 2006 - Gymnastics/Movement Ed.
- PETE 2006 - Gymnastics/Movement Ed.
- PETE 2006 - Gymnastics/Movement Ed.