Faculty and Staff Profiles |
DeAnna N. Owens-Mosby |
Assoc Professor, Instruction Curriculum Leadership |
Email: dgish@memphis.edu |
Office Location: |
- Ph.D Educational Leadership - Capella University - 2010
Work Experience
- Implementation Manager,   - Classworks - 2010-2011
- Adjunct Professor, College of Education - Christian Brothers University - 2011
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Instruction and Curriculum Leadership - University of Memphis - 2011 - 2012
- Assistant Professor of Elementary Education, Instructional and Curriculum Leadership - University of Memphis - 2012-Present
Teaching Experience
- Secondary Science Methods - Christian Brothers University
- Student Assessment and Instructional Decision Making - University of Memphis
- Professional Seminar - University of Memphis
- Masters Project - University of Memphis
- Models of Instruction - University of Memphis
- Elementary Math Methods - University of Memphis
- Elementary Science Methods - University of Memphis
- Professional Seminar - University of Memphis
- Residency I Practicum - University of Memphis
- Teaching in the Urban Learning Environment - University of Memphis
- Middle School Science Methods - University of Memphis
Student Advising/Mentoring
- M.S. - Lisa Starnes - 2016
- M.S. - Carlyn Cosmini - 2016
- M.S. - Brady Boyd - 2016
- M.S. - Kelcey Lewis - 2016
- M.S. - Gregory Mason - 2017
- M.S. - Walter Hale - 2017
- M.S. - Kasey Kennedy - 2017
- MS - Katelyn Chambers - Fall 2018
- MS - Jakiya Harris - Spring 2019
- MS - Crystal Connelly - Spring 2019
- MS - Caitlin Jones - Spring 2019
- MS - Rachel Hardy-Scarborough - Fall 2019
- MS - Courtney Krueger - Fall 2019
- MS - Mary Jo Sides - FALL 2019
- MS - Carlos Huesca - FALL 2020
- Improving Teacher Quality - Tennessee Higher Education Commission - $74,998 - 2013
- Improving Teacher Quality - Tennessee Higher Education Commission - $74,912 - 2014
- Improving Teacher Quality - Tennessee Higher Education Commission - 74,723 - 2015
- University of Memphis - STEM Committee - 2011-2012
- University of Memphis - Centennial Committee (C) - 2011-2012
- University of Memphis - Teacher Education Program Interviews - 2012- present
- University of Memphis - Student Assessment and Instructional Decision Making Course Development - 2012
- University of Memphis - Instruction and Curriculum Leadership Department Diversity Committee - 2012-present
- University of Memphis - Guest Lecturer - 2012
- University of Memphis - Campus Recruitment Day - 2013
- University of Memphis - Meet and Greet - 2013
- University of Memphis - Agricenter Recruitment Fair - 2013-present
- University of Memphis - Fraternity and Sorority Committee Invited Talk - 2013
- University of Memphis - Provost Faculty Review Committee - 2013-2014
- University of Memphis - Effective Online Learning Committee - 2013-2014
- University of Memphis - Faculty Advisory Council - 2014
- University of Memphis - NCATE Document Development Team - 2014
- University of Memphis - edTPA Coordinator - 2014-2015;2018
- University of Memphis - Faculty Marshal Fall Commencement - 2014
- University of Memphis - Kappa Delta Pi Induction Keynote - 2015
- University of Memphis - Elementary/Middle Program Coordinator - 2015-2016
- University of Memphis - Clinical Instructor Search Committee (CHAIR) - 2016
- University of Memphis - Clinical SPED Instructor Committee - 2016
- University of Memphis - Fee & Refund Appeals Committee - 2016-Present
- University of Memphis - Faculty Senate - 2017-Present
- University of Memphis - Committee on Committees - 2017-Present
- University of Memphis - Tenure Track Urban SS Committee - 2018
- University of Memphis - Tenure Track Assistant Professor of ELED Committee - 2018
- University of Memphis - River City Partnership Team - 2018
- Stanford University/Pearson - edTPA Secondary Mathematics Benchmarking Committee - 2012
- Southern Regional Education Board - Tennessee Co-Lead Writer for Math Ready - 2012-2013
- Stanford University/Pearson - edTPA Middle Childhood Consensus Committee - 2013
- American Education Research Association - Reviewer of Proposals-Technology-Based Learning Environment Division C Section 3b - 2013
- Age of Learning - Research Committee - 2013-Present
- Tennessee Association of Middle Schools - Reviewer - 2013-present
- Association of Literature and Educators Research Conference - Reviewer of Proposals - 2014
- American Education Research Association - Review of Proposals -Instructional Technology SIG - 2014
- Early Education and Technology Conference - Reviewer of Proposals - 2014
- American Education Research Association Educational Policy & Politics Division L - Mentoring and Membership Committee - 2014-present
- Middle School Journal - Reviewer - 2014-present
- Action in Teacher Education - Reviewer - 2014-present
Journal Articles
- Owens, D. (2012). The impact of federal mandates on principals’ leadership styles: Is it real? NCPEA Education Leadership Review, 1(13), 1-13.
- Owens, D. & Key, S. (2012). Student centered learning: Instructional strategies
that work. Delta Journal of Education, 2(2), 143-152.
- Key, S. & Owens, D. (2012). Effective professional development for middle
school educators: Increasing teachers' confidence. Tennessee Association of Middle Schools, 16(Spring), 10-25.
- Key, S.
& Owens, D. (2013). Inquiry: It
is easier than you think? Journal of
Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, 13(Spring), 111-145.
- Owens, D. (2013). Technology in education: Key to college and career
readiness. Classworks.com, Retrieved
on November 4, 2014 from http://www.classworks.com/uploads/research/Technology2013_KeytoCCR.pdf.
- Thompson, N., Owens, D., Key, S., & Seed, A. (2014). One University's middle
school program in transition: Where we've been and where we're going. Current
Issues in Middle Level Education, 19(1),
- Owens, D. & Hazlett, E. (2014). Making the change: STEM and CCSS in diverse
middle school classrooms. Tennessee
Association of Middle Schools, 18(Fall), 1-13.
- Owens, D. (2015). Differentiating instruction in middle school STEM classrooms: Attitudes, perceptions, and instructional methodologies. International Journal of Education, 6(1). 1-13.
- Owens, D.& Deitz, A.(2016).Common planning time: Benefits and barriers in middle school.Delta Journal of Education, 6(1), 43-49.
- Thorton, H., Owens, D., & Blackbourn, J.M., (2017) Transition Services in Mississippi for persons with developmental disabilities: An examination of program availability, Comprehensiveness, Satisfaction, and Outcomes. National FORUM of Special Education-Online, 28(1), 1-20.
- Starks, S., Owens-Mosby, D., & Rakow, E. (2018). The effects of school grade span configuration on student achievement in middle school-aged children. Middle Grades Research Journal, 28(1).
- Owens-Mosby, D., Miller, N., Thompson, N., Byford, J., Gilewski, C., & Giannangelo, D. (In Press). Video-Based Field Experiences: An Investigation of Elementary Social Studies Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of a New Approach. National Social Science Journal.
- Owens-Mosby, D., Miller, N., Thompson, N., Byford, J., Gilewski, C., & Giannangelo, D. (2019). Video-Based Field Experiences: An Investigation of Elementary Social Studies Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of a New Approach. National Social Science Journal, 52(2), 43-57
- Grant, J., Byford, J., Casey, L., Owens-Mosby, D., & Casey, C. (2020). Teachers’ perceptions of
religious literacy in the development of civic participation. World Studies in Education, 21 (1),
45-60. https://doi.org/10.7459/wse/21.1.04
Owens, D. (March, 2012). Differentiating instruction by integrating technology
in the elementary classroom. Early Education and Technology Conference,
Salt Lake City, UT.
Owens, D. (February, 2013). Transitional math created for struggling high school STEM students.
Mississippi Educational Computer Association, Jackson, MS.
Owens, D. (April, 2013). Differentiating instruction with technology in the common core
classroom. Early Education and Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Owens, D. (April, 2013). What do we do about struggling high school students? Mississippi
Association of Secondary Administrators, Jackson, MS.
Owens, D. (June, 2013). Differentiating instruction in the common core classroom.
Mississippi Association of Elementary School Principals/Mississippi Association
of Secondary School Principals, Jackson, MS.
Owens, D. (November, 2013). Differentiating instruction with technology in the middle school math
classroom. Association of Middle Level Education, Minneapolis, MN.
- Owens, D. (December,2013). Lessons learned from past ITQ workshops. Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Nashville, TN.
- Owens, D. (January, 2014). Algebra in the common core classroom:A mixed method study of common core in the algebra classroom. Hawaii International Conference of Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Owens, D., Key, S.,& Seed, A. (April, 2014). Common planning time: What are the benefits and barriers? American Education Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
- Owens, D. (April, 2014). Common core in the algebra classroom. National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, New Orleans, LA.
- Owens, D. & Cornelius, A. (November, 2014). Differentiating instruction in the middle school mathematics classroom. Association of Middle Level Education, Nashville, TN.
- Ponciano, L. & Owens, D. (December, 2014). The impact of educational technology on kindergarten readiness. National Head Start Association 31st Annual Parent Conference & Family Engagement Institutes, New Orleans, LA.
- Owens,
D. (November,
2014). Lesson learned from past ITQ
workshops. Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Nashville, TN.
- Owens, D. & Cornelius, A. (January, 2015). Differentiating instruction using TI-Nspire calculators and algebra tiles in the common core classroom. Hawaii International Conference of Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Owens, D., Dalle, T. &Thrush, E. (January, 2015). Using technical writing to explore the “E” in STEM. Hawaii International Conference of Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Owens, D. & Ponciano, L. (January, 2015). Differentiating instruction using educational technology in the primary years. Hawaii International Conference of Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Owens, D. (March, 2015). Differentiating instruction in middle school STEM classrooms: Attitudes, perceptions, and instructional methodologies. 6th Annual International Conference of Education, Anqing, China.
- Cornelius, A. & Owens, D. (April, 2015). Do you really know your place (value)? National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, Boston, MA.
- Nelson, J. & Owens, D. (April, 2015). Enhancing the edTPA experience: Technology scaffolds, supports and practice used to prepare teacher candidates for the submission of the edTPA. edTPA Southeast Regional Summit, Savannah, GA.
- Owens, D., Dalle, T., & Thrush, E. (January, 2016). "M" in STEM: Teachers attitudes towards teaching mathematics in middle grades. Hawaii International Conference of Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Owens, D., Dalle,T., & Thrush,E. (January, 2016). Meeting the needs of diverse learners in middle school science classroom. Hawaii International Conference of Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Owens, D., Ponciano, L., & Thai, K.P. (April, 2016). “Incorporating a digital curriculum in pre-kindergarten to reduce the risk of school failure in kindergarten.” American Education Research Association, Washington, D.C.
- Owens, D. & Kennedy, K. (October, 2016). “Differentiating Instruction Using TI-84 Calculators and Algebra Tiles in the Middle School Math Classroom.” Association of Middle Level Education, Austin, TX.
- Owens, D. & Kennedy, K. (October, 2016). “Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners by Differentiating Instruction in Middle School Science Classrooms.” Association of Middle Level Education, Austin, TX.
- Owens, D. (October, 2016). “Using edTPA data to support and prepare middle level teacher candidates to be effective teachers.” Association of Middle Level Education, Austin, TX.
- Owens, D., Dalle, T. &Thrush, E. (January, 2016). “M” in STEM: Teachers’ attitudes towards teaching mathematics in middle school.” Hawaii International Conference of Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Owens, D., Dalle, T. &Thrush, E. (January, 2016). “Meeting the needs of diverse learners in the middle school science classroom.” Hawaii International Conference of Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Owens, D., Dalle, T., & Thrush, E. (April, 2016). Literacy and STEM: Moving forward with Common Core and ELLs. Teachers of English Speakers of Other Languages, Baltimore, MD.
- Owens, D., Ponciano, L., & Thai, K.P. (April, 2016). “Incorporating a digital curriculum in pre-kindergarten to reduce the risk of school failure in kindergarten.” American Education Research Association, Washington, D.C.
- Owens, D. (October, 2016). “Using edTPA data to support and prepare middle level teacher candidates to be effective teachers.” Association of Middle Level Education, Austin, TX.
- Owens, D. & Kennedy, K. (October, 2016). “Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners by Differentiating Instruction in Middle School Science Classrooms.” Association of Middle Level Education, Austin, TX.
- Owens, D. & Kennedy, K. (October, 2016). “Differentiating Instruction Using TI-84 Calculators and Algebra Tiles in the Middle School Math Classroom.” Association of Middle Level Education, Austin, TX.
- Byford, J., & Owens-Mosby, D. (March, 2018). Command vs. free market production: A simulation of car production, frustration and consumer quality. National Social Science Association’s Technology and Social Science Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Owens-Mosby, D., & Byford, J. ( March, 2018) Virtual field experiences: An investigation of elementary social studies teacher candidates’ perceptions of a new approach. National Social Science Association’s Technology and Social Science Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Owens-Mosby, D., & Byford, J. (July, 2018). From start to submission: Supporting teacher candidates through the edTPA. International Journal of Arts and Sciences International Conference of Education, Munich, Germany.
- Byford, J.& Owens-Mosby, D. (July, 2018). Dialectic and political discourse: Students’ perceptions of civic principles, values, and constitutional rights and responsibilities.. International Journal of Arts and Sciences International Conference of Education, Munich, Germany.
- Thompson, E. & Owens-Mosby, D. (March, 2019) Navigating the Retake process: Setting up for success. Southeast Regional edTPA Conference, Franklin, Tennessee
- Byford, J., Owens-Mosby, D., Milam, A., & Cordero, J. (February, 2021). Content-centered learning and religious persecution: An activity on religious diversity, equity, and inclusion. Presented at the Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA.
- Byford, J., & Owens-Mosby, D. (March, 2021). Pushing the envelope: A moral dilemma of the Vietnam war Through the eyes of American and Vietnamese students. INTED 15th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain.
- Owens-Mosby, D., Byford, J., & Chambers, K. ( March, 2021). A coordinator’s perspective of supporting pre-service teachers through the edTPA. INTED 15th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain.
- Owens-Mosby, D. & Chambers, K. (October, 2021). “From Beginning to End: Supporting Pre-Service Teacher Candidates Through the edTPA.” National Social Science Association’s Technology and Social Science Conference, San Diego
- Chambers, K. & Owens-Mosby, D. (October, 2021). “Building culturally-responsive lessons with pre-service teachers through social studies methods.” National Social Science Association’s Technology and Social Science Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Chambers, K. & Owens-Mosby, D. (October, 2021)."From Beginning to End: Supervising Pre-service Teachers Through the Pandemic” National Social Science Association’s Technology and Social Science Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Owens-Mosby, D. & Chambers, K. (October, 2021). “edTPA Coordinators: Leading Students Through The Process.” National Social Science Association’s Technology and Social Science Conference, San Diego, CA.
Appendix A - Teaching Experience
- ICL 7992 - Masters Project
- ICL 7504 - Elementary Math Methods
- ICL 7605 - Elementary Science Methods
- ICL 7059 M50 - Models of Instruction
- ICL3251 - Elementary Math Methods
- ICL4800 - Residency II
- ICL7605 - Elementary Science Methods
- ICL 3333 - Student Assessment and Instructional Decision Making
- ICL 4001 - Urban Learning Environment
- ICL4914 - Professional Seminar
- ICL 4005 - Middle School Science Methods
Appendix B - Student Advising/Mentoring
- Graduate School Advising
- Program Coordinator for Elementary/Middle School 2015-2016
- edTPA Coordinator2013-2015;2018-2019
Appendix C - Research/Scholarship/Creative Activities
- Common Core in the Algebra Classroom 2013
- Common Planning Times in Middle Schools 2013
- Using Technical Writing to explore the "E" in STEM 2014
- Differentiating Instruction with the ABC Mouse Website and the impact it has on Kindergarten Readiness Skills. 2014
- "M" in STEM: Problem Solving Strategies with Reading/Writing Connections 2015
Appendix D - Support
- Improving Teacher Quality Grant (2013) Common Core in the Algebra Classroom (Funded)
- Improving Teacher Quality Grant (2014)Using Technical Writing to Explore the "E" in STEM (Funded)
- Improving Teacher Quality (2015) M in STEM: Problem Solving Strategies using Reading/Writing Connections (Funded)
- Improving Teacher Quality (2016) Exploring Literacy Practices for Science and Technology in Secondary STEM
Classrooms.(Not Funded)
- Thompson, N.,Owens, D., Bubrig. J., Mueller, C., & Taylor, R. (2015-September 2017). “Southern Teacher Coalition”. U.S. PREP, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Status: Funded ($575,000)