Faculty and Staff Profiles

Assoc Professor, College of Health Sciences
Email: bmcclnhn@memphis.edu
Office Location: 123 Fieldhouse


Dr. McClanahan focuses on solution-oriented and participatory based research aimed at improving individual and population health and well-being through the promotion, adoption, and maintenance of positive health behaviors. Recognizing that behavior is shaped through multiple influences, her research examines the effect of various behavioral and environmental interventions on health outcomes.  A primary focus of her work is to develop ways to increase physical activity, enhance activity experiences and prevent/ treat obesity.  Dr. McClanahan has a strong commitment to community outreach and engaged scholarship and strives to produce research outcomes that are relevant to at-risk populations and to the community at large. Specific research interest areas include:

  • Physical Activity Participation – behavioral, psychosocial, biophysical correlates and determinants, strategies, implementation and evaluation.
  • Application of the socio-ecologic model to facilitate positive change at individual, group, organization, policy and population levels.
  • Osteoporosis Prevention – methods to increase physical activity, promote calcium intake in at-risk populations (athletes, dancers, young girls, etc)

Additional Information

School of Health Studies      

  • PhD Exercise Science and Leisure Management - University of Mississippi - 1998
  • EdD Higher Education (Interdisciplinary) - University of Memphis - 1990
  • MS Fitness Management - University of Memphis - 1983
  • BS Education (Secondary PE) - University of Memphis - 1981

Work Experience

  • Associate Professor, College of Health Sciences - The University of Memphis - 2007 - present
  • Assistant Professor, Health and Sport Sciences - The University of Memphis - 2002-2007
  • Director, Metabolic Laboratory, Center for Community Health - The University of Memphis - 1994-2002
  • Instructor / Assistant Professor, Health, Physical Education and Recreation - The University of Memphis - 1986 - 1994

Teaching Experience

  • HPRO 7002 Contemporary Health Issues (G) -  
  • HPRO 7182 Health Promotion (G) -  
  • HPRO 7183 Lifestyle Wellness and Disease Prevention (G) -  
  • HPRO 7710 Event Planning for Health Promotion (G) -  
  • HLSC 2100 Wellness Concepts and Practice (U) -  
  • HLSC 3505/3506 Principles of Health and Fitness Instruction (U) -  
  • HLSC 3606 Leadership and Communication in Health Promotion (U) -  
  • HLSC 3716 Marketing and Entrepreneurship n Health Promotion (U) -  
  • HLSC 3800 Strategic Planning and Program Development (U) -  
  • EXSS 3306 Elementary School Health and Wellness (U) -  
  • EXSS 3700 Exercise Physiology Introduction (U) -  
  • EXSS 4003 Exercise Testing and Interpretation (U) -  
  • PHED 1002 Fitness for P.E. Majors (U) -  
  • PHED 3604 Teaching Phys Ed /Health / K-Middle (U) -  
  • PHED: Aerobics, Weight Training, Racquetball, Swimming, Bowling (U) -  

Student Advising/Mentoring

  • Master - Andre, Jessica - 2019
Books Published
  • McClanahan, B. S. & Stockton, M. B. (2012). Community Physical Activity Interventions. In ACSM's Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 7th Edition  (chapter 47).  Philadelphia, PA.: Lippincot, Williams, & Wilkins.  ISBN/ISSN: 9781609139568 
  • Stockton, M. B., & McClanahan, B. S. (2012). Health Behavior Counseling Skills. In ACSM's Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription , 7th Edition  (Chapter 44).  Philadelphia, PA.: Lippincot, Williams, & Wilkins.  ISBN/ISSN: 9781609139568

Journal Articles
  • Stockton, M. B., Ward, K. D., McClanahan, B. S., Vander Weg, M. W., Coday, M., Wilson, N., ... & Mohamed, H. (2023). The Efficacy of Individualized, Community-Based Physical Activity to Aid Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of smoking cessation2023, e4.

  • Kilmurray, C., Vander Weg, M., Wilson, N., Relyea, G., McClanahan, B., Stockton, M. B., & Ward, K. D. (2023). Determinants of smoking related weight-concern in smokers participating in a community-based cessation program. Eating Behaviors51, 101809.

  • Vander Weg, M.W., Coday, M., Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, B., Relyea, G., Read, M.C., Wilson, N., Connelly, S., Richey, P., Johnson, K.C., & Ward, K.D. (2017). Community-based physical activity as adjunctive smoking cessation treatment: Rationale, design, and baseline data for the Lifestyle Enhancement Program (LEAP) randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 9, 50-59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conctc.2017.11.013

  • Collins, A. C., Ward, K. D., McClanahan, B. S., Slawson, D. L., Vukadinovich, C., Mays, K. E., ... & Relyea, G. (2019). Bone accrual in children and adolescent nonelite swimmers: a 2-Year longitudinal study. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine29(1), 43-48.

  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M. B., Klesges, R.C., Slawson, D.L., Lanctot, J. Q., Klesges, L., & Relyea, G. (2015). Psychosocial correlates of physical activity in African American girls. Health Behavior and Policy Review. 2(2):100-109.   DOI: https://doi.org/10.14485/HBPR.2.2.2

  • Collins, A.C., Ward, K.D., Mirza, B., Slawson, D.L., McClanahan, B.S., & C. Vukadinovich. (2012). Comparison of nutritional intake in US adolescent swimmers and non-athletes. Health. 4(10): 873-880. doi: 10.4236/health.2012.410133

  • Stockton, M. B., McClanahan, B. S., Lanctot, J. Q., Klesges, R. C., & Beech, B. M. (2012). Identification of facilitators and barriers to participation in weight gain prevention research by African American girls. Contemporary clinical trials, 33(1), 38-45. 


  • Klesges, R.C., Obarzanek, E., Kumanyika, S., Murray, D., Klesges, L.M., Relyea, G., Stockton, M., Lanctot, J.Q., Beech, B, McClanahan, B., Slawson, D. (2010). The Memphis Girls health Enrichment Multisite Studies (GEMS):  An evaluation of the efficacy of a two-year obesity prevention intervention in African American girls. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 164 (11): 1007-1014. doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2010.196

  • McClanahan, B. S., Stockton, M. B., Lanctot, J. Q., Relyea, G., Klesges, R. C., Slawson, D. L., & Schilling, L. P. (2009). Measurement of body composition in 8–10-year-old African-American girls: A comparison of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and foot-to-foot bioimpedance methods. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity4(4), 389-396.

  • Stockton, M. B., Lanctot, J. Q., McClanahan, B. S., Klesges, L. M., Klesges, R. C., Kumanyika, S., & Sherrill-Mittleman, D. (2009). Self-perception and body image associations with body mass index among 8–10-year-old African American girls. Journal of pediatric psychology, 34(10), 1144-1154. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/jsp023

  • Reddy, J. G., Ebbert, J. O., Klesges, L. M., Enders, F. T., Klesges, R. C., Lanctot, J. Q., McClanahan, B. S. (2008). The relationship between caffeine and blood pressure in preadolescent African American girls. Ethnicity & Disease, 18(3), 283-288 
  • Himes, J.H., Oborzanek, E., Baranowski, T., Wilson, D.M., Rochon, J., & B.S. McClanahan. (2004).  Early Sexual Matuation, Body Composition and Obesity in African American girls.  Obesity Research.  12: 64S-72S.  
  • Wilson, D., Wang, Y., Cullen, K., Baranowski, T., Himes, J., Gross, M., McClanahan, B., & Robinson, T.  (2004). Assessing Weight-related Biochemical Risk Factors in African American Girls – Results of the GEMS Pilot Trials. Obesity Reserach. 12:42S-63S. 
  • Sherwood, N.E., Taylor, W.C., Treuth, M., Klesges, L., Baranowski, T., Zhou, A., Pratt, C., McClanahan, B., Robinson, T.N., Pruitt, L. & Miller, W.  (2004).   Measurement Characteristics of Activity-Related Psychosocial Measures in 8-10 year old African American Girls in the Girls health Enrichment Multi-Site Study (GEMS).  Preventive Medicine.  38S; S60-8.
  • Treuth, M.S., Sherwood, N.E., Baranowski, T., Bute, N.F., Jacobs, D.R. Jr., McClanahan, B., Gao S., Rochon, J., Zhou, A., Robinson, T.N., Pruitt, L., Haskell, W., and E. OBarzanek.  (2004).  Physical activity self-report and accelerometry measures from the Girls health Enrichment Multi-site Studies.  Preventive Medicine.  38S; S43-9.
  • Ward, K.D., Mays, K.E., Burstyne, M.B., Slawson, D.A., Vukadinovich, C.M., McClanahan, B.S., & Clemens, L.H. (2004)  Reliability and validity of a brief questionnaire to assess calcium intake in female collegiate athletes. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.  14:  209-221.
  • Vanderweg, M.S., Watson, J.M., Klesges, R.C., Clemens, L.H., Slawson, D.L., & McClanahan, B.S.  (2004).  Development and cross-validation of a prediction equation for estimating resting energy expenditure in healthy African American and European American women.  European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 58:  474-480.
  • Watson,J.M., Scarinci, I.C., Klesges, R.C., Murray, D.M., Vanderweg, M.S., DeBon, M., Clemens, L.H.E., Slawson, D.L., McClanahan, B.  (2003).  Relationships among smoking status, ethnicity, socioeconomic indicators, and lifestyle variables in a biracial sample of women. Preventive Medicine.  37(2):138-47.
  • Treuth, M.S., Sherwood, H.E., Butte, N.F., McClanahan, B.S., Obarzanek, E., Zhou, A., Ayers, C., Adolph, A., Jordan, J., Jacobs, D.R., & Rochon, J.  (2003).  Validity and reliability of self-report and activity monitors to assess physical activity in African-American girls for the Girls Health Enrichment Multi-site Studies (GEMS).  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.  35 (3):  532. 
  • Beech, B.M.,  Klesges, R.C., Kumanyika, S., Murray, D., Klesges, L., McClanahan, B. Slawson, D., Nunnally, C., McLain-Allen, B. and Pree-Cary, J. (2003).  Child- and Parent Targeted Interventions:  The Memphis GEMS Pilot Study.  Journal of Ethnicity and Disease. 13 (1). Supplement 1.   
  • McClanahan, B.S., Ward, K.D., Vukadinovich, C., Klesges, R.C., Chitwood, L., Kinzey,S.J., Frate, D.  (2002).  Bone mineral density in triathletes over a competitive season.  Journal of Sports Sciences. 20:463-469. 
  • McClanahan, B.S., Harmon-Clayton, K., Ward, K.D., Klesges, R.C., Vukadinovich, C.M., and Cantler, E.D., (2002).  Side-to-side comparisons of bone mineral density in upper and lower limbs of collegiate athletes.  The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 16:586-590. 
  • Alfano, C.M., Klesges, R.C., Murray, D.M., Beech, B.M., & McClanahan, B.S (2002).  History of sport participation in relation to obesity and related health behaviors in women. Preventive Medicine. 34:82-89.  
  • Slawson, D.L., McClanahan B.S., Clemens, L.H., Ward, K.D., Klesges, R.C., Vukadinovich, C.M., & Cantler, E.D.  (2001).  Food sources of calcium in a sample of African-American and Euro-American collegiate athletes.  Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 11 (2),199-208.
  • McClanahan, B.S. (1993).  The influence of a wellness course in the undergraduate curriculum:  a comparison between a cognitive-based course and an activity based course.  Wellness Perspectives:  Research, Theory and Practice, 9 (4), 33-46. 
  • McClanahan, B. S., Stockton, M. B., & Vukadinovich, C. (2024). A Preliminary Investigation Of The Relationship Between Triathlete Micronutrient Intake And Training Volume During A Competitive Season: 1455. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise56(10S), 488.

  • Kilmurrray, C., Vander Weg, M., Wilson, N., Mou, X., McClanahan, B., Stockton, M., and Ward, K. (2024). Weight concerns as a predictor for smoking cessation in smokers participating in a community-based cessation program.  Society for Reserach on NIcotine and Tobacco (SRNT) Annual Conference, March 20-23. Endinburgh, Scotland. 
  • Stockton, M. B., McClanahan, B. S., & Tyner, N. J. (2020). Motivational Factors Associated with Physical Activity in Middle School Student. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 52(7S), 276.
  • McClanahan, B. S., Stockton, M. B., & Tyner, N. J. (2020). Physical Activity Preferences of Urban, Middle School Students. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 52(7S), 284.
  • McClanahan, B. S., Stockton, M. B., & Vukadinovich, C. M. (2019). Biometric, Dietary And Training influences On Bone Mineral Content In Competitive Triathletes: 2474: Board# 138 May 31 11: 00 AM-12: 30 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51(6), 680.
  • Stockton, M. B., McClanahan, B., & Vukadinovich, C. (2019). Relationships Among Coping Strategies And Training Intensity, Duration, And Frequency In Triathletes: 2625: Board# 289 May 31 9: 30 AM-11: 00 AM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51(6), 732.
  • McClanahan, B. S., Stockton, M., & Vukadinovich, C. (2018). A Preliminary Investigation of the Relationship Between Training Volume and Body Fat in Triathletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 50(5S), 789-790.

  • Stockton, M. B., McClanahan, B., & Vukadinovich, C. (2018). Influence of Psychosocial Wellness Factors on Training Duration in Triathletes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 50(5S), 790.
  • McClanahan, B. S., Vukadinovich, C., Stockton, M., Ward, K., & Slawson, D. (2017). Relationship between Training Volume and Dietary Status in Triathletes A Preliminary Study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49(5S), 1059.
  • Stockton, M. B., Ward, K. D., McClanahan, B. S., Vander Weg, M. W., Coday, M., Wilson, N., ... & Johnson, K. C. (2017). Lifestyle Enhancement Program: Evaluation of a Community-based Physical Activity Smoking Cessation Program. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49(5S), 32-33.
  • McClanahan, B. S., Vukadinovich, C. M., Slawson, D. L., Ward, K. D., & Stockton, M. B. (2016). Dietary Status of Male and Female Triathletes During A Competitive Season. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 48(5 Suppl 1), 341.
  • Stockton, M.B., Ullmann, G., Krull, K., Yli-Piipari, S., Martindale, T., McClanahan, B.S., & Ward, K.D. (2016). Formative Evaluation of a Web-Based Professional Development Program to Increase Physical Activity in K-12 Classrooms. American College of Sports Medicine 63rd Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Volume 48 (5S Suppl 1). DOI:10.1249/01.mss.0000487309.28326.00
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., McClanahan W.R., & Chambliss H.O (2015) Building activity friendly environments: community based participatory research leads to adoption of activity friendly policy. American College of Sports Medicine 62nd Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Volume 47:5 S.
  • Stockton, M.B., Levy, M., DeFouw, J., & McClanahan B.S. (2015) Midday Moves: Health trend outcomes of a physical activity initiative in an urban university. American College of Sports Medicine 62nd Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Volume 47:5 S.
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., & McClanahan, R. (2014). Evaluation of Community Based Participatory Research in Building Active Community Environments. American College of Sports Medicine 61st Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Volume 46:5 S
  • Stockton, M.B., Levy, M., McClanahan, B.S. Hopkins, R., Vest, J., Ellis, J., Varnum, M., Bingham, R.P. (2014). Midday Moves: Initiative to Promote Activity in an Urban University. American College of Sports Medicine 61st Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.Volume 46:5 S.
  •  McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, W.R., Clayborn, S. (2013).  Participatory Methods Facilitate Policy Reform to Support Complete Streets. Art and Science of Health Promotion 23rd Annual Conference. Hilton Head Island, SC.
  • Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, B. Overacker, T. (2013). The Relationship among Neighborhood Environment and Child Physical and Sedentary Activity Levels. Art and Science of Health Promotion 23rd Annual Conference. Hilton Head Island, SC. 
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., Clark, S.E., & McClanahan, W.R. (2012). Partnership for Active Community Environments: Translating Research into Action. American College of Sports Medicine 59th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
  • Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, B.S., Overacker, T. (2012). Girls Learning Interrelated Techniques Targeting Environmental Risks: Feasibility of a Pilot Obesity Intervention. American College of Sports Medicine 59th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.  
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, W.R., Clark, S. E., (2012).  Participatory Methods Promote Active Living Policy Review and Action. 22nd Annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference. San Diego, CA.
  •  Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, B.S., Clark, S., & McClanahan, W.R. (2012). Active Community Environments: Translating Research into Practice. 22nd Annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference. San Diego, CA.
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, W.R., & S. E. Clark. (2011). Interdisciplinary Stakeholders Identify Supports and Barriers to Building Activity Friendly Neighborhoods. 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society, Orlando, FL. Obesity: A Research Journal. 19(1), S125. 
  • Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, B.S., Clark, S. & W.R. McClanahan. (2011). Activity Friendly Neighborhoods: Participatory Approach for Maximizing Partnerships, 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Obesity Society, Orlando, FL.  Obesity: A Research Journal. 19(1), S146. 
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., Schilling, L.P., & Beech, B.M. (2011).  Influence of Self-Administered Dance Video vs Teacher Led Class on Physical Activity Participation. American College of Sports Medicine 58th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. 
  • Stockton, M.B., Algea, C., McClanahan, B., & Narowetz, L. (2011). Process and Outcome Evaluation of a Faith-Based Program to Increase Lifestyle Physical Activity. American College of Sports Medicine 58th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. Medicine and Science in Sports and exercise. 43 (5), 3149.  
  • McClanahan, B.S., & Stockton, M.B., (2011).  Engaged Scholarship: Participatory Practices Enhance Outcomes. 21st Annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference, Colorado Springs, CO. 
  • Stockton, M.B., McClanahan, B.S., & Clark, S. (2011). Enhancement of Health Counseling Skills through Applied Experiential Learning. 21st Annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference. Colorado Springs, CO. 
  •  McClanahan, B. Parks, N., Frazier, R., & Stockton, M.B., (2010).  Process Evaluation of Community-Engagement: Healthy Memphis Common Table.  American Academy of Health Behaviors Annual Meeting.  Clearwater, FL. 
  • Stockton, M.B., Heegel, M., & McClanahan, B. (2010).  Individual, Familial and Environmental Associations of BMI in Girls.  American Academy of Health Behaviors Annual Meeting.  Clearwater, FL. 
  •  McClanahan, B., Stockton, M. B., Ward, K. D., Coday, M., & Read, M. (2009). Physical and Health Characteristics Related to Maximum Time on Exercise Electrocariogram for Smokers. The Obesity Society 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington D.C.    
  • Stockton, M. B., McClanahan, B., Ward, K. D., Coday, M., & Read, M. (2009). Influence of Smoking Behaviors, Attitudes, and Beliefs on Body Mass Index.  The Obesity Society 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington D.C.    
  • McClanahan, B., Overacker, T., Stockton, M., Trammel, R., & Irwin, C. (2009).  Increasing physical activity in children enrolled in afterschool programs:  Activate Memphis.  American Academy of Health Behaviors. 9th Annual Scientific Meeting, Hilton Head, SC.      
  • Overacker, T., McClanahan, B., Stockton, M., Trammel, R., & Irwin, C. (2009).  Process evaluation of a community-wide interdisciplinary.  American Academy of Health Behaviors. 9th Annual Scientific Meeting, Hilton Head, SC.     
  • Klesges, L.; Lanctot, J.; Relyea, G.; Sherrill-Mittleman, D.; Stockton, M.; McClanahan, B.; Klesges, R.; Kumanyika, S. (2009).  Behavioral Mediators Of A Weight Gain Prevention Intervention For African American Girls: The Memphis Girls Health Enrichment Multisite Studies (GEMS).  Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting.  Montreal, Quebec, Canada 
  • McClanahan, B., Stockton, M., & Narowetz, L. (2008). Influence of Religious Practices on Body Mass Index in College Students. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.   
  • Stockton, M.B, McClanahan, B., & Saffer, N. (2008). Influence of Activity Preferences on Body Mass Index: A Comparison between Preadolescent and Adolescent African American Children. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.   
  • Klesges, L.K., Klesges, R.C., Obarzanek E., Kumanyika, S., Beech, B., McClanahan, B.,  Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Relyea, G., Murray, D., Slawson, D., Sherrill-Mittleman, D.  (2008)Outcomes and Behavioral Mediators of An Obesity Prevention Intervention For African American Girls: The Memphis GEMS.  7th Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.  Banff, Alberta, Canada.
  • Kumanyika, S., Beech, B.M., McClanahan, B., Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Slawson, D., Klesges, L.M., Klesges, R.C.  Development of the Family-Based Obesity Prevention Program for Pre-Adolescent African-American Girls in the Memphis Girls Health Enrichment Multisite Studies (GEMS), (2008).  7th Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.  Banff, Alberta, Canada. 
  • Stockton, M.B., Klesges, R.C., Lanctot, J.Q., Beech, B.M., McClanahan, B., Klesges, L.M., Kumanyika, S., Slawson, D.  Recruitment and Retention Methods for African-American Girls Participating In The Memphis Girls Health Enrichment Multisite Studies (GEMS), (2008).  7th Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.  Banff, Alberta, Canada. 
  • Klesges, R.C., Oberzanek, E., Klesges, L.M., Beech, B., Kumanyika, S., McClanahan, B., Stockton, M., Lanctot, J.Q., Relyea, G., Murray, D., Slawson, D., Mitleman, D. (2007). The Memphis Girls health Enrichment Multisite Studies (GEMS):  An evaluation of the long term efficacy of a weight gain prevention intervention in African American girls. American Heart Association, 2007 Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL. 

  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Relyea, G., Klesges, R.C., Slawson, D.L., & Schilling, L.P. (2007). Relationship between foot-to-foot BIA and DEXA in African American girls. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Obesity Research, 15 (9), A127.
  • Stockton, M.B., Klesges, L.M., McClanahan, B.S., Sherrill-Mittleman, D., Lanctot, J.Q., & Klesges, R. (2007). Validity of psychosocial activity measures with objectively measured physical activity in African American girls. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Obesity Research, 15 (9), A68.   
  • Klesges, L.M., Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Sherrill-Mittleman, D., McClanahan, B.M., & Klesges, R.C. (2007). Social desirability response bias in self-reported physical activity and dietary behaviors in 8- 10-year-old African American girls. North American Society for the Study of Obesity 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Obesity Research, 15 (9), A66. 
  • Slawson,D.L., Lanctot,J.Q., Klesges, R.C. Klesges, L.M., McClanahan, B.S., Relyea, G. (2007). Girls’ Dietary Quality and the Influences of Child Eating Patterns, Attitudes, and Parent Support for Healthful Eating. Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo 2007, Philadelphia, PA. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 107 (8), A89.   
  • Sherrill, S.M., McClanahan, B., & Hall, S. (2007).  PROJECT CONNECT: Enhancing Patient and Family Centered Communication. National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions (NCHRI) Annual Meeting:  San Diego, TX.    
  • McClanahan, B.S., Stockton, M.B., Lanctot, J.Q., Slawson, D.L., Klesges, R.C., & Relya, G.  (2007). The Relationship Between Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Body Composition in African American Girls. American College of Sports Medicine 54th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.     
  • Stockton, M., McClanahan, B., Lanctot, J., Klesges, R. C., & Klesges, L. M. (2007). The predictors of body dissatisfaction in 8- to10- year old African American girls.  American College of Sports Medicine 54th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. 
  • McClanahan, B.S., Lanctot, J.Q., Stockton, M.B., Klesges, R.C., Slawson, D.L., & Klesges, L.  (2006).  Calcium intake and body composition in African American girls.  North American Association for the Study of Obesity 2006 Annual Scientific Meeting. Boston, MA.   
  • McClanahan, B.S., Lucchesi, M.S., Henley, W., Wride, T., McDaniel, M., McClain, A., & Irwin, C. (2006). Walking In Memphis:  Leveraging local initiatives to expand outreach and impact.  16th Annual  Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference.  Las Vegas, NV.