Dr. Beverly Cross has been appointed to the Lillian and Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence in Urban Education at the University of Memphis. She will provide leadership in the College of Education’s mission to enhance educational success for urban learners.
She comes to the U of M from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where she was an associate professor of curriculum theory and urban education. Before teaching at the university level, she taught public high school and worked in state education.
Cross is nationally recognized for her record of teaching, research, scholarship, and service in urban education. She has conducted research in the areas of teacher diversity, urban education, multicultural and anti-racist education, and curriculum theory, and she has written frequently on urban education, particularly issues of race, class, and culture in urban schools and achievement. Her research has appeared in such publications as the Theory into Practice, Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, Education Leadership, the International Journal of Educational Reform and the Urban Review.
She earned her doctorate in curriculum, instruction, and professional development from The Ohio State University.
Additional Information
The Holmes Partnership
American Educational Research Association
Work Experience
- Curriculum Consultant, Ohio Department of Education - The Ohio State University - 1984-1985
- State Supervisor, Ohio Department of Education - The Ohio State University - 1985-1992
- Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - 1992-1996
- Moss Chair of Excellence in Urban Education, College of Education - University of Memphis - 2006-Present
- Milwaukee Person of the Year - Milwaukee Magazine - 1998
- Teaching Excellence Award - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee--College of Education - 2001
- Excellent Teacher Award - Youth Leadership Academy - 2001
Teaching Experience
- Business Education Teaching Assistant - The Ohio State University
- Business Education - Columbus (Ohio) City Schools
- Middle School Teaching - Private Industry Council (Columbus)
- Adult Education Teacher - Columbus (Ohio) City Schools
- Business Education Program Coordinator - Columbus (Ohio) City Schools
- A Multi-Site Case Study of Site-Based Management - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - $9,100 - 1993-1994
- Minority Mathematics and Science Teaching Scholarships - Wisconsin-Eisenhower Mathematics & Science Program - $40,000 - 1003-1994
- A Multi- & Multiple Case Study of Site-Based Management - US Department of Education, OERI - $98,427 - 1994-1995
- Creating & Sustaining a Community of Dialogue - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - $24,000 - 1994-1995
- Center for Minority Achievement - Bank Street College - $10,000 - 1994-1995
- Urban Education Leadership Institute - Bader Foundation - $400,000 - 1995-1998
- Colored Voices in Curriculum Practice - Institute on Race and Ethnicity - $1,000 - 1997-1998
- Learning or Unlearning Racism in Teacher Education - Institute for Excellence in Urban Education - $1,000 - 1997-1998
- Urban Teacher Supply and Diversity - Joyce Foundation - $76,920 - 1999-2000
- The Role of Educators and Education in Social Movements - Cultures and Communities Faculty Fellowship Grant - $7,200 - 2000-2001
- State of Children in Milwaukee - UW System of Multicultural Affairs - $80,000 - 2004-2005
- Democracy, Education & Literacy in South Africa - Institute on Race and Ethnicity - $467 - 2004
- Diversity Standards Committee - Tennessee Board of Regents - $10,000 - 2007-2008
- ACE Academy Project - Urban Serving University/NASULGC - $9,000 - 2007-2008
- Teacher Talent and Leadership Grant - SCS i-Zone Project - $120,599 - 2016
- African and African American Institute - Local Funder -   - 2014-2015
- School-Based Asthma Project - Urban Child Institute -   - 2017-2018
- Memphis Teacher Leader Circles - Local Funder -   - 2019-2020
- Professional Learning Coach Study - Shelby County Schools -   - 2016
- Reading Implementation Study - Shelby County Schools -   - 2017
- Federal HUD Grant Memphis South City People study - HUD -   - 2017-2021
- Open Educational Resources and Digital Education Initiative - Tennessee Board of Regents -   - 2021-2022
- University of Memphis - Graduate Faculty Status - 2006-Present
- University of Memphis - Engaged Scholarship Faculty - 2006-Present
- University of Memphis - Center for Urban Interdisciplinary Research and Engagement for Equity Co-Director with Celia Anderson - 2007-Present
- University of Memphis - NCATE Steering Committee - 2007-2008
- University of Memphis - Johnson Scholars Program - 2006-2007
- University of Memphis - Hooks Institute Advisory Committee - 2006-2007
- University of Memphis - CBANA Faculty Mentor - 2007-2008
- Urban Child Institute - Education and Dissemination - Spring 2008
- University of Memphis - National Civil Rights Museum Education Committee - October 2008-Present
- University of Memphis - Health & Sport Sciences Search Committee - Fall 2008-Spring 2009
- University of Memphis - Instruction and Curriculum Leadership Search Committee - Fall 2008-Spring 2009
- University of Memphis - Urban Serving Universities Executive Committee - Summer 2008-Present
- University of Memphis - Equity in Education, Editorial Review Board - Fall 2008-Present
- University of Memphis - Brothers of the Academy Moderator - Fall 2008
- University of Memphis - Leave Bank Commmittee - 2008-2009
- University of Memphis - New Faculty Orientation Panelist - Fall 2008
- University of Memphis Hooks Institute - Fayette County Education Project -  
- University of Memphis Hooks Institute - Hooks Youth for Social Change - Spring 2008
- University of Memphis - Tennessee Board of Regents - TQI Induction and Mentoring Commitee
- Shelby County Schools Gala - College of Education Representative - 2007, 2009
- Memphis Chamber of Commerce - Workforce Development Committee - Fall 2009-2013
- Noyce Mathematics and Science Grant - Interview/Selection Team - Summer 2009
- Davies Manor Plantation - Engaged Scholarship Relationship - Summer 2009
- Women's Foundation for Greater Memphis - Grants Committee and Showcase Co-Chair - Fall 2009-2010
- Education as a Constitutional Right and Economic Driver - Hooks Institute Symposium 2010 - 2009-2010
- University of Missouri St. Louis - External Reviewer for Teaching and Learning Division - February 24-25, 1010
- American Educational Research Association - Division B Vice President Nominee - 2010
- United Way of the Mid-South - Blueprint for Graduation Summit (America's Promise) - March 31, 2010 (Action Planning Discussion Leader)
- Ben Hooks Institute for Social Change - Education as a Civil Right and Economic Driver - April 8, 2010 (Cafe Discussion Leader)
- Strengthening Communities Grant Review Committee - School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy - Spring 2010
- University of Memphis - Holmes Partnership Vic-President for Urban and Equity Initiatives - 2007-2010
- University of Memphis - St George Diversity and Equity Leadership - 2009-2010
- University of Memphis - Urban League Advisory Committee - 2009-Present
- University of Memphis - Bridges Board - 2007-2013
- University of Memphis - Memphis City Schools Urban Education Center Advisory Board - 2008-2013
- University of Memphis - Women's Foundation of Greater Memphis - 2008-Present
- University of Memphis - Literacy Mid-South Board - 2010-2012
Books Published
- Books/Monographs
- Cross, B., Tredway, L., Alder, N., Metcalfe, E. (Eds.). (2003). A look in social justice practices: A primer for social justice. Milwaukee: The Urban Network to Improve Teacher Education.
- Cross, B. (2002). The Overwhelming Presence of Whiteness in Teacher Education: Race and Teaching in Milwaukee, Chicago, and Cleveland. Milwaukee: Rethinking Schools.
- Applied Research Center. (Contributing Author). (2002). Teacher Quality as Related to Education and Race. An Analysis of No Child Left Behind. Oakland, CA: Applied Research Center.
- Book Chapters
- Cross, B. (1995). The case for culturally coherent curriculum. The Coherent Curriculum. Beane, J. (Ed). Alexandria, VA: Yearbook of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
- Cross, B. (1998). Relationships Between Curriculum and Disengagement: Problems and Possibilities. In Speaking the Unpleasant: The Politics of Non-engagement in the Multicultural Education Terrain, O’Donnell, J. & Chavez, R. (Eds.). New York: State University of New York Press.
- Cross, B. (2003). The gift of lamentation. In A look inside social justice practices: A Primer for social justice. The Urban Network to Improve Teacher Education.
- Cross, B. (2003). Authentic Assessment. In A look inside social justice practices: A Primer for social justice. The Urban Network to Improve Teacher Education.
- Cross, B. (2006). Education and the academic achievement of African-American Students. In Teaching Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities: Strategies for Second Language Learners in Inclusive Settings (Elva Duran, Editor), Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher. .
- Cross, B. (2010) Messages to Teacher Educators from the Margins: Teachers of Color on Equity in Diverse Classrooms. (In Press) In Culture, curriculum and identity in education. Milner, H. R. (Ed). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Cross, B. (2010). Anti-Racism Theory. In Encylopedia of Curriculum Studies. Craig Kridel (Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing Company.
- Cross, B. (2010). Curriculum Studies, the Nature of. In Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. Craig Kridel (Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing Company.
Books Reviewed
- Cross, B. (1993, October). [Published Book Review of Free at Last: A history of the civil rights movement and those who died in the struggle]. Educational Leadership, 51(2), 92.
- Cross, B. (1996, September). [Published Book Review of Practicing what we teach: Confronting diversity in teacher education. Educational Leadership 54(1), 87.
- Cross, B. (December 1997/January 1998). [Published Book Review of Beyond Desegregation]. Educational Leadership, 55(4), 90-91.
Journal Articles
- Cross, B. (1993, May). How do we prepare teachers to improve race relations? Educational Leadership, 50(8), 64-65.
- Cross, B. (1993, Spring). Teachers’ voice and power through middle school curriculum making. Tennessee Middle School Journal, 19(1), 26-31.
- Cross, B. (1993, July 12). Two worlds, one classroom. In These Times, 17(17), 28-29.
- Cross, B. & Clark-Jones, F. (1994, March). Violence: Bringing schools and communities together. Wisconsin School News, 13-15.
- Cross, B. Educating America’s urban children and youth: An opportunity to strengthen society and schools. (1994, Spring). Forward, 13-18.
- Cross, B. & Molnar, A. (1994, Summer). Global issues in curriculum development. (1994, Summer). Peabody Journal of Education, ~(4), 131-139.
- Cross, B. & Reitzug, U. (1995, March). A community conversation about site-based management. Wisconsin School News, 42(11), 10-14.
- Reitzug, U. & Cross, B. (1995, July). Constraint and facilitation in site-based management. International Journal of Educational Reform.
- Cross, B. & Hill, J. (1995, July). Inside an African American Immersion School. Wisconsin School News 50(3), 23-27.
- Schug, M. & Cross, B. (1996, October). Solving the Mystery of Teaching About the Economy. Business Education Forum.
- Cross, B. & Reitzug, R. (1995, December/January). Urban schools and site-based management: Lessons from the field. Educational Leadership.
- Tiezzi, L. & Cross, B. (1997). Utilizing research on prospective teachers’ beliefs to inform urban field experiences. The Urban Review. 29(2), 113-125.
- Cross, B. (1997). What inner-city children say about character. National Society for the Study of Education Yearbook. 96(2), 120-126.
- Cross, B. (1997). Self-esteem and curriculum: Perspectives from urban teachers. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 13(1), 70-91.
- Schug, M. & Cross, B. (1998). The dark side of curriculum integration in social studies. The Social Studies. 89(2), 54-57.
- Cross, B. (1999, Spring). America divided still. Rethinking Schools. 13(2), 37.
- Cross, B. (1999). High-stakes illusion of community. Myriad. 8(1), 2-3.
- Cross, B. (2001). Racial profiling and punishment in US public schools: A Time for Action. Oakland, CA: Applied Research Center Special Issue.
- Cross, B. (2003, Summer). Learning or unlearning racism: How urban teachers transfer teacher education curriculum to classroom practices. Theory Into Practice.
- Cross, B. (2004). Reclaiming public and critical thought toward an educational movement. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy.
- Cross, B. (2005). New racism, reformed teacher education, and the same ole’ oppression. Education Studies, 38(3).
- Cross, B. (2007). Urban School Achievement Gap as a Metaphor To Conceal U.S. Apartheid Education. Theory Into Practice. 46(3).
- Cross, B. (2008, December). African American History and Culture: A Grassroots Interpretation of Culturally-Relevant Teaching for Academic Achievement and College Access. Metropolitan Universities Journal: An International Forum, 19(4).
- Anderson, C. Bullock, E., Cross, B., Powell, A. (2017). From Corporation to Community: Culturally relevant pedagogy in an urban laboratory for school reform. Teachers College Record.
- Cross, B. (2014). Staffing urban principals in the era of hyper-reform. A case from the port of good things. Alexandria, VA: Learning Forward.
- Cross, B. & Moots, S. (2020). Equitable access to quality CTE. New York: National Dropout Preventing Network. Successful Practices Network.
- Cross, B. (April 8, 2010). Cafe Discussion of 2 Million Minutes. Hooks Institute Conference, Education as an Economic Driver.
- National, Refereed, Paper Presentations
- Cross B. “Researching Teachers’ Curriculum Thinking, Decision Making, and Actions.” Ethnography in Education Research Forum, University of Pennsylvania, February 19-21, 1993, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Tiezzi, L. & Cross, B. “Utilizing Research on Prospective Teachers’ Beliefs to Inform an Urban Teacher Education Program.” Ethnography in Education Research Forum, February 18-20, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Tiezzi, L. & Cross, B. “Becoming a Professional Teacher in an Urban Context: Research on Prospective Teachers’ Beliefs.” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 6, 1994, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Reitzug, U. & Cross, B. “A Multi-Site Case Study of Site-Based Management in Urban Schools.” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 5, 1994, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Cross, B. “Personal Theorizing Through Action Research: Toward an Emerging Epistemology of Practical Curriculum Inquiry.” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 18, 1995, San Francisco, California.
- Cross, B. “Ambivalence and Certainty: Guides to Cultural Responsiveness Across Diverse Youths.” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 12, 1996, New York, New York.
- Cross, B. “The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Curriculum. Perspectives From Urban Teachers.” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 11, 1996, New York, New York.
- Cross, B. & Reitzug, U. “Invading the Other: Race, Gender, and Discipline as Invasive Factors in Qualitative Research.” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, March 27, 1997, Chicago, Illinois.
- Cross, B. “Avoiding Diversity: The Politics of(non)Engagement in Multicultural/Bilingual Teacher Education.” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 15,1998.
- Cross, B. “The Mockery of Democracy: Urban Teaching and Democratic Curriculum. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 17,1998.
- Cross, B. “Curriculum as Race or Race as Curriculum.” American Educational Research Association, April 11, 2001, Seattle, WA
- Cross, B., Levine, D., Christensen, L., Harvey, B. “Using Research to Struggle for Social Justice and to Bridge the Gap Between Scholars and Teachers, April 13, Seattle, American Educational Research Association
- Cross, B., Swope, K., Tenario, R. “How Should We Rethink Our Schools: Pockets of Promise for Multicultural Education. November 10, 2001,National Association of Multicultural Education, Las Vegas, NV
- Cross, B. (2002, April). “Conducting Research and Entering the Professoriate.” American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Cross, B., Levine, D., Christensen, L., Walters, S., & Dawson, K. (2002, April). “Using Research to Help New Teachers Work for Social Justice.” American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Cross, B. (2004, April 10). “What is curriculum studies.” American Association of Curriculum Studies, San Diego, CA.
- National Conference Presentations, Refereed
- Cross, B. & Reitzug, U. “Inquiry About Inquiry: Theoretical and Practical Examinations of Conducting Multi-Faceted Qualitative Research.” The Bergamo Conference, October 22. 1993, Dayton, Ohio.
- Tiezzi, L. & Cross, B. “Contextualizing a Shared Vision and Supporting Beliefs in Urban Professional Development Schools.” American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Annual Conference, February 17, 1994, Chicago, Illinois.
- Cross, B. & Reitzug, U. “Site-Based Management Implications for Emerging Leadership.” Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Conference, March 20, 1994, Chicago, Illinois.
- Cross, B. “Schools and Universities Connecting Our Mosaic Society for Future Teachers and Children.” Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Conference, March 21, 1994, Chicago, Illinois.
- Cross, B. “Creating Community Through Integrating Curriculum,” Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Meeting, March 25, 1995, San Francisco, California.
- Reitzug, U. & Cross, B. “Site-Based Decision Making: Management or Inquiry.” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, April 22, 1995.
- Cross, B. (2003). “Entering the Professoriate and conducting research.” American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
- Other National Conference Presentations
- Cross, B. “Curriculum Reformers & Reinventing School Advocates--Ships in the Night?”, ED VENTURES Conference (American Association of Educators in Private Practice), July 8, 1994, Madison, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Selling Out Public Schools: School Vouchers for Private Education.” National Lawyer’s Guild. April 17, 1999. Chicago, Illinois.
- Cross, B. “Rising to the Challenge: Problems and Solutions to Racism in Public Schools.” August 6, 1999. Reading, Writing and Race: A National Conference to Expose Racism & Advance School Excellence. University of California, Berkeley.
- Cross, B. “High Quality Teaching For All.” August 6, 1999. Reading, Writing and Race: A National Conference to Expose Racism & Advance School Excellence. University of California, Berkeley.
- Cross, B. “Race and Public School Reform.” Conference on Discipline or Diplomas sponsored by Color Lines, November 21, 1999. San Francisco, CA.
- Cross “A Right Denied: How Government Devolution, Privatization and Punishment Policies Target Students of Color.” July, 13, 2001, ERASE Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Cross, B. “Lessons Learned from Fights for Funding Equity.” July 13, 2001. ERASE Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Cross, B. “Teacher Quality.” July 14, 2001. ERASE Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Cross, B. “Education and the Future of African Americans.” July 28, 2003. National Association of Colored Women’s Club, Inc., Milwaukee, WI.
- Cross, B. “Using Critical Race Theory as a lens for qualitative research. October 15, 2004. LASER Conference, Tampa, FL.
- Cross, B. “Equity and Teachers’ Curriculum Decisions.” 1992, August. Keynote Presentation to Texas Office Education Association, Dallas, Texas.
- Cross, B. “Performance-Based Education for Special Population Students,” 1992, August. Texas Office Education Association, Dallas, Texas.
- Cross, B. “School Restructuring and At-Risk Populations.” Professional Improvement Conference, August 5, 1993, Dallas, Texas.
- Cross, B. “Effective Communication Skills.” Business Professionals of America Annual State Leadership Conference, October 8, 1993, Dallas, Texas.
- Cross, B. “African-American Curriculum Reform.” [Presentation to Professors of Curriculum]. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Conference, March 17, 1994, Chicago, Illinois.
- Cross, B. “Curriculum Integration at the Secondary Level.” The Pennsylvania Keystone Integrated Framework, August 16, 1995, Pocono, Pennsylvania.
- Post, L. and Cross, B. “Partnerships for Teacher Preparation: An All University Effort with Milwaukee Public Schools.” National Conference on Teacher Quality. January 9-10, 2000, Washington, DC.
- Cross, B. “Localities and Families and the Role of Education.” National Symposium on Africology. April 21, 2000.
- Cross, B. “The Struggle for Freedom and Education: A Story of Conflicting Values.” National Symposium on Africology, April 20, 2000.
- Cross, B. “A Day in the Life of a Professor.” Committee of Institutional Cooperation. July 18, 2000, Columbus, Ohio.
- Rethinking Schools Editors. “Using Rethinking Schools to Create Critical Literacy.” National Council on Teachers of English, November 19, 2000.
- Cross, B. “Student and Parent Voice in Curriculum.” American Educational Research Association, Chair/Discussant, April 28. 2000.
- Cross, B. (2002, October). Designing Teacher Education Curriculum with A Social Justice Orientation. Rhode Island Consortium of Colleges and Universities.
- Cross, B. (2007, May). Increasing Parent and Community Involvement.” NAACP 7th Biennial Daisy Bates Education Summit, May 19, 2007.
- Presentations at State Academic and Professional Meetings
- Cross, B. & White, A. “Developing Thematic Units and Interdisciplinary Curriculum.” Milwaukee Middle School Conference, March 26, 1994, Milwaukee, WI.
- Cross, B. & Moore, A. “Action Research and Community Building.” Teacher Research Conference, March 31-April 1, 1995, Appleton, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Creating Community Through Integrated Curriculum.” University of Wisconsin Reading Symposium, June 17, 1995, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Jett-Simpson, M. & Cross, B. “Interdisciplinary Thematic Units: Chaos? Coherence?” Wisconsin State Reading Association, January 30, 1997, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “It Finally Makes Sense: Curriculum Integration and the Difference It Makes.” August 7, 1997, State College, Pennsylvania.
- Cross, B. “Multicultural education perspectives for reforming teacher education.” Rhode Island Consortium of Colleges of Teacher Education. February 27, 2003, Providence, RI.
- Cross, B, “A is for Average: Grade Inflation and Academic Standards.” Wisconsin Association of Scholars and UWM Great Books Program. March 26, 2003.
- Presentations at Regional and Local Professional Meetings
- Cross, B. & Menefee, L. “School/University Collaboration.” Conference on Creating a Context for Collaborative Inquiry. Midwest Holmes Group and The Ohio State University, December 11, 1992, Columbus, Ohio.
- Cross, B. “Opportunities for Women in University Professions.” Rufus King High School presentation for talented female students, February 23, 1993, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Creating Diverse Learning Communities.” Keynote address at Columbus State Community College, August 21, 2000.
- Cross, B. “Integrating Curriculum.” Project BEST (Building Elementary Science/Mathematics Teaching), June 14-15, 1993, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. & Tiezzi, L. “Student Tracking at the Middle School Level--Facts and Fallacies.” Maple Dale School, October, 13, 1993, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Issues and Strategies for Developing Interdisciplinary Curriculum” Oliver Wendell Holmes Professional Development Program, December 3, 1993, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Curriculum Planning for Science and Mathematics.” Project BEST (Building Elementary Science/Mathematics Teaching), February 28, 1994, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. ‘Developing Thematic Curriculum.” Oliver Wendell Holmes Professional Development Program, January 30, 1995, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Integrating Curriculum.” Southeast Coalition for Professional Development, February 9, 1995, Brookfield, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Framework for Urban Curriculum Design.” American Council of Learned Societies/Milwaukee Public Schools teacher-fellows, March 22, 1995, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. ‘Developing Integrated Curriculum for High Schools.” Washington High School, January 27, 1996, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. ‘Developing Integrated Curriculum.” Kosicuszko Middle School, February 24 and March 5, 1996, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Integrating the Curriculum.” Gaenslen School. February 13 and March 4, 1996, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Integrating Curriculum.” Hartford Avenue School. Summer, 1996, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Assessing Curriculum Integration and Setting Direction.” Marquette University, July 9, 1996, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Unmasking Multiculturalism.” Milwaukee Public Schools New Teacher Pre-Service Academy, August 20, 1998, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice.” Milwaukee Public Schools New Teacher Pre-Service Academy, August 20, 1999, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Building Community with Social Justice.” Milwaukee Public Schools New Teacher Pre-Service Academy, August 18, 2000, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Cross, B. Curriculum Integration.” Milwaukee Metropolitan Teacher Education Program, November 9, 2000.
- Cross, B. “Using Technology to Build Curriculum.” Milwaukee Metropolitan Teacher Education Program, November 16, 2000.
- Cross, B. “Designing secondary Curriculum Around Ideas.” Marquette University, Upward Bound Program, June 25, 1999; June 23, 2000.
- Cross, B. “Teaching for Social Justice in Elementary Schools.” Hartford Avenue School. November 14, 2000.
- Cross, B. “Advancing Achievement through Integrating Multicultural Curriculum.” MATC Staff Development Program, March 10, 2001.
- Cross, B. “Teaching and Suspensions in Urban Schools.” Milwaukee Catalyst Community Forum, February 3, 2001, Providence Baptist Church
- Cross, B. “Teaching for Diversity of Values, Cultures and Environments.” MATC, Staff Development Program, March 30, 2001
- Cross, B. “Race and Reflective Practices.” Urban Planning Department, April 3, 2001.
- Cross, B. “Teaching and Multicultural Education.” MPS New Teacher Orientation, August 15, 2001
- Cross, B. “Integrating Curriculum.” MTEC, October 4, 2001.*
- Cross, B. “Engaging the Community and Education.” National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs and Youth Affiliates, October 6, 2001, Heftner Center.
- Cross, B. “Beyond Teaching About Diversity to Teaching For Diversity.” MATC, December 6, 2001, GET NAME Community Center.
- Cross, B. “Teaching in Multiracial Environments.” Lakeland College, December 18, 2001
- Cross, B. “Teaching in Your Future.” Sisters-to-Sisters Program at Journey House, December 17, 2001
- Cross, B. “Multicultural Education and Social Justice.” January 20, 2004. Milwaukee Education Center.
- Cross, B. “It’s Not the Program: It’s the Fabulous Teacher: Part I: MPS Literacy First Schools, March 29, 2004, Gaenslen School.
- Cross, B. “It’s Not the Program: It’s the Fabulous Teacher: Part II: MPS Literacy First Schools, March 30, 2004, Gaenslen School.
- Cross, B. “Using Race—The Power of an Illusion Part I (The Difference Between Us) as a Teaching Tool. November 16, 2004, Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.
- Cross, B. “Framing Urban Education Issues.” February 18, 2004. Presentation to Peru visiting teachers.
- Cross, B. “Going to Scale with Multicultural Units.” April 1, 2004. MMTEP, Milwaukee Education Center.
- Presentations at Meetings Sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Schug, M. & Cross, B. “Curricular Assumptions Underlying Tech Prep Lakeshore Administrators and Supervisors Conference, January 15, 1993 Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B., Menefee, L, & White, A. “Curriculum Changes—Integrated Curriculum” Lakeshore Administrators and Supervisors Conference, January 14, 1994, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Reitzug, U. & Cross, B. “Site-Based Management: Learning from Successful Practice.” Lakeshore Administrators and Supervisors Conference, January 14, 1994, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Urban Education: Crisis and Dilemmas.” UWM Popcorn Forum, February 24, 1994, Milwaukee Wisconsin.
- Cross, B., Fontanini, J. & Knuth, D. “A Thematic Approach for an Integrated Curriculum Unit,” Lakeshore Administrators and Supervisors Conference, January 13, 1995, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Curriculum Integration: Does It Have a Place in Your School?” Breakfast Forum Series on Critical Issues in Education, March 17, 1996, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Teaching with Distance Learning.” UWM Conference on Undergraduate Education, March 29, 1996, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “African-American Curriculum Designs.” National Conference on Implementing African Centered Education: Policies, Practices, Pedagogy. June 28, 1996, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “The Thin Red Line in School-University Collaboration.” University Engagement in the Community: A Vision of the 21~ Century. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, March 25, 1999.
- Cross, B “How You Get Ready for College.” Youth Enterprise Academy. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee & The Bader Foundation. June 17, 1998, June 16, 1999, June 14, 2000, June 13, 2001, June 2002, June 2003, June 2004.
- Cross, B “How You Can Pay for College.” Youth Enterprise Academy. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee & The Bader Foundation. June 17, 1998, June 16, 1999, June 14, 2000, June 13, 2001, June 2002, June 2003, June 2004.
- Cross, B “Selecting the Career That’s Right for You.” Youth Enterprise Academy. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee & The Bader Foundation. June 18, 1998, June 17, 1999, June 14, 2000, June 13, 2001, June 2002, June 2003, June 2004.
- Cross, B “Becoming A Leader in Your School.” Youth Enterprise Academy. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee & The Bader Foundation. June 18, 1998, June 17, 1999.
- Cross, B. (2002, March). “Learning or Unlearning Racism in Teacher Education.” UWM School of Education Research Conference.
- Cross, B. “Exploring the Professoriate.” Urban Teacher World. STRIVE, Milwaukee, WI.
- Cross, B “Dynamics of professional speaking.” Youth Enterprise Academy. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee & The Bader Foundation. June 2003, June 2004.
- Cross, B. “What is social justice teaching?” UWM Teachers in Residence, March 18, 2003. Milwaukee, WI.
- Cross, B. “Conducting Action Research in Urban Schools?” UWM Teachers in Residence, September 23, 2003. Milwaukee, WI.
- Local Meetings
- Cross, B. “Teaching for Diverse Learners.” Nicolet High School. March 3, 1997, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Designing Multicultural Curriculum for Transformative Urban Education.” Milwaukee Public Schools’ Multicultural Council. March 25, 1997, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “The Teacher as the Curriculum.” Milwaukee Public Schools. September 26, 1997, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Curriculum Integration.” Milwaukee Teacher Education Center. October 23, 1997. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Curriculum Integration as Professional and Curriculum Development”. Whitnall Middle School, October 29, 1997, Whitnall, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Curriculum Integration as Professional and Curriculum Development.”. Hayes Bilingual Elementary School, November 14, 1997, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Curriculum. . . Hartford Imagination.” Hartford Avenue School, May 6, 1998, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Benchmarking for Curriculum and High Achievement.” August, 1998. Milwaukee Public Schools’ Partnership Schools, Milwaukee, WI.
- Cross, B. “Curriculum Integration.” Milwaukee Teacher Education Center. September 29, 1998. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. “Designing Curriculum for Transformative Learning and Achievement.” Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association. February 22, 1999. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. ““Curriculum Integration.” Milwaukee Metropolitan Teacher Education Program. February 25, 1999. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. (2002, May). “Stand Up for the Right Education.” Urban League—Kenosha/Racine Chapters. Racine, WI.
- Cross, B. (2002, November). “Multiculturalism in Education: Is it Time to Move On?—Part I” Presentation to MPS Literacy Coaches. Milwaukee, WI.
- Cross, B. (2002, November). “Multiculturalism in Education: Is it Time to Move On?—Part II” Presentation to MPS Literacy Coaches. Milwaukee, WI.
- Cross, B. “Integrating Curriculum.” Milwaukee Metropolitan Teacher Education Program, October 2002.
- Cross, B. (2007, March 2). “When You Commit to Success, You Achieve.” Whitney Elementary School.
- Cross, B. (2008, March 9). “Strategizing for professional development to close the achievement gap.” Winridge Elementary School.
- Cross, B. (May 10, 2007). “When good teachers teach/” Memphis Literacy Academy Awards Keynote. Rose Theatre.
- Cross, B. (2008, May 8). Inclusive Schools. Center for Urban School Leadership. Memphis, TN.
- Cross, B. Creating Breakthrough Inclusive, Responsive Schools and Classrooms that Matter. August 4, 2008. Hickory Ridge Elementary School.
- Urban Education and Your Future, Fall 2008, University of Memphis ICL Students.
- Cross, B., Anderson, C., Chapman, T. (2009). Critical race theory meets a post-ethnic America? The Obama Phenomenon: Race and Politicall Discourse in the United States Today. The Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change. April 3-4, 2009.
- Cross, B. June 17, 2009. Student Success and Urban Schools. Memphis City Schools, Small Learning Communities Conference, Kirby High School.
- Haberman, M. & Cross, B. June 1, 2009. Scholars Forum: Urban Education as a Pathway to Social Justice. Memphis City Schools, 2009 Principals' Academy.
- Cross, B. (2009, September 24). Closing the achievement gaps through responsive & culturally relevant curriculum and teaching. Bon Lin Middle School, Shelby County.
- Cross, B. (2009, October 16). Breaking Barriers: Plotting the path to academic success for school-age African American males. (Plenary Panel). The Think Tank for African American Progress. Memphis, TN.
- Cross, B. October 5, 2009. Education and the City: A Grassroots Leadership Opportunity. Leadership Memphis Grassroots Leaders Program. Memphis: Hope and Healing Center.
- Cross, B. (2009, November 12). Education and the city's future: Visions and implications for leadership. Leadership Memphis Fasttrack. Christian Brothers University.
- Cross, B. (2010, January 7). Education and the city's future: Visions and implications for leadership. Leadership Memphis Executive Class. Bridges.
- Cross, B. (2010). Writing and Publishing in Teaching and Teacher Education. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Denver.
- Cross, B. (2010). Professional Development Schools and Social Justice. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Denver. (Discussant).
- Cross, B. (2010). Prioritizing Urban Children, Their Teachers, and Their Schools. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Denver. (Discussant).
- Cross, B. (2010, June 7). Curriculum Leadership for Student and Urban School Success. Memphis City Schools' Forum for Innovative Leadership. Cook Convention Center
- Cross, B. (2010, June 9). President's Panel on College Readiness: Cradle to Career. Memphis City School's Forum for Innovative Leadership. Cook Convention Center
- Cross, B. (2010, June 17). Teaching critical thinking to empower learners and learning. Southwest Tennessee Community College. Memphis, TN.
- Cross, B. (July, 28, 2010). From School Success to Curriculum Innovation. Campus School. Memphis, TN.
- Cross, B. (2010, December 8). Urban Schools, social justice and America's Future. Distinguished Lecture at the National Staff Development Council's Annual Conference. Atlanta.
- Cross, B. 2010, December 10). Urban Education and School Reform. Memphis City Schools, Academic, Operations, Technology and Innovations Division. Memphis.
- Cross, B. (2011, January 6). A Conversation on Culturally Responsive & Inclusive Program, Curriculum and Pedagogy. The Loewenberg School of Nursing, Memphis, TN.
- Cross, B. (2011, January 12). "Educational Justice: A Key Driver to a New Mempis Civic & Economic Infrastructure. BridgesUSA, TN.
- Cross, B. (2011, April 12). An examination of urban teacher education and the public good. American Educational Research Association. New Orleans.
- Cross, B. April 11, 2011. Division K New Faculty Professional Development Workshop: The Road to Tenure and Promotion (Supports, Challenges, and Options). American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.
- Cross, B. (April 22, 1011). Are they dead or alive? Some thoughts on diversity & equity in the nursing profession. Lowenberg School of Nursing, University of Memphis.
- Cross. B. (2011, June 7). Social Justice: Beyond Ideas to Action to Achieve Equity in Educational Achievement and Attainment for All Educators and Students. The Forum for Innovative Leadership. Memphis.
- Cross, B. (August 11, 2011). BRIDGES In and With the City: A renewed and Retreaed Systemic Strategy Building on a Powerful Mission. Lunch and Learn at Bridges.
- Cross, B. (October 12, 2011). Policy Luncheon Panelist. Tennessee Association of the Education of Young Children. Memphis, TN.
- Cross, B. (2011, December 2). Understanding the Impact of Stereotyping. Loewenburg School of Nursing Memphis TN
- Cross, B. (2012, January 13). Key Aspects of Cultural Competency. Loewenburg School of Nursing, MemphisTN.
- Panelist. (2011). The Current Contexts and Challenges Facing Public Education in Shelby County. REL Applalachia Research Conference. Memphis, TN. (Panelist, Donald Wagner, John Barker, MCS, Tim Fite, SW TN Rural Education Cooperative).
- Cross, B. (2012). American Education. Delegation from Huebei at University of Memphis. Confucious Institute.
- Cross, B. (2012, April 16). Putting PACT in Context and Context in PACT: Teacher educators address the content and assessment of quality teaching in preservice preparation (Discussant). AERA, Vancouver, BC.
- Cross, B. (April 11, 2012). Teaching Students in Poverty. Brewster Elementary School, Memphis TN.
- Cross, B. April 22, 2012. Understanding Education Issues in Memphis. Presentation to College Corps. Memphis.
- Cross, B. (2012, October 26). "Internships and the Public Good." Memphis City Schools' Summer Internship Focus Group and Seminar.
- Cross, B., Sturgis, M. (December 1, 2102). Nursing Equity and the Cradle to Career Pipeline. Presentation to Lowenberg Nursing MSN program.
- Cross, B. (December 11, 2012). Culture, Climate and Achievement in Urban Schools. Executive Leadership Program of the National Urban Education Center, Memphis, TN.
- Anderson, C.R, Cross, B. (2013, April 28). Disposition and distribution: A CRT perspective on urban teacher preparation. AERA. San Diego.
- Cross, B. (May 27-28, 2013). Memphis Business Academy Retreat Facilitator. Leadership Memphis Facility. Memphis, TN
- Cross, B. (June 3, 2013). Teach for America Panel on Partnerships. Summer Institute. University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.
- Cross, B. (November 13, 2103). Education in Memphis, Hutchison School, Leads Program, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN
- Cross, B. (December 14, 2013). Teacher Evaluation, Effectiveness and Diversity. Shelby County Schools PIT Crew. Memphis, TN.
- Cross, B. KIPP Graduation Address. June 28, 2013.
- Cross, B. Rights and Race in Light of the Trayvon Martin Case, July 24, 2013. National Civil Rights Museum.
- Cross, B. (September 25, 2015). Multiple Identities. National Public Radio, Codeswitch Series.
Cross, B. (December, 2014). Distinguished Lecture. Learning Forward Conference. Nashville.
- Cross, B. (February 22, 2014). Teaching Just Enough for the City. Teach for America . Memphis TN.
- Cross, B. (March 12, 2014). Issues and Trends in Education. Howard University Education Panel for Shelby County Schools. Memphis, TN.
- Cross, B. (May 8, 2014). Nursing Convocation Address. Memphis, TN.
- Cross, B. (2015). Climate and Culture Leadership. Presentation to Shelby County Schools' Support and Professional Development Staff. KROC Center.
- Cross, B. and Crawford, J. (2015, September 3). Defining Strategies to Build Prosperity: Education. Memphis Convention Center.
- Cross, B. (September 26, 2015). Unlocking an Early Childhood Educator's World. Memphis: Tennessee Association for the Education of Young Children.
- Cross, B. (October 8, 2015). Social Capital and Leadership Development. Leadership Memphis Panel.
- Cross, B. (October 24, 2015). Culturally Relevant Teaching in Urban Schools. Teach for America Fall Summit.
- Cross, B. (November 3, 2015). Urban Education Landscape and Leadership. Leadership Memphis Panel for FastTrack Class.
- Cross, B. (2016). Culturally Relevant Leaders and Schools. Memphis: New Leaders.
- Cross, B. (September 8 2016). Shalom Gathering (Center for Transforming Communities). Panel: Education and Neighborhoods.
- Cross, B. Culturally Relevant Teaching in Urban Schools (Distinguished Lecture) Learning Forward. December,2014.
- Cross, B. (2018, December 6). Big Pictures Issues in Equity in Education. National Facing History and Ourselves Education Convening. Zoom online presentation.
- Blanchett, W.J., Hill-Clarke, K.Y., Shealey, M. (November 28, 2018.) Deans for Social Justice Panel. National Multicultural Education Conference. Memphis TN.(Session Facilitator/Respondent).
- Alexander, C.,Brazley, M., Cook, C., Nebo, M. (November 29, 2018). The Importance of Studying the South to Understand the Education of African Americans. National Multicultural Education Association Conference. Memphis, TN. (Session Facilitator/Respondent).
- Cross, B. (August, 16, 2016). Racial Equity and the Dual Capacity Framework. Seattle: Road Map Project Family Engagement Institute.
- Cross, B. (August 17, 2016). Engagement and Racial Equity. Seattle: Road Map Project Family Engagement Institute.
- Cross, B., Menson-Furr, L. & Hill-Clarke, K. (2020). Teaching as activism: Democracy and social justice as an effective strategy for creating a high school teacher pipeline. Atlanta: AACTE.
- Cross, B. (2020). Race and education. New York: Teachers College/Columbia University Panel.
- Cross, B. (2020). Black lives matter in education. 100 Black Men Panel.
- Hill-Clarke, K., Blanchett, W., Shealey, M. (2020). Social justice deans: Disrupting injustices as education leaders. Atlanta: AACTE Session organizer and respondent).
Creative/Artistic Works
- Curriculum and Teaching Materials
- Cross, B. (1999). “Through One City’s Eyes: Milwaukee’s Civil Rights Movement.” (Classroom Curriculum and Video). Milwaukee Public Television and the Duncan Group.
- Cross, B. (1999). “Through One City’s Eyes: Milwaukee’s Civil Rights Movement.” (Student Video Series). Milwaukee Public Television and the Duncan Group.
- Cross, B. (1999). “The Civil Rights Movement: The Long Road to Equality: Overcoming Racism—The Role of Youth in Eliminating Injustice and Intolerance. (Classroom Curriculum and Video). Milwaukee Public Television and the Duncan Group.
- Cross B., Thompson, P., Terrell, D. (2000). Teaching About Reflections in Black: Smithsonian Black Photography. (Classroom Curriculum). America’s Black Holocaust Museum.
- Cross, B., DeRose, J., Allen, G. & Tiezzi-Waldera, L. (2006). The Making of Milwaukee. (Classroom Curriculum). MPTV Public Television Station.
- Cross, B. (1993, May 25). “Building a curriculum for multicultural education.” Interviewed on Wisconsin Public Radio’s On Education Program, Milwaukee, WI.
- Cross, B. (1993, December 23). “Preparing teachers for teaching in city schools.” Interviewed on National Public Radio’s On the Line Program, New York, New York.
- Cross, B. (1994). The urban initiative. Leading a statewide dialogue about schools (an interview with Alex Molnar). Wisconsin School News, 488(2), 18-20.
- Cross, B. (Contributing member). (1995). ASCD Talks Back. In Educating everybody’s children: Diverse teaching strategies for diverse learners (What research and practice say about improving the achievement of poor and minority students). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
- Cross, B. (1996). “Why do we teach what we teach.” Interview for the UWM Myriad, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B. (1996, Summer). “With distance ed, classrooms expand boundaries. Interviewed for UWM Info on Tap. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cross, B., (2010). Contributor to Education Study Circles Curriculum: A Facilitated Dialogue Series to Build Community Advocacy. (Curriculum). Stand For Children.
- Life Transitions Literacy Curriculum. (November, 2012). Curriculum prepared for the Rise Foundation with Urban Education Doctoral Students.
- Cross, B. & McKinney, N. (Film Co-Producers). (2020). Reframing family engagement using Black epistemology: Perspectives from Black families. Memphis: Whole Child Strategies. (Film on Black family voice in education and health).
- Cross, B. (2018). Martin Luther King's the Church's role in the civil rights movement. (National Curriculum Guide to Support Exhibit of the Historic Speech).
Cross, B. (2019). Once More at the River: From MLK to Black Lives Matter: Gainsville, FL. (National Curriculum Guide to Support Film Documentary).