Faculty and Staff Profiles

Andrew M Mickelson
Assoc Professor, Earth Sciences
Email: amicklsn@memphis.edu
Office Location: 227 Johnson Hall


My current research interests include examining temporal changes in prehistoric settlement patterns in eastern North America. I am interested in the relationships between prehistoric landuse, environmental change, and subsistence practices. My study areas include western Tennessee and eastern Kentucky. I conduct archaeological spatial analysis utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the methodological, analytical, and theoretical stages of archaeology research. My fieldwork employs the use of GIS and GPS to develop and implement statistically robust sampling designs. My theoretical interests include evolutionary ecology, cultural ecology, and evolutionary archaeology.

Additional Information

 Link to Personal Website and course-related materials: https://umdrive.memphis.edu/amicklsn/main.htm

Work Experience

  • Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences - University of Memphis - 2012-present
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Sciences - University of Memphis - 2005-2012
  • Adjunct Faculty, Department of Anthropology - University of Alabama - 2004
  • Adjunct Faculty, Anthropology - Shelton State Community College - 2004
  • Principal Investigator, Archaeology - Environmental Consulting - 2004-2002
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Anthropology - Ohio State University - 2002-1997
  • Archaeologist, Division of Highways - West Virginia Department of Transportation - 1994-1992
  • Field Director, Archaeologist, Cultural Resources - 3D-Environmental Services - 1992-1991
  • Nomination for Outstanding Teaching Award - University of Memphis - 2017
  • Phi Beta Kappa - Beloit College - 1990
  • Honors in Anthropology - Beloit College - 1990
  • Magna Cum Laude - Beloit College - 1990

Teaching Experience

  • Archaeology and Anthropology of Food Production - University of Memphis
  • Seminar in the Archaeology of Eastern North America - University of Memphis
  • Archaeology and Anthropology of Houses, Households, Communities, and Settlements - University of Memphis
  • Archaeology and Anthropology of Food Production - University of Memphis
  • The Human Planet - University of Memphis
  • Archaeology of Hunter Gatherers - University of Memphis
  • Archaeology of Complex Societies - University of Memphis
  • Humans and the Environmental Earth Sciences - University of Memphis
  • Advanced Archaeological Spatial Analysis - University of Memphis
  • Archaeological Field Techniques - University of Memphis
  • Fundamentals of Archaeology - University of Memphis
  • Archaeological Theory and Method - University of Memphis
  • Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology - University of Memphis
  • North American Archaeology - University of Memphis
  • Old World Archaeology - University of Memphis
  • Public Archaeology - University of Memphis
  • Seminar in Archaeology: Advanced Quantitative Spatial Analysis - University of Memphis
  • Advanced Archaeological Field Techniques - University of Memphis
  • Cultural Anthropology - Shelton State Community College
  • Introduction to Biological Anthropology - Ohio State University
  • Introduction to Cultural Anthropology - Ohio State University
  • World Prehistory - Ohio State University

Student Advising/Mentoring

  • MS Earth Sciences (Chair) - Kathryn Proctor - 2020
  • MS Earth Sciences (Chair) - Krista Meneitto - 2020
  • MS Archaeology (chair) - Thomas Gates - 2018
  • MS Archaeology (chair) - Shelby Hobbs - 2017
  • MS Archaeology (chair) - Christian Roelser - 2016
  • MS Archaeology (chair) - Ben Cross - 2016
  • MS Archaeology (chair) - Hannah Guidry - 2013
  • MS Archaeology (chair) - Lindsey Plunk - 2013
  • MS Archaeology (chair) - Scott Hadley - 2013
  • MS Archaeology (chair) - Eric Goddard - 2011
  • MS Archaeology (chair) - Nicole Palmer - 2007
  • BS Earth Sciences, Honors Contract - Christopher French - 2014
  • BS Earth Sciences, Honors Contract - Shelby Hobbs - 2013
  • BA Anthropology, Honors Contract - Lindsey Stralhan - 2007
  • BA Anthropology, Honors Contract - Sarah Grimes - 2008
  • BA Anthropology, Honors Contract - Eric Goddard - 2008
  • BA Anthropology, Honors Contract - Steven Shirley - 2008


  • 2022 - National Geographic Society - $43,000 (pending) - Notification in March 2022, period running from 2022-2024
  • 2022 - NSF-- Dissertation Improvement PI - $25,000 (pending) - 2022-2023
  • 2017 Drone Imaging of Active Sand and Gravel Quarries to Optimize Exploration and Mining-- The DRONES research innovation cluster (co-author) - FedEx Institute - $20,000 - 2017-2018
  • Discovering the First Native American Villages in the Uplands of the Middle Mississippi River Valley - National Geogrphic Society - $15,500 - 2011-2013
  • Grant Award for the excavation of site 15MF410, Gladie Creek - USDA Forest Service - $17,000 - 2000-2002
  • GIS Software Testing - Hemisoft, Inc. - $1,000 - 2001
  • The Development of Ethics in Socio-cultural Anthropology: The Thailand Controversy Examined - National Endowment to the Humanities - $2,200 - 1989-1990
  • Faculty Research Grant. Archaeology Pilot Study, Western Tennessee - Faculty Research Grant - $6,400 - 2007
  • SI/ST Technology Access Grant for Archaeology Spatial Analysis Lab - TAF - $6,800 - 2006
  • Travel to support research in western Tennessee - Donovan travel Fund - $500 -  


  • Ames Plantation Archaeology Outreach - Ames Foundation - 2007-2020 - Ames Foundation and University of Memphis
  • Snow Creek Archaeological Site National Register of Historic Places Listing - University of Memphis - 2016-2020 -  
  • La Grange Cemetery Magnetometry Survey - Univerwsity of Memphis - Spring 2012 -  
  • Reneau Cemetery Resotration - Reneau Cemetery Board and University of Memphis - 2011 - Reneau Cemetery Board
  • Shelby Farms Archaeological Consulting - Shelby Farms and University of Memphis - Summer 2010 -  
  • Elmwood Cemetery - University of Memphis and Elmwood Cemetery - 2008-2011 - Univ. of Memphis, Elmwood Cemetery
  • Ames Plantation Historic Archaeology Project - Milton Moreland, Ryan Byrne - 2007-2013 - Rhodes College
  • University of Memphis - Graduate Program Coordinator - 2018-2023
  • University of Memphis - Tennessee Council of Professional Archaeology - 2020-2022
  • University of Memphis - Graduate Program Coordinator - 2012-2016
  • University of Memphis - Faculty Search Committee - 2007, 2008, 2018
  • University of Memphis - College Council for Research and Graduate Studies Representative - 2012-2016, 2018-19, fall 2020
  • University of Memphis - Acting Graduate Program Studies Coordinator - Fall 2010
  • University of Memphis - Graduate Program committee, archaeology representative - 2008-present
  • University of Memphis - Curriculum Committee, archaeology representative - 2007-present
  • University of Memphis - Geography Faculty Search (3 Positions) - 2006-2007
  • University of Memphis - Chucalissa Director Search - 2006-2007
Books Published
  • 2022 Justis, D. Larsen, and A. Mickelson (in press) The Wolf River in Tennessee. Book Chapter, Rivers of North America. (In press).
Journal Articles
  • 2022 Mickelson, Andrew, Kathryn R. Proctor, Charles V. Phillips. (in review) Content and Context of the Wynn Collection from the Obion Site (40HY14), Materials from an Early Mississippian Center in Western Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeologist.
  • 2021 Mickelson, Andrew, Kathryn R. Proctor, Scott P. Hadley, and Christian Roesler (in review). The Denmark Site (40MD85) and Early-Middle Mississippian Town Located in the Western Tennessee Uplands. Tennessee Archaeologist.
  • 2020 Edward R. Henry, Andrew M. Mickelson & Michael E. Mickelson Documenting Ceremonial Situations and Institutional Change at Middle Woodland Geometric Enclosures in Central Kentucky, Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology (Special Research Series), 45:3, 203-225, DOI: 10.1080/01461109.2020.1826879
  • 2020 The Mississippian Period in Western Tennessee. In Hegemony of Cahokia and the Diaspora from Cahokia. Edited by Charles McNutt and Ryan Parish, pp. 243-275. University of Florida Press.
  • 2019 Mickelson, Andrew and Katherine R. Mickelson The Gladie Creek Site: A Multi-Component Site located in Eastern Kentucky. Journal of Kentucky Archaeology 10:55-81.
  • 2017(?) Bartholomew, M.J., Bone, M.J., Rittenour, T.M., Mickelson, A.M., Stickney, M.C., revision in progress, The passing of a hotspot: Changes in strain-accommodation in Yellowstone’s wake: The Geological Society of America Bulletin (submitted).
  • 2015 Jose Pujol, Mervin J. Bartholomew, Andrew Mickelson, and Michael Bone, Shallow seismic detection of the fault zone associated with a high scarp in southwestern Montana. Interpretation 3: T25-T41. https://doi.org/10.1190/INT-2014-0014.1
  • 2014 Mickelson, Michael and Andrew M. Mickelson Do Mycenaean Tholos Tombs Encode Astronomical Alignments? Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 14(3):1-14.
  • 2014 Mickelson, Andrew and Eric Goddard The Ames Site (40FY7): A Very Unobtrusive Mississippian Settlement Located in Southwestern Tennessee. (revise, resubmit to Southeastern Archaeology 11/2014).
  • 2013  Mainfort, Robert and Andrew M. Mickelson.  The Eastern Citadel.  In  Pinson Mounds: Middle Woodland Ceremonialism n the Midsouth, Robert Mainfort, editor. University of Arkansas Press
  • 2011 Mainfort, Robert, Mary Kwas, and Andrew Mickelson. Mapping Never-Never Land: An Examination of Pinson Mounds Cartography. Southeastern Archaeology 30:1 (pp. 148-165)     
  • 2011  Mickelson, Andrew and Eric Goddard. The Early Mississippian Palisaded Settlement at the Ames Site (40FY7) Located in Southwestern Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology.
  • 2010  Pujol, Jose, Mervin Bartholomew, Andrew Mickelson, Michael Bone  Using Synthetic Data to Guide Processing of  Shallow Seismic Reflection Data Collected Across a High Scarp in Sw Montana, USA.  Proceedings of the  Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems  
  • 2010  Pujol, Jose, Mervin Bartholomew, Andrew Mickelson, Michael Bone.  Using Synthetic Data to Guide Processing of Shallow Seismic Reflection Data CollectedAcross a High Scarp in Sw Montana, USA. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems. 
  •  2009  Bartholomew, M.J., Bone, M.J., Rittenour, T.M., Mickelson, A.M., Stickney, M.C., "Stress switching" along the Lima Reservoir fault in Yellowstone’s wake: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, V.41, no.7, p.55.
  •  2009  Chickasawba, by H. Terry Childs and Charles H. and contributions by Andrew M. Mickelson, LuElla Parks, Jamie Lockhart . Arkansas Archeologist 48:15-56.  
  • 2008  Recent Research at the Ames Mound Complex: An Early Mississippian Site in Southwest Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 3(2): 201-218.  
  • 2007 Analysis of the Mammoth Cave 1812 Era Saltpeter Mining Hydraulic System.In Cave Archaeology of Eastern North America, D. Dye, editor, University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville.  
  • 2002  The Salt Wall: A Probable Woodland Period Earthwork in Granville Township, Licking County, Ohio. Ohio Archaeological Council Newsletter 13:1, 19-20.  
  • 2000  Gremillion, K., K. R. Mickelson, A. M. Mickelson. Rockshelters at the Headwaters: A Recent Archaeological Survey in the Big Sinking Drainage of Eastern Kentucky. In Current Archaeological Research in Kentucky. Volume Six. Edited by D. Pollack and K. Gremillion. Kentucky Heritage Council, Frankfort.  
  • 1999 Recent Excavations at the Spring Creek Site. Greenbrier County, West Virginia. Fall 1999, West Virginia Archeologist. 
  • 1997 Mickelson, A. M., Katherine R. Mickelson, M. E. Mickelson, G. Crothers, C. Swedlund and R. Ward. An Archaeological and Historical Review of Nitre Mining at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Proceedings of the 1997 Mammoth Cave National Park Science Conference, Mammoth Cave.
  • 2020 Proctor, Kathryn and Andrew Mickelson. On-Going Research from the West Tennessee Interior Uplands. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Current Research in Tennessee Archaeology meetings. Middle Tennessee State University, January 18, 2020.
  • 2019 Henry, Edward and Andrew M. Mickelson. Documenting Ceremonial Situations and Institutional Change at Middle Woodland Geometric Enclosures in Central Kentucky. Midwest Archaeological Conference. Mankato, Minnesota (October 9-12).
  • 2018 An Update of Archaeological Research at Ames Plantation (Poster Presentation). Current Research in Tennessee Archaeology. Dixon, Tennessee, January 15.
  • 2017 The Obion Site: New Insights from the Reevaluation of Old Museum Collections. Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, November 8-11).
  • 2015 Mickelson, Michael E. and Andrew M. Mickelson.  Do Mycenaean Tholos Tombs Encode Astronomical Alignments?  Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Société Européenne pour l'Astronomie dans la Culture.  Athens, Greece. 
  • 2014 Current Status of Mississippian Settlement Patterns Research at the Ames Site in Western Tennessee. Presentation at the Southeastern Archaeological Conference 71st Annual Meeting. Greenville, South Carolina (11/2014).
  • 2013 Prehistoric Native Americans as Niche Constructors: Three Case Studies from the Ohio Valley. Keynote Address.  Third Annual Conference on Invasion Biology, Ecology, and Management. University of Lexington.  April 3, 2013.   
  • 2013 Guidry, Hannah and Andrew Mickelson.  Mississippian Wall Trench Structure Remains at the Ames Mound Site (40FY7), Fayette County, Tennessee. Poster presented at the Current Research in Tennessee Archaeology Meetings, Nashville, Tennessee.
  •  2012  Andrew Mickelson, Eric Goddard, Scott Hadley, Katherine Mickelson Early Mississippian Nucleated Settlements in the Hinterlands of the Mississippi Valley in Western Tennessee.  Presented at the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, Memphis, Tennessee. 
  • 2012 Chamblee, John F., David J. Hally, George R. Milner, David H. Dye , Robert C. Mainfort, and Andrew Mickelson.  Macro-regional Analysis of Mississippian Mound Site Distributions.  Paper Presented at the 69th Annual Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Baton Rouge. 
  • 2011 Magnetometry and the Mississippian Landscape of Western Tennessee. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Current Research in Tennessee Archaeology Meetings, Nashville. 
  • 2010  The Unobtrusive Mississippian Village: A Case Study of Obtrusiveness in the Development of Prehistoric Landuse Models. Paper presented at the 75th Annual Society for American Archaeology Meetings, St. Louis.   
  • 2010  Andrew M. Mickelson and Mervin T. Bartholomew.  Evidence of Possible Surface-faulting and Sand-blows in the Colonial Town of Dorchester, Sc, During the 31 August 1886 Charleston Earthquake. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Boulder, Colorado.
  • 2010  Pujol, Jose, Mervin J. Bartholomew, Andrew M. Mickelson, and Mike Bone. Using Synthetic Data to Guide Processing of Shallow Seismic Reflection Data Collected Across a High Scarp in Southwest Montana. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems. Key Sone, Colorado 
  • 2009  Bartholomew, M.J., Bone, M.J., Rittenour, T.M., Mickelson, A.M., Stickney, M.C., 2009, "Stress switching" along the Lima Reservoir fault in Yellowstone’s wake: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. 
  • 2009   Results of Geochemical Analysis at an Early Mississippian Mound Site in Western Tennessee. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, Atlanta Georgia. 
  • 2009  Geochemical Analysis of Mound D, Ames Mound Complex. Paper Presented at the Midsouth Archaeological Conference, Memphis.
  • 2009  A Terrain Analysis of Pinson’s Eastern Citadel. Paper Presented at the Midsouth Archaeological Conference, Memphis. 
  •  2008 Ames Mound Complex: 2007-2008 Research Results.  65th Annual Southeastern Archaeological Conference. Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • 2007 Recent Research at the Ames Mound Complex, Western Tennessee. Paper presented at the Midsouth Archaeological Conference, Memphis, Tennessee. 
  • 2006 A GIS Analysis of Prehistoric Landuse in the Tennessee River Valley. Paper presented at the Current Research in Tennessee Conference. Nashville, Tennessee 
  • 2006 Andrew M. Mickelson, Katherine R. Mickelson Middle Archaic Period Landuse in Eastern Kentucky. Paper Presented at the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas.
  • 2006 Kristen J. Gremillion, Sarah Sherwood, Jason Windingstad, Katherine R. Mickelson, Andrew Mickelson Pre-Maize Food Production and Anthropogenic Landscapes in Eastern Kentucky. Paper Presented at the 71st annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 26-30, 2006  
  • 2003 Diachronic Changes in Rockshelter Occupations in Eastern Kentucky. Invited paper to be presented at the Uplands Archaeology in the East: Symposium IX, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia.
  • 1997 Crothers, G., R. Ward, C. Swedlund, K. Robinson Mickelson, and A. M. Mickelson Systematic, Intensive Survey of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky: Methodological Considerations. Paper presented at the Society of American Archaeology Conference, Nashville, Tennessee. 
  • 1996 Crothers, G., R. Ward, C. Swedlund, K. Robinson Mickelson, and A. M. Mickelson Systematic, Intensive Survey of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky: Discerning Patterns of Prehistoric Activity Notwithstanding 200 Years of Historic Use. Paper presented at the Southeastern Archaeological Conference.  
  • 2004 A Georeferenced Three Dimensional Model of the Moundville Site in West Central Alabama. Invited presentation to the Alabama Association of Professional Archaeologists. Montgomery, Alabama.
  • 2004 The Gladie Creek Site: A Multicomponent Deposit Located within the Red River Gorge, Menifee County, Kentucky. Presentation prepared for the Kentucky Heritage Council Meetings, Louisville, Kentucky. 
  • GIS Analysis of Settlement Change: An Example from Eastern Kentucky. Presentation prepared for the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  • 2002 A GIS-Based Energetics Cost Analysis of Eastern Kentucky Rockshelter Occupations with Cultigens. Paper presented at the Southeastern Archaeology Conference Annual Meeting, Biloxi, Mississippi.
  • 2001 Plant Domestication and the Origins of Agriculture in Eastern North America: A GIS Perspective of Prehistoric Land Use from the Red River Valley in Eastern Kentucky. Poster prepared for the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, New Orleans.
  • 2001 Archaeological Research at Mammoth Cave National Park. Invited lecture to the Spring General Meeting, Archaeological Society of Ohio, Columbus.  
  • Computer-Automated Data Collection from the Ground Up: A Distributional Archaeology Pilot Study from the Cumberland Escarpment. Paper presented at the Kentucky Heritage Council Archaeology Meetings, Northern Kentucky University.
  • 2000 The Salt Wall: A Probable Woodland Period Earthwork in Granville Township, Licking County, Ohio. Paper presented at the Fall Ohio Archaeological Conference.
  • Archaeological Research at Mammoth Cave National Park. Invited lecture to the Forks of the Delaware Chapter, Archaeological Society of Ohio.
  • 2000 Measuring the Facing Aspect of Archaeological Sites: GIS and Traditional Methods Compared. Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, Philadelphia Pennsylvania. 
  • 1997 Mickelson, A. M., Katherine R. Mickelson, M. E. Mickelson, G. Crothers, C. Swedlund and R. Ward. An Archaeological and Historical Review of Nitre Mining at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Paper Presented at the 1997 Mammoth Cave National Park Science Conference, Mammoth Cave. National Park Service 6:9-12.
  • 1999 Mickelson, A. M. and K. Robinson Mickelson. Rockshelters at the Headwaters: Preliminary Results of a Survey of the Big Sinking Drainage, Eastern Kentucky. Paper presented at the Kentucky Heritage Council Meetings. 
  • 1995 Observations on a "Low" Density Resource: the Spring Creek Site (46GB114) in Greenbrier County, West Virginia. Paper presented at the Ohio Archaeological Conference.