Faculty and Staff Profiles

Katherine Lambert-Pennington
Assoc Professor Director, School of Urban Affairs
Email: K.Lambert-Pennington@memphis.edu
Office Location: 200 Browning Hall
  • Ph.D Cultural Anthropology - Duke University - 2005
  • Certificate in African and African American Studies AAAS - Duke University - 2005
  • Dunavant Professorship - University of Memphis, College of Arts and Sciences - 2023-2026
  • Faudree University Professorship - University of Memphis - 2022-2025
  • Fulbright-Fondazione CON IL SUD US Scholar Award to Italy - William J. Fulbright International Scholar - 2021-2022
  • Catherine and Charles Freeburg Fellowship - Marcus Orr Center for Humanities, University of Memphis - 2017
  • HARC Angel Award - Highland Area Renewal Corporation - 2017
  • Excellence in Engaged Scholarship Award - University of Memphis Alumni Association - 2014
  • Community Service Award for the South Memphis Revitalization Plan, 2012 - Tennessee Medical Association - 2012
  • Professional Development Assignment (Sabatical) - University of Memphis - 2012, 2021
  • The Ernest Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty - New England Resource Center for Higher Education and the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities - 2011

Teaching Experience

  • ANTH 7201 - Anthropological Perspectives on Development - University of Memphis
  • ANTH 7200- Seminar in History of Anthropological Theory - University of Memphis
  • ANTH 3282 - American Communities - University of Memphis
  • ANTH 4065- Anthropological Theory - University of Memphis
  • ANTH 4412/6412 Neighborhood Development and Social Entrepreneurship - University of Memphis
  • ANTH 4415/6415 - Anthropology and Human Rights - University of Memphis
  • ANTH 3200 - Peoples and Cultures of the World - University of Memphis
  • ANTH 4416/6416 - Culture, Identity, and Power - University of Memphis

Student Advising/Mentoring

  • MA Anthropology - Lydia Babcock - May 2022
  • MA Anthropology - Sharlecia Blue - May 2022
  • MA Anthropology - Erin Kay - May 2021
  • MA Anthropology - Sumita Montgomery - May 2020
  • MA in Anthropology - Nora Holzinger - 2020
  • MA in Anthropology - Sumita Montgomery - 2020
  • MA in City & Regional Planning - Sydney Hall - 2019
  • MA in Anthropology - Rachel Starks - 2019
  • MA in Anthropology - Alexandria Boykins - 2019
  • MA in Anthropology - Kaylee Burgan - 2019
  • MA in Anthropology - Austin Wyatt - 2019
  • MA in Anthropology - Jaynie Isbell - 2019
  • MA in Anthropology - Sara Tornabene - 2018
  • MA in Anthropology - Hannah Early - 2018
  • MA in Anthropology - Patricia Tobbe - 2017
  • MA in Anthropology - Joyce Harris - 2017
  • MA in Anthropology - John Chandler - 2017
  • MA in Anthropology - Risa Sakai - 2017
  • MA in Anthropology - Lyndsey Pender - 2017
  • MA Anthropology - April Steele - 2014
  • MA Anthropology - Whitney Maxwell - 2012


  • Soulsville Comprehensive Community Assessment - Kemmons Wilson Foundation - $103,000 - January 1, 2023 – June 1, 2024
  • Fulbright US Scholar Award to Italy (Fondazione CON IL SUD) - IIE-Fulbright - $25,000 - 2021-2022
  • Strengthening Community Grant Initiative - PI - Community Foundation of Greater Memphis PI - Community Foundation of Greater Memphis - $40,000 - 2016
  • Aging Mastery Program Evaluation - PI –Plough Foundation/The Works, Inc. - $18,000 - 2015-2018
  • Strengthening Community Grant Initiative - Co-PI - Community Foundation of Greater Memphis - $40,000 - 2015
  • Strengthening Community Grant Initiative - Co-PI - Community Foundation of Greater Memphis - $40,000 - 2014
  • PI-South Memphis Farmers Market Evaluation - The Works, Inc. CDC (from United States Dept. of Agriculture Grant) - $15,000 - July 2012-December 2014
  • Strengthening Communities Initiative - Co-PI-Community Foundation of Greater Memphis, United Way of the Mid-South, and University of Memphis Research Foundation - $500,000 (over 5 years) - 2008-2013
  • Co-PI - Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant, Housing and Urban Development - City of Memphis Division of Housing and Community Development - $62,500 - July 2011-2012
  • Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant - Partnership with City of Memphis Housing Authority (from Department of Housing and Urban Development Grant) - $25,000 - August 2011-2012
  • Co-PI-Urban Transformation Initiative - Hyde Family Foundations - $20,000 - May 2011-2012
  • South Memphis Implementation Project - St. Andrew Enterprise - $25,000 - July 2011-2012
  • Professional Development Assignment - College of Arts and Sciences -   - Spring 2022
  • Faculty Research Grant - College of Arts and Sciences - 10,000 - July 2021-June 2022
  • External Funding Stimulus Grant (Co-PI (w/Dr. Laura Saija) - College of Arts and Sciences, - 10,000 - 2017
  • Professional Development Assignment - University of Memphis -   - Spring 2012
  • Travel Enrichment Award - College of Arts and Sciences - $500 - Summer 2012
  • Faculty Reserach Grant - University of Memphis Research Foundation - 6,250 - 2008-2009
  • University of Memphis - University Research Council, At Large Rep. for the College of Arts and Sciences - 2018-present.
  • University of Memphis - Public Safety Institute Advisory Board - 2018-present.
  • University of Memphis - College of Arts and Sciences Research Faculty Research Grant Committee, - 2020, 2021, 2023
  • University of Memphis - Co-Chair School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy Faculty Search Committee - 2020-2021
  • University of Memphis - Member of the Eradicating Systemic Racism - Community Engagement, Policy, and Advocacy Workgroup - 2020-2021
  • University of Memphis - Review Committee, College of Education, Faculty Research Grants - 2020
  • University of Memphis - Tenure and Promotion Committee, Department of Anthropology - 2013-present
  • University of Memphis - Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Department of Anthropology - 2019-2022
  • University of Memphis - Curriculum Coordinator & Scheduler, Department of Anthropology - 2013-2017
  • University of Memphis - Co-Chair Faculty Search Committee, Department of Anthropology - 2012, 2013, 2017
  • University of Memphis - Engaged Scholarship Advisory Committee - 2019-present
  • University of Memphis - i-IMPACT Advisory Board 2018 - 2018-2019
  • University of Memphis - Administrator, Strengthening Communities Initiative - 2016-2018
  • University of Memphis - Co-Chair, Engaged Scholarship Committee - 2012-2017
  • University of Memphis - Housing and Community Development Internship Supervisor, School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy - 2009-2012; 2015-2019; 2020-2022
  • University of Memphis - Chair, University Task Force on Community Engagement - 2015-16
  • University of Memphis - CAS Undergraduate Curriculum Committee - 2007-2009 and Fall 2011-2015
  • Cities - Peer Reviewer - 2019
  • Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning - Peer Reviewer - 2019, 2023
  • Agriculture and Human Values - Peer Reviewer, - 2021
  • Gastronomica - PeerReviewer - 2018
  • Culture, Agriculture, Food and Economics (CAFE) - PeerReviewer - 2018
  • Political and Legal Anthropology Review, - Peer Reviewer - 2017
  • Urban Studies - Peer Reviewer - 2010, 2011, 2017
  • Culture della sostenibilita - Peer Reviewer - 2024
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) - Insight Grant application reviewer - 2020, 2021
  • BLDG Memphis - Board Member & Co-Chair of Nominations Committee - 2018-2023
  • United Way of the Mid-South - ystem Advisory Team for Driving the Dream - 2019-present
  • Church Health Center - Food Insecurity and Food Accessibility Collaborative - 2020-present
  • American Anthropological Association - Racialized and Extrajudicial Police Violence Taskforce - 2019- 2020
  • American Anthropological Association Members' Programmatic Advisory & Advocacy Committee - Member - 2017-2019
  • New England Resource Center for Higher Education Ernest A. Lynton Award - Review Committee - 2012, 2015, 2016
  • Benjamin Hooks Institute for Social Change - Faculty Advisory Board, - 2011-2015
  • Marie Curie Fellow, European Union - Faculty Sponsor for Laura Sajia - 2011-2014
  • Anthropologica - Manuscript Reviewer - 2011
  • Southern Anthropologist - Manuscript Reviewer - 2010
  • Vanderbilt University Press - Manuscript Reviewer - 2009
  • Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting - Annual Meeting Planning Committee - 2008
Books Published
  • Under review, D’Orsi, L.& Lambert-Pennington, K, eds. Ruins and Repair in Southern Italy, Special Isssue, Journal of Modern Italian Studies (anticipated release – August 2024).
  • Saija, L., & Lambert-Pennington, K., eds. 2020. To do and know something together: overcoming the obstacles and challenges of action-research in making better urban worlds. [Special Issue]. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare di Studi Urbani, 4(8) 2020. https://ojs.uniroma1.it/index.php/TU/issue/view/1603/showToc
Books Reviewed
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2016. Meredith Ramsay, Community, Culture, And Economic Development: Continuity And Change In Two Small Southern Towns. Urban Studies, Volume 53, Issue 2.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2014. Being Maori In The City: Indigenous Everyday Life In Auckland. (Natacha Gagne. Toronto: University Of Toronto Press). The Australian Journal Of Anthropology, Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 118–119.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2006.  “Botany Bay: Where Histories Meet,” (Maria Nugent, Sydney: Allen and Unwin Press), Australian Historical Studies (4).
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine. 2002. Ethnographic Film Review, Thomson of Arnhemland. Visual Anthropology Review, 17(1).
Journal Articles
  • Under Review, D'Orsi, L and Lambert-Pennington, K. INTRODUCTION: Contested Landscape Transitions: Ruins? Repair? Re-membering? in Journal of Modern Italian Studies.

  • Under review Lambert-Pennington, K. and Pappalardo, G. ‘Life after progress’: near-Industrial commons and heritage-making in eastern Sicily. [Special Issue, Ruins and Repair in Southern Italy], Journal of Modern Italian Studies (anticipated release– August 2024).
  • Under review Lambert-Pennington, K. The Afterlife of CoPED: Entanglements and Impacts of a Participatory Learning Field School in Sicily, [Special issue, The legacy of Ethnographic Field Schools]. Annals of Anthropological Practice. (Submitted May 2024)

  • Under review Lambert-Pennington, K. & Pappadarlo, G.  Ecomuseums as Territorial Glue? International Journal of Heritage Studies. [submitted December 2023]

  • CoPED faculty (L. Saija, A. Raciti, K. Lambert-Pennington) and students, 2023. Messina Sud 2033, Submitted to Association Ionio and City Council of Messina, September 2023.

  • Lambert-Pennington, K and Saija, L. 2022. Staying with Complexity: Bidirectional Learning, Engagement, and Transdisciplinary Collaborations on Two Continents, Anthropologia Pubblica special issue on L’antropologia nella Terza Missione. Accademia, public engagement e scienze sociali", 8: 1, pgs 41-66. 

  •  CoPED faculty (L. Saija, K. Lambert-Pennington, and A.  Raciti) and students, 2022. “SAN BIAGIO SI ATTIVA!” Submitted to Comune di Paterno/ Presidio Partecipativo del Patto di Fiume Simeto, August 2022.

  • Carey, A, Lambert-Pennington, K and Riles, C. 2021. Fostering Food Equality in Memphis - A Proposal for the Office of Food Systems Policy and Programs, written on behalf of the Food Insecurity and Food Accessibility Collaborative, Church Health Center, October.

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine & Amanda Miller, 2020. “Understanding Development Priorities and actions and the Simeto River Valley,” report submitted to the Participatory Presidium, December.

  • Guthrie, A., Melton-Fant, C. and Lambert-Pennington, K. 2021. COVID-19 and Evictions in Memphis, in Hooks Policy Papers: Race in the Time of COVID, Volume 7, pgs. 4-11.
  • Lambert-Pennington, K. 2021. Preface in Pappalardo, Paesaggi tenaci: Il processo ecomuseale del Simeto, FrancoAngeli, Italy, pgs. 4-8.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine and Saija, L. 2020. “Introduction: To know and do something together: Overcoming the Challenges of Participatory action Research in Making Better Urban Worlds,”Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare di Studi Urbani, 4(8). https://ojs.uniroma1.it/index.php/TU/issue/view/1603/showToc
  •  Lambert-Pennington, K. Perché un ecomuseo? 2020. Per il Ecomuseo del Simeto, cura da Presidio Partecipativo del Patto di Fime Simeto e Dimpartimento Ingegneria Civile e Architettura, pgs. 9-10,  July, 2020.

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine and Lyndsey Pender. 2020. Food Roots & Today’s Pantry: The Multiple Meanings of “Thrifty Know-How” among Older African American Women. Anthropology & Aging, 41(2), 93-109. http://anthro-age.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/anthro-age/article/view/265/0
  • Lambert-Pennington, K. & Saija, L., 2020. Introduction: To do and know something together: overcoming the obstacles and challenges of action-research in making better urban worlds. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare di Studi Urbani, 4(8). https://ojs.uniroma1.it/index.php/TU/article/view/17278/16503.

  • Saija, L., & Lambert-Pennington, K., eds. 2020. L'Università engaged: la prospettiva dei territori. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare di Studi Urbani, 4(8). https://ojs.uniroma1.it/index.php/TU/article/view/17279/16504.

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine. 2019. Thinking anthropologically about Community Planning and Environmental Design (CoPED). Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropologists (COPAA), Viewpoints: "Notes from the Field" Blog , September, https://www.copaainfo.org/news
  • CoPED faculty (L. Saija, K. Lambert-Pennington, G. Pappardarlo, M. Ferrigno, and A Raciti) and students, 2019. Don’t WASTE it! Una strategia di prevenzione dei rifiuti Solidi urbani per la Valle del Simeto. Submitted to Comune di Regalbuto / Presidio Partecipativo del Patto di Fiume Simeto.
  • Lambert-Pennington, K., Saija, L., & Franchina, A. 2018. From Possibility to Action: An Interdisciplinary Action-Learning School dealing with Waste. Cambio. Rivista sulle Trasformazioni Sociali, 8(15), 73-87.
  • CoPED faculty (L. Saija, K. Lambert-Pennington, M. Ferrigno, and A Raciti) and students, 2018. RURAL-ABILITY: A project for Santa Maria di Licodia. Submitted to Cultura e Progresso and Il Presidio Partecipativo del Patto di Fiume Simeto.
  • Lambert-Pennington, K. and Boykins, A. 2018. Aging Mastery Program Evaluation: Year Three andLongitudinal Impacts. Submitted to The Works, Inc. and the Plough Foundation, May 30, 2018

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine and Kathryn Hicks. 2016. Class Conscious, Color-Blind: Examining the Dynamics of Food Access and the Justice Potential of Farmers Markets. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment, 38(1) 57-66.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine. 2016 Promoting Engaged Scholars: Matching Tenure Policy and Scholarly Practice. Metropolitan Universities Journal. 27(2) 50-58.
  • CoPED faculty (K. Lambert-Pennington, A. Raciti,K. Reardon and L. Saija) and students, 2016. Community Development Plan for the City of Paterno. Submitted to the City of Paterno, Italy, and community partners( Participatory Presidium, SUdS, and ViviSimeto Assocation), November 30, 2016. 

  • Antonio Raciti, Katherine A. Lambert-Pennington, Kenneth M. Reardon. 2015. The struggle for the future of public housing in Memphis, Tennessee: Reflections on HUD's Choice Neighborhoods planning program, Cities, Available online 11 December 2015, ISSN 0264-2751, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2015.10.016.

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine and Kathryn Hicks, 2014. A Longitudinal Evaluation of the South Memphis Farmers Market, 2011-2013. Prepared for the Works Inc., submitted to the Works, Inc. and the South Memphis Farmers Market Advisory Committee, State of Tennessee Health Department, United States Department of Agriculture.
  • Duke, Brent, Leigh Hersey, Stan Hyland, and Katherine Lambert-Pennington. Strengthening Communities Initiative – 2008-2014. Submitted to Community Foundation of Greater Memphis, United Way of the Mid-South, and University of Memphis Research Foundation, Winter 2015.
  • Hicks, Kathryn and Katherine Lambert-Pennington. 2014. Evaluating the South Memphis Farmers Market as a strategy to improve access to healthy foods: Lessons from 2011.Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 4(2): 424-439.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2013. Engaged Pedagogy and Neighborhood Change in Higher Education, Diversity and Democracy, Vol 16(1):28-29 Available online: http://www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/vol16no1/lambert-pennington.cfm.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2012. Deepening the Culture of Engagement in Higher Education, Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education, 2(1): 4-8.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2012. Pursuing Engaged Scholarship In An Age Of Austerity: A Postcard From Memphis, Metropolitan Universities Journal 23(1): 111-126.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2012. Real Blackfellas: Constructions and Meanings of Aboriginality in Urban Indigenous Australia. Transforming Anthropology 20(2): 131-145.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2011. From Food Desert to Farmers Market: The Intersection of Community, Health, and Neighborhood Revitalization in South Memphis, Applied Anthropology CourseReader. Detroit: Gale.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, Kenneth Reardon, and Kenneth Robinson, 2011. Creating an Interdisciplinary Community Development Assistance Center: The South Memphis Revitalization Action Project, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 17(2): 59-70.
  • Norris-Tirrell, Dorothy, Katherine Lambert-Pennington, and Stan Hyland, 2010. Imbedding Service Learning in Engaged Scholarship at Research Institutions to Revitalize Urban Neighborhoods, Journal of Community Practice. Volume 18 (2 & 3): 171 – 189.
  • Brondo, Keri Vacanti and Katherine Lambert-Pennington, 2010. “Coalition of Trust” or “Trust Me I Know What’s Best”: When Southern Progressivism Meets PAR-informed Engaged Scholarship. Urban Anthropology 39 (3-4): 1-41.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, Vickie Peters, and Kenneth Reardon, 2010. Relieving the Memphis Blues: The Challenge Confronting the Bluff City's CDC Community. Shelterforce. Winter Issue. National Housing Institute: Washington, DC. Winter Issue. Available online at: http://www.shelterforce.org/article/1852/a_cure_for_the_memphis_blues/P0/
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine and Julie Pfromm, 2010. Faith-based Development and Community Renaissance: Tradition and Transformation in South Memphis, in “Not By Faith Alone: Social Services, Social Justice, and Faith-Based Organizations in the U.S. Julie Adkins, Laurie Occhipinti, and Tara Hefferan, eds. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pgs.69-90.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2010. Practicing What We Preach: The Possibilities Of Participatory Action Research With Faith-Based Organizations, NAPA Bulletin, Special Issue On Faith-Based Development 33:143-160.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2007. What Remains? Reconciling Repatriation, Aboriginal Culture, Representation and the Past. Oceania 77(3): 313-336.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2002. Roland B. Dixon, in Celebrating a Century of the American Anthropological Association: Presidential Portraits. Regna Darnell and Frederic Gleach, eds. Washington, DC: American Anthropology Association Press, pgs. 21-24
  • Lambert-Pennington, K. 2024. The Transformative Praxis of Care: Theorizing change and doing Public Anthropology. Seminario di presentazione del PRIN 2022 PNRR “Quasi-Ruins. Place, nostalgia and future in late-industrial Italian Towns”  Università di Salerno, 3-4 giugno.

  • Lambert-Pennington, K. 2023. Action Research as Transformative Praxis, a Participatory Action Research Workshop (4 hours), University of Catania, Department of Political and Social Sciences, 13 June.
  •  Lambert-Pennington, K. 2023. La Politica della Possibilità: Esplorare la Governance Condivisa e lo Sviluppo Alternativo Nella Valle del Fiume Simeto/ The Politics of Possibility: Exploring Shared Governance and Alternative Development in the Simeto River Valley, Presented to the Participatory Presidium and research participants, July 4, 2023.

  • Lambert-Pennington, K. 2023. “The Sun is Energy: Agricultural Entanglements and Renewable Futures in Sicily, Society for Applied Anthropology in Session entitled, Development and the Power of Community, Saturday, April 1, 2023.

  • Lambert-Pennington, K. 2023. Reinscribing Value in a Landscape of Abandonment: Waste and Agriculture in the Simeto. In session entitled, Waste and Pollution, Sunday, November 19, 2023. Toronto, CA.

  • Lambert-Pennington, K. and Giusy Pappalardo, 2022. Crisis of the water-agriculture-culture: Ecomuseums as territory reimagined, in session: Contested Landscape Transitions: Ruins? Repair? Re-membering? in Late-Industrial Southern Italy, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

  •  Lambert-Pennington, K. 2022. "Anthropology Between Conservation and Transformation: Action Research as Praxis, Invited lecture - Department of Humanities, University of Catania, May 18. 
  • Lambert-Penningotn, K. 2022. Anthropological Methodologies for the 21st Century: Making and Navigating Transdisciplinary Knowledge. University of Catania, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania, Corso di Laurea Magistrale, Storia e Cultura dei Paesi Mediterranei, Antropologia del Mediterraneo, March 7.
  • Lambert-Pennington, K. 2022. Discussant, “Early career engaged Urban researchers beyond rhetoric: surviving acrobatics on the wire connecting activism and academia.” European Urban Research Association Meetings, April 15, 2022.
  • Lambert-Pennington, K. Melton-Fant, C. and Guthrie, A. 2021. COVID-19 and Evictions in Memphis, Benjamin Hooks Institute, Race in the Time of COVID Policy Papers Presentation, November 9. https://youtu.be/_5dQFmLzMpo
  • Lambert-Pennington, K. 2021. Waste and the River: the politics of possibility in the Simeto River Valley, Italian Society for Cultural Anthropology Annual Conference: Antropologie del futuro, futuro dell’antropologia (Future: Anthropologies of the Future, the Future of Anthropology), Rome, 22-25 September.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2021. Leisure space, Indigenous place: Presence, Absence and Restorative Attachment in suburban Sydney, Liège University (Belgium) Babel Tower Webinar Series on Art, Archaeology, Patrimony and Museology. March 12. https://youtu.be/MJyWGhiRsw4.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine. William Roberts, Douglas Hume, Keri Brondo, Tim Wallace, 2021. Field Schools in Uncertain Times: Assessing Risk for Host Communities, Students, and Faculty Roundtable. Society for Applied Anthropology, March 23.

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2021. The Hungry City: Race, Space and Food in Memphis, Canadian National Security Programme Fellows, Webinar, April 19.
  • Lambert-Pennington, K. and Miller, A. 2021 Development Priorities and Actions in the Simeto Valley: Results from a Valley Wide Survey. Presented to the Participatory Presidium of the Simeto Valley, April 8.
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, 2021. What is Participatory Action Research? Presentation for Seeding Success, Blue Meridian Project Design Team, January 8.

  • Lambert-Pennington. K. Conflictual consensus: Practicing Alternative Development in the Simeto River Valley, Sicily American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver BC, November 20, 2019.

  • Lambert-Pennington, K. Keri Brondo, Micah Trapp, Kenny Latta, and Kimberly Kasper, Practicing Engaged and Collaborative Anthropology: Insights and Recommendations from Memphis Roundtable. Central States Anthropological Society, Memphis TN, April 20, 2019
  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, “The power of ethnography for planning scholars: Reflections on Al Mercato con Aida”, University of Catania, Department of Engineering and Architecture, May 23, 2019.
  • Franchina, Alice, Katherine Lambert-Pennington, and Laura Saija, ll possibile ci ha già trasformato. Lezioni apprese da un’esperienza di scuola estiva nella Valle del Simeto Italian Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Florence, IT, December 10, 2017.

  • Lambert-Penningtonand Laura Saija, Because what we eat is who we are, American AnthropologicalAssociation Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November 30, 2017

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine and Lyndsey Pender, “I just eat what I want”: Food Resourcing Strategies and Aging, American Anthropological Association, Minneapolis, MN November 15-20, 2016.

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine and Kathryn Hicks. Farmers Markets & Nutritional Benefits: A Window into the Race and Class Politics of Alternative Food Practices. American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC, December 2014.

  • Sanne Roijmans, Kathryn Hicks, Katherine Lambert-Pennington. The Effect of Nutritional Support Program Acceptance on Food Justice and Food Access in Memphis, TN, Society for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque, NM, March 2014.

  • Jenessa Gebers, Katherine Lambert-Pennington and Kathryn Hicks. Privileging healthy foods: examining the dynamics of food access in South Memphis, TN. Society for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque, NM, March 2014.

  • Rich, Sarah, Kathryn Hicks and Katherine Lambert-Pennington. Expanding Food Access and Community Engagement: The Challenges of Participatory Methods in Long-Term Community Development. Society for Applied Anthropology Meeting, Denver, CO. 2013

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine and Kathryn Hicks. “We Now Take EBT”: Farmers Markets As Food Access Points In Low-Income Neighborhood, Society For Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 30, 2012

  • Hicks, Kathryn & Katherine Lambert-Pennington, Anthropology, Engagement and Science: Understanding the Social and Health Impacts of the Some Farmers Market, American Anthropological Meetings, Montreal, November 17, 2011

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, Kenneth Reardon, and Kenneth Robinson. Thrills, Chills and Spills of Collaborative Research: Lessons from the South Memphis Front. Consortium for Health Education, Economic Empowerment, and Research (CHEER), Empowering Communities To Create A Healthy Village, Memphis, TN.June 20-22, 2011

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, Residents, A Planner and an Anthropologist walk into City Hall: Participatory Action as a Strategy for Neighborhood Revitalization. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 18, 2010

  • Kenneth Reardon, Antonio Raciti, and Katherine Lambert Pennington, "Promoting Resident-Led Planning and Development in the American and Italian South,"Planners Network, June 18-20, 2010

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, The Making and Unmaking of Indigenous Peoples and Rights: Comments on papers for the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Power, Politics, and Performances of Indigeneity, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, December 4, 2009

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine and Julie Pfromm, The Saint: the Engaged Congregation and Community Renaissance in South Memphis. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, March 17-21, 2009

  • Brondo-Keri, Katherine Lambert-Pennington, Andrew Mrkva, and Samantha Gibbs. “Coalition of Trust” or “Trust Me, I Know What’s Best”: When Southern Progressivism Meets PAR, Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, NM, March 17-21, 2009

  • Norris-Tirrell, Dorothy, Stan Hyland, Katherine Lambert-Pennington, and Robert Fockler, The Memphis Strengthening Communities Initiative: A Model of University Community Collaboration. Community Development Society Annual Meeting, July 28, 2009

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, From Hope to Home: The Challenges of Homeownership and Community Building in College Park. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN, March 25-29, 2008

    Lambert-Pennington, Katherine and Paige Walkup, Beyond Bricks and Mortar: Building a Toolkit for Successful Community Engagement. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN, March 25-29, 2008

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, A School for the Community or a Community School: The dynamics of Aboriginal Education in La Perouse. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 2007

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine, Koori Inside and Out: Hailing, Difference-making, and the Politics of Indigenous Recognition in Australia. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. 2006
Appendix C - Research/Scholarship/Creative Activities
  • Policy Papers & Reports

  • Lambert-Pennington, Lyndsey Pender, Joyce Harris, and Alexandria Boykins. Aging Mastery Program: Year Two Evaluation. Submitted to The Works, Inc., May 30, 2017.
  • Lambert-Pennington and Lyndsey Pender. Aging Mastery Program: Interim Evaluation. Submitted to The Works, Inc., May 31, 2016.

  • Reardon, Kenneth, Katherine Lambert-Pennington, Laura Saija, and Antonio Raciti, 2012. Vance Avenue Choice Neighborhood Data Book. Available online at

  • Reardon, Kenneth, Katherine Lambert-Pennington, Laura Saija, Antonio Raciti, 2012. Vance Avenue Renaissance Plan – Neighborhood Subcommittee. Available online at http://www.memphis.edu/planning/student_projects.htm.

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine and Kenneth M. Reardon, 2010. Vance Avenue Collaborative: Preliminary Planning Framework. Available online at: http://www.memphis.edu/planning/student_projects.htm.

  • Norris-Tirrell, Dorothy, Katherine Lambert-Pennington, Stan Hyland, and Susan Schmidt, 2010. Strengthening Communities Initiative – First Round Grants: Final Evaluation. University of Memphis: Memphis, TN. Copies of this report are available on the Strengthening Communities website at www.memphis.edu/scgrants.

  • Lambert-Pennington, Katherine and Kenneth M. Reardon, 2009. South Memphis Revitalization Acton Plan: A People's Blueprint for Building a More Vibrant, Sustainable, and Just Community. St. Andrew AME Church. Approved by the City of Memphis, March 9, 2010.  Available online at: http://www.memphis.edu/planning/student_projects.htm

  • Hyland, Stan, Dorothy Norris-Tirrell, Katherine Lambert-Pennington and Susan Schmidt, Fall 2009. Strengthening Communities Status Report 2009, Submitted to Community Foundation of Greater Memphis, United Way of the Mid-South, and University of Memphis Research Foundation.

  • Brondo, Keri, A. Mrkva, and K. Lambert-Pennington, May 19, 2008. Beltline Community Action Process Report. Submitted to Jacob’s Ladder Community Development Corporation and Beltline Neighborhood Association. 
Appendix D - Support
  • NSF-SRS RN: - Co-PI with Maryam (PI) on "Collaborations to Enhance Sustainable Urban-Rural Regional Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Reduce Plastic Pollution" ($155,769.00). This planning project aims to develop a network of multi-institutional and multi-stakeholder collaborations to advance and inspire the convergent research and education on socio-environmental interconnection of urban and rural systems impacting the plastic pollution. Furthermore, a network of multidisciplinary researchers will be developed to better identify the fate and transport of plastic pollutants from interconnected urban and rural systems to the water resources and terrestrial environment. Submitted January 2021, under review.
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - Co-PI with Andrew Guthrie (PI), Elena Delavega, and Daphene McFerren on a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Letter of Intent (LOI), “Land Installment Contract.” This policy-focused project takes up the issue of structural racism in the housing sector, which lies at the heart of the nation’s persistent racial wealth gap, to focuse on private actors exploiting a gap in policy to profit from housing in historically redlined neighborhoods through Land Installment Contracts (LICs), a form of rent-to-own housing tenure. The purpose of the research is to evaluate several policy responses to LICs: Standardized, mandatory recording of LICs and education of buyers on differences from conventional home loans; A right to advance notice of and an opportunity to cure default; and A right to counsel in eviction proceedings. Submitted, November 2020; currently under review.
  • Chan Zuckerberg Initiative LLC (CZI) - Co-PI with Keri Brondo (PI) on “The Community's Role in an Equitable and Effective COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout” ($535,383.00). Submitted Sept 2020. This proposal under review.
  • NSF-DISES- Co-PI with Claudio Meier (PI) and Stephen Diko on “A transdisciplinary, transformative citizen-science approach for enhancing understanding of, and interventions to, urban pluvial flooding.” This project explores the dynamics of and solutions to urban pluvial flooding in Memphis and Sicily through the lens of ecosystem services, green infrastructure, and participatory action research and engagement. The research is grounded in a transdisciplinary, transformative citizen-science approach and will contribute a new vision of stormwater management, by genuinely combining social and environmental goals. Submitted October 2020. This project is currently under review.
  • NSF-IRES - Co-PI with Dr. Antonio Raciti (UMASS Boston) on an NSF IRES proposal, “International Center for Trans-Epistemic Research (ITERC): Co-Production of Resilience and Sustainability of Socio-Ecological Systems in the Simeto River Valley (Sicily, Italy).” This project aims to establish three 21-day Advanced Studies Institutes for Trans-Epistemic Research (ASITER) in Sicily (Italy) during June of 2022, 2023, and 2024 to train a total of 18 advanced graduate students in STEM and Environmental Science fields to conduct research that gauges different understandings of the food, energy, water (FEW) nexus within a studied social-ecological system and generates scientific innovation contributing to local decision making and global advancement in the theory and practice of trans-disciplinary research. Submitted October 2020. This proposal is currently under review.
  • Fulbright Faculty Award, Italy, Foundation con IL SUD, Alternate 2020.