Research Areas: Labor Economics, Economics of Education, Health Economics
Teaching Areas: Labor Economics, Microeconomics, Econometrics, Game Theory
Personal Website:
- “Gender, Coauthorship, and Scholarly Productivity in Economics,” with Sheena Murray and Wendy Stock. Forthcoming, Economic Inquiry.
- “Shelter-inPlace Orders, Loneliness, and Cooperative Behavior,” with Jobu Babin and Marine Foray, 2021. Economics and Human Biology.
- “Beauty Premiums Among Academics,” with Jobu Babin, Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy, and David Taylor, 2020. Economics of Education Review. 78: 102019.
- “The Fundamental Determinants of Economic Inequality in Average Income Across Countries: The Declining Role of Political Institutions,” with Michael Jetter and Dianne McWilliam, 2020. Review of Income and Wealth
- “The Role of Confidence and Noncognitive Skills for Post-Baccalaureate Academic and Labor Market Outcomes,” with Weiwei Chen and Wayne Grove, 2017. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 138: 10-29.
- “Long Term Trends in Fair and Unfair Inequality in the United States,” with Michael Jetter, 2017. Applied Economics 17: 1147-63.
- “Disruption in Parental Co-habitation on Short-term, Medium-term and Long-term Outcomes of Adolescents,” with Debjani Kanjilal and Anil Nathan, 2016. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 37(1): 58-74.
- “Experimental Evidence of the Effects of an Early Intervention Program on Ecoonomics Student Outcomes,” with Doug Campbell, 2015. Applied Economics Letters 22(11): 895-899.
- “Greek Organization Membership and Collegiate Outcomes,” with Nathan Martin and Jay Walker, 2015. Research in Higher Education 56(3).
- “Adolescent Obesity, Educational Attainment, and Adult Earnings,” with John Amis and Albert Okunade, 2014. Applied Economics Letters 21(13):945-50.
- “Returns to MBA Quality: Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Returns to Peers, Faculty, and Institution Quality,” with Wayne Grove, 2014. Labour Economics 26:43-54.
- “AIDing Contraception: HIV and Recent Trends in Abortion Rates,” with Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy and Jay Walker, 2014. Applied Economics 46(15): 1788-1803.
- “Affirmative Action in MBA Programs: Investigating the Mismatch Hypothesis for Race and Gender,” with Wayne Grove, 2014. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (Advances) 14(3): 613-668.
- “Racial Segregation Patterns in Selective Universities”, with Peter Arcidiacono, Esteban Aucejo, and Kenneth Spenner, 2013. Journal of Law and Economics 56(4): 1039-60.
- “The Payoff to School Selectivity: An Application of Dale and Krueger's Method to MBA Programs,” with Weiwei Chen and Wayne Grove, 2012. Economics Letters 116(2): 247-249.
- “Human Capital Augmentation versus the Signaling Value of MBA Education,” 2012. Economics of Education Review 31(4): 442-451.
- “The Effect of Ethics on Labor Market Success: Evidence from MBA Graduates,” 2011. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 80(1): 168-180.
- “Estimating the Ex Ante Expected Returns to College,” with Omari Swinton, 2011. American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, Vol. 101, No. 3: 598-602.
- “The Gender Pay Gap Beyond Human Capital: Heterogeneity in Noncognitive Skills and in Labor Market Tastes,” with Wayne Grove and Michael Jetter, 2011. Journal of Human Resources, 46(4): 827-874.
- “Returns to Field of Study versus School Quality: MBA Selection on Observed and Unobserved Heterogeneity,” with Wayne Grove, 2011. Economic Inquiry, Vol. 49, No. 3: 730-749.
- “The Effects of Focused Area of Study on Self-Reported Skill Gains and Satisfaction of MBA Graduates,” 2009. The Journal of Global Business Management, Vol. 5, No. 2.
- “Overweight Adolescents and On-time High School Graduation: Racial and Gender Disparities,” with Albert A. Okunade and Mustafa C. Karakus, 2009. Atlantic Economic Journal, Vol. 37, No. 3: 225-242.
- “The Economic Returns to an MBA,” F0 0
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