Name: LORELEI H. CORCORAN Department:Art and Design

B.A. Classical Studies, minor in Anthropology Tufts University 1975
Ph.D. Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations University of Chicago 1988

Gallery Coordinator   Olive Hyde Art Gallery, Fremont, CA 1980-1981
Curator   Mission San Jose, Fremont, CA 1980-1985
Assistant Curator The Oriental Institute Museum University of Chicago 1989-1990
Assistant Director and Curator IEAA The University of Memphis 1990-1998
Acting Director IEAA The University of Memphis Fall 1992
Assistant Professor Department of Art The University of Memphis 1990-1995
Associate Professor Department of Art The University of Memphis 1995-
Director and Curator IEAA The University of Memphis 1998-2000
Director IEAA The University of Memphis 1998-


Instructor The Oriental Institute Museum Members' Program
Instructor Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago
Associate Professor, G and U The University of Memphis

Undergraduate Elizabeth Powell 1992
Masters Margaret Moore Mary Louise Moore-Haney Doris Layne Christopher Williams Pamela J. Wilson David Seifert Michelle Marlar Anne Igoe Michelle McClenny Daniel Cole Tammy Hilburn Brian Smith Corcoran Elizabeth Cummins Merit Huey William Clifford 1994 Committee Chair 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 1
Masters Name Year of graduation Committee Member
  Beverly Joyce Charles Kistler Rebecca L. Twist Katheryn W. Bohlman Kevin L. Johnson Susan Allison Podzorski Amanda Leenerts 1992 1996 1999 2000 2002 2003 2003 2003
Doctoral Name Year of graduation Committee Member
  Kimberly Nichols Steven Patterson Louise Rasnake Cooper Robert Griffin 2001 2001

Books Published

Lorelei H. Corcoran and Marie Svoboda, Herakleides: A Portrait Mummy from Roman Egypt (Getty Publications, 2010).

Portrait Mummies from Roman Egypt (I-IV centuries A.D.): with a Catalog of Portrait Mummies in Egyptian Museums, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, vol. 56 (Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1995), pp. xxxii + 256; 42 figures, 2 maps, 6 tables, 32 plates.

In progress: Monograph on Egyptian Art.

Refereed journal publications (includes book chapters and newspaper articles)

"A Case for Narrativity: Gilt Stucco Mummy Cover in the Graeco-Roman Museum, Alexandria, inv. 27808" in Emily Teeter and John A. Larson, eds., Gold of Praise: Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honor of Edward F. Wente, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, vol. 58 (Chicago, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1999), Ch.5, pp. 55-66, figs. 5.1-5.10.

"Painted Funerary Shroud," in Africa: the Art of a Continent (first published on the occasion of the exhibition, "Africa: the Art of a Continent,") Royal Academy of Arts, London, October 1995-January 1996), edited by Tom Phillips. Munich. Prestel. 1995.

"Evidence for the Survival of Pharaonic Religion in Roman Egypt: The Portrait Mummy," in Hildegard Temporini and Wolfgang Haase, eds., Aufstieg und Niedergang der r"mischen Welt, II/18, (Berlin:Walter de Gruyter, 1995), pp. 3316-3332, pls. 1-9.

"The Roman Period," in Sue D'Auria, Peter Lacovara and Catharine A. Roehrig, eds., Mummies & Magic, The Funerary Arts of Ancient Egypt, (Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1988), pp. 201-215.

"Featured Object Number Seven: Gilded Funerary Mask," The Oriental Institute Museum brochure, February 1988.

Lorelei Corcoran (Schwabe), "Hawara Portrait Mummy no. 4," The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 71 (1985): 190-193, pl. 22.

"Masks," in Donald B. Redford, ed., The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, vol. 2 (New York, Oxford University Press, 2001), pp. 345-348.

"A Fond Remembrance: William Joseph Murnane, Jr.," KMT 12:1(Spring 2001): 4-6.

"The Mummy, Cartonnage Set and Coffin of Irtwirw," in Mamdouh Eldamaty and May Trad, eds., Egyptian Museum Collections around the World: Studies for the Centennial of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, 2 vols, (Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities, 2002), pp. 231-242.

"Baghdad Looters Smashed History of Rise of Civilization," The Commercial Appeal, Thursday, April 24, 2003, B5.

Book Reviews

In press, Review of Christina Riggs, The Beautiful Burial in Roman Egypt (Oxford University Press, 2005) for the Journal of Roman Studies.

Review of Bernard Bothmer, Egyptian Art: Selected Writings of Bernard Bothmer, ed. by Madeleine Cody (Oxford University Press) in Journal of American Oriental Society vol. 127, no. 1, 2007: 76-79. Reprinted by the Encyclopedia Brittanica Online:

Review of Whitney Davis, The Canonical Tradition in Ancient Egyptian Art (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), in the Journal of Near Eastern Studies vol. 54 no. 2 (April 1995): 137-144.

Review of Nancy Thomas, with essays by Gerry D. Scott, III, and Bruce G. Trigger, The American Discovery of Ancient Egypt (Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1995) in American Research Center in Egypt Newsletter, no. 170 (September 1996): 5; 9-10.

Review of David L. Thompson, Mummy Portraits in the J. Paul Getty Museum (Malibu: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1982) in the Journal of Near Eastern Studies vol. 45 no. 4 (October 1986): 301-304.

Published photographs

Fig. 26 "The Baptism of Pharaoh," fig. 12 "Divine Birth Legend of Ramses II," in Daily Life of the Egyptian Gods, Demitri Meeks and Christine Favard-Meeks, trans. by G.M. Goshgarian, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1996.

Dust jacket cover: "Hieroglyphs from the White Chapel of Sesostris I", in Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs, James P. Allen, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Plate 4 and 5, in Lorelei H. Corcoran, " A Fond Remembrance: William J. Murnane," KMT 12:1 (Spring 2001): 4-6.

Refereed Journal Publications

Submitted. “Color Symbolism,” entry for The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient History to be published by Wiley-Blackwell.

 “Mummies,” in Michael Gagarin ed., The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Volume 5, pages 2–3.

Refereed Conference Publications

"Mysticism and the Mummy Portraits" in Morris L. Bierbrier, ed., Portraits and Masks: Burial Customs in Roman Egypt, (London: British Museum Press, 1997), pp. 45-53.

"A Cult Function for the So-called Faiyum Portraits?," in Janet H. Johnson, ed., Life in a Multi-Cultural Society: Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and Beyond, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, vol. 51 (Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1992), pp. 57-61.

"Exploring the Archaeological Metaphor: The Egypt of Freud's Imagination," in The Annual of Psychoanalysis 19 (1991): 19-32.

Presentations - Conference (refereed *)



"Red-Shrouded Portrait Mummies," April 28, 1984, at the annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio.

"The Iconography of Portrait Mummies from Roman Egypt," March 22,1985, at The Netherlands Institute for Archaeology and Arabic Studies in Cairo; Cairo, Egypt.

"Portraiture in Ancient Egypt," July 17, 1986, Summer Workshop for High School Teachers, The University of Chicago.

"The Art of Amarna," November 7, 1987, at the symposium, Egypt of the Amarna Period, sponsored by The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.

"How to Read a Roman Mummy Mask," May 1, 1988, at the annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Inc., The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.

"How to Read a Roman Mummy," November 2, 1988, Evening Lecture Series, The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

"Is Egyptology in Your Future?" a presentation to Hester Junior High School summer school students, Franklin Park, IL, June 20, 1989.

"Ozymandias Reconsidered: Profiles of Pharaonic Propaganda," November 11, 1989, at the symposium, Images of Power: The Iconography of Kingship in the Ancient Near East, sponsored by the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.

"Exploring the Archaeological Metaphor" May 5, 1990 at the symposium, Sigmund Freud and Art, The Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

"A Cult Function for the So-called Faiyum Portraits?," September 6, 1990, at the international symposium, Life in a Multi-Cultural Society: Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and Beyond (in conjunction with the Fourth International Congress of Demotists), The Oriental Institute, Chicago, IL.

"Portrait of a Pyramid: The Funerary Complex of Amenemhet III at Hawara," April 6, 1991, panel participant and co-organizer of international symposium The Legacy of the Pyramids, Memphis State University.

"An Egyptian Funerary Mask of the Ptolemaic-Roman Period (MSU 1981.1.25): The Most Beautiful Face Among the Gods," November 2, 1991, at the annual meeting of the Southeastern College Art Conference, at Memphis State University, Memphis, TN.

"Initiation and Transformation: The Pharaonic Cult of Isis in Roman Egypt," March 27, 1993, panel participant and co-organizer of the national symposium, Images of Isis: Feminine Consciousness in Ancient Egypt, The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.

"Egyptian Art of the Late Period as Represented in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston" November 4, 1993, at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

"Karnak and the Cosmos ‘The Universe' and ‘The Stars' at the Great Temple of Amun," March 5, 1994, at the national symposium, Mansions of the Gods: The Temple in Ancient Egypt, The University of Memphis.

"Continuity and Change: Hellenistic and Pharaonic Traditions in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt," April 22, 1994, in the series Origins and Influences in the Ancient Mediterranean World, sponsored by the Marcus W. Orr Center for the Humanities, The University of Memphis.

"The ‘Gems' of the Collection of the Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology," April 30, 1994, at the annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Inc., Toronto, Canada.

"Women in Ancient Egypt," November 12, 1994, a one-woman, all-day workshop sponsored by the North Texas Chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt, Inc., at Southern Methodist University, University Park, Dallas, TX.

"Daily Life and Afterlife: Isis as a Role Model for Women in Ancient Egypt," November 13, 1994, at the Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, TX.

"Portrait Mummies: Views of Women's Roles in Roman Egypt," May 21, 1995, sponsored by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, and the Southern California Chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt, Inc., at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA.

"Mysticism and the Mummy Portraits" at the international symposium, " Portraits and Masks: Burial Customs in Roman Egypt" at The British Museum, London, July 13, 1995.

"Keeping Their Faith: The Continuity of Egyptian Religion in Roman Egypt," 1996 Riggins Lecture in Art History, January 31, 1996, the Department of Art, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

"Life, Death and Resurrection: Osiris, Isis and Horus," February 15, 1996, in conjunction with the exhibition "Splendors of Ancient Egypt" at the Florida International Museum, St. Petersburg, FL, at Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL.

"Portrait Mummies from Roman Egypt," at The Art Institute of Chicago, October 8, 1996, co-sponsored by the Classical Arts Society of Chicago.

"Alternative Afterlifestyles: Osiris or Re in Ancient Egypt?" October 21, 1996, at the American Research Center in Egypt international symposium, "Death and Eternity in Ancient Egypt" at New York University, NYC, NY.

"Case Studies in Narrativity: Decoding the Decorative Program of Late Period (Graeco-Roman) Coffins" at the annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, April 12, 1997, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

"Worlds Without End: The Quick and the Dead in Ancient Egypt," at the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, February 20, 1998.

"The Mystery and Magic of King Tut's Treasures," a part of the University Forum Lecture Series at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada, October 7, 1999.

"City of the Dead: Threshold to Eternal Life," at the international conference, "Ancient Egypt/Modern Egypt: Continuity and Change," at Columbia University, New York, October 24, 1999.

"Face to Face with the Past: Portrait Mummies from Roman Egypt" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, in conjunction with the exhibit, "Ancient Faces," April 14, 2000.

"‘O Osiris, Live Forever!' Mummies from the Last Days of Paganism in Greco-Roman Egypt" at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, Georgia, May 30, 2000.

"Mummies for a New Millennium," at the National Endowment for the Arts sponsored lecture series, "From Here to Eternity," at the Michael C. Carlos Museum of Archaeology at Emory University, Atlanta GA, December 6, 2001.

"Fabric, Fold and Flesh: Costume and the Human Figure in Egyptian Art," at the annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, at Brown University, April 2001.

"Can You See Anything?: A Mind's Eye Approach to Understanding Ancient Egyptian Art," at the Johns Hopkins Center for International Studies, Washington, DC, co-sponsored by the Washington DC chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt and the African Studies Program of Johns Hopkins University, January 18, 2002.

"Text and Context in Egyptian Art," sponsored by the Institute for the Humanities at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, February 8, 2002.

"Fabric, Fold and Flesh" sponsored by the North Texas Chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt, March 23, 2002.

"Recent Trends and Advances in the Study of Late Period Egypt: Art," at the fifty-third annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, April 28, 2002.

"Some Principles of Egyptian Art," at the American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt, December 8, 2003.


"'Ceci n'est pas une pipe (This is not a pipe)': Portraiture in Ancient Egypt" at the Georgia chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt, March 20, 2004.

"Culture and Continuity: Ancient Egypt's Living Past," the inaugural lecture in the series "The Legacy of Egypt," at the University of Memphis, April 8, 2004.

"A Mechanism for Maat: Approximate Symmetry as a Device for the Compositional Organization and Actualization of Text and Imagery," at the IXth International Congress of Egyptologists, Grenoble, France, 6 - 12 September 2004.

"Imaging Ideals: Portraiture in Ancient Egypt," sponsored by the Friends of Egyptology at Brown, Brown University, Providence, RI, 6 October 2004.



Tuition ScholarshipUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO $1500 Spring 1979
Museum Assessment Program Grant, Mission San Jose MuseumAMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF MUSEUMS $2,000 April 1984
Concurrent grants tenured in Egypt (1984-85) for dissertation research.AMERICAN RESEARCH CENTER IN EGYPT $7,000 1984-85
 RYERSON TRAVEL FELLOWSHIP (University of Chicago). $1,500 1984-85
Grants for Travel to International Meetings Abroad ("Portraits and Masks: Burial Customs in Roman Egypt," The British Museum, London).AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LEARNED SOCIETIES $500 July 13-14, 1995
Bravo! Award for "Africa's Egypt"FIRST TENNESSEE BANK $30,000 Feb 20 - May 2, 1999
BellSouth for "Africa's Egypt"BELLSOUTH $15,000 Feb 20 - May 2, 1999
Institute for the Humanities FellowUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR $10,000 January-Feb 2002
Participation in the Excavation of the Tomb of Harwa, Luxor, EgyptITALIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL MISSION IN LUXOR $5,000 (internal airfare, room and board for self and two students) December 2003- January 2004
The University of Memphis,FACULTY RESEARCH GRANT $3,000 Summer 1993
The University of Memphis,FACULTY RESEARCH GRANT $4,000 Summer 1998
The University of MemphisFACULTY DEVELOPMENT LEAVE $23,000 Fall 2001
Internal Support
The University of Memphis, FACULTY RESEARCH GRANT $3,000 Summer 1993
The University of Memphis, FACULTY RESEARCH GRANT $4,000 Summer 1998
The University of Memphis FACULTY DEVELOPMENT LEAVE $23,000 Fall 2001


Project/s summary

Lecturer, Christmas 1984. Visits to major archaeological sites in Egypt (Cairo, Luxor, Eastern Desert, and Abu Simbel) and Jordan (Petra). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, members December 1984 Y
"The Work of the Epigraphic Survey: A Season "The Work of the Epigraphic Survey: A Season < in Egypt," January 2, 1988, Young Presidents' Organization Conference, University of Chicago. Young Presidents' Organization January 1988 Y
Lecturer, The Oriental Institute "1989 Fall Tour." Nineteen-day tour of Egypt encompassing sites from Alexandria to Abu Simbel. Oriental Institute Museum Members Fall 1989 Y
Consultant and participant in Public Television's NSF sponsored Reading Rainbow episode no. 509, "Mummies Made in Egypt," which first aired on March 30, 1989. National Science Foundation March 1989 N
Lecturer, The Oriental Institute Volunteer Guide Program's visit to "Cleopatra's Egypt: Age of the Ptolemies," at the Detroit Institute of Art, April 8, 1989. Oriental Institute Museum Members April 1989 Y
Guest author, "Talks with Authors," Memphis uest author, "Talks with Authors," Memphis < Cable 18, The Library Channel, aired Mondays and Wednesdays through the month of February 1996. The Library Channel February 1996 N
Guest Egyptologist, "Spotlight", Memphis uest Egyptologist, "Spotlight", Memphis < Cable 18, The Library Channel, aired Tuesdays and Fridays through the month of April 1997. The Library Channel April 1997 N
Director, 10 day participation (booth) at Mid-South Fair   September 10-28, 1997 Y
Guest Egyptologist, "Art Scene" Memphis Cable 18 Mon. & Sat. February 1999 Y
Lecturer, The University of Memphis Tour to Egypt Lecturer, Memphis Cook Convention Center, Lecturer, Memphis, Tennessee, Lecturer, "Eternal Egypt Docent Training" Lecturer, Elderhostel IEAA Board of Governors and Community Support Members The Memphis Rotary Club Grace St. Luke Elementary School Wonders: The Memphis International Cultural Series University of Memphis Continuing Education March 11-21, 1999 August 29, 2000. March 2, 2001 May 14-June 11, 2001 September 23-28, 2001 Y N N Y Y
Lecturer, The University of Memphis Tour to Egypt Lecturer, "Grandparents and Their Grandchildren" Tour to Egypt Lecturer, "Cleopatra's Alexandria" Conduct tour of Egyptian Collection IEAA Board of Governors and Community Support Members Archaeological Tours Group Memphis Brooks Museum Society of Research Administrators February 2-20, 2001 June 18-28, 2001 November 1, 2002 April 29,2003 Y < < 0in .5in 1.0in 1.5in 2.0in 2.5in'> < < 0in .5in 1.0in 1.5in 2.0in 2.5in'> < < 0in .5in 1.0in 1.5in 2.0in 2.5in'>N < < 0in .5in 1.0in 1.5in 2.0in 2.5in'> < < 0in .5in 1.0in 1.5in 2.0in 2.5in'>N

< < border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid white .75pt;mso-border-alt:solid white .75pt; < padding:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;height:132.6pt'> < id="_x0000_s1047" style='position:absolute;z-index:3; < mso-position-horizontal:absolute;mso-position-horizontal-relative:text; < mso-position-vertical:absolute;mso-position-vertical-relative:text' from="-12.85pt,83pt" < to="562.4pt,83.05pt" o:allowincell="f" strokecolor="white"> < < endarrowlength="short"/> < absolute;z-index:3;margin-left:-18px;margin-t Assistant Director, Center of Excellence, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology; < Art Department Curriculum Committee (graduate and undergraduate); IEAA Board of Governors. Assistant < Director, Center of Excellence, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology; < Art Department Curriculum Committee (graduate and undergraduate); IEAA Board of Governors. Acting Director (Fall 1992) COE, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology; Assistant Director, COE, Institute of Egyptian Art & 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93
  Assistant Director, COE, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology; IEAA Board of Governors; Art Department Scholarship and Honors Committee; Art History Faculty; Search Committee for Scheidt-Hohenberg Chair of Excellence in Art History, Graduate Advisor. 1993-94
  Assistant Director, COE, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology; IEAA Board of < Governors; Art History Faculty Committee; Search Committee for Hohenberg < Chair of Excellence in Art History Art Department Scholarship and Honors Committee, Graduate Advisor. 1994-95
  Assistant Director, COE, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology; IEAA Board of < Governors [c]; Art History Faculty; Hohenberg Chair of Excellence Search Committee; Academic Enrichment Ad Hoc Committee; Graduate Advisor. 1995-96
  Assistant Director, COE, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology; IEAA Board of < Governors [c]; Art History Faculty; Hohenberg Chair of Excellence Search Committee; Graduate Advisor. 1996-97
  Assistant Director, COE, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology; IEAA Board 1997-98 1998-99
  Director, COE, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology; IEAA Board of Governors; < Art History Faculty; Hohenberg Chair of Excellence Search Committee; Search < Committee for Visiting Assistant Professor Egyptology [c]; Search Committee for Curator, IEAA [c]; Graduate Advisor. 1998-99
  Director, COE, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology; IEAA Board of Governors; < Art History Faculty; Hohenberg Chair of Excellence Search Committee, IEAA < Board of Governors; Advising and Planning; Search Committee for Assistant < Professor Egyptology [c]; Search Committee for Curator, IEAA[c]; Graduate Advisor. 1999-00
  Director, COE, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology; IEAA Board of Governors; < Art History Faculty; Hohenberg Chair of Excellence Search Committee, IEAA Board of Governors; Advising and Planning; Graduate Advisor. Director, < COE, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology; IEAA Board of Governors; < Art History Faculty; Hohenberg Chair of Excellence Search Committee, IEAA Board of Governors; Advising and Planning; Graduate Advisor. Director, < COE, Institute of Egyptian Art &a 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04
College/School CCFA Graduate Curriculum Committee, Developed Curriculum for MA program in Egyptian Art & Archaeology and submitted for TBR approval. 1991-93
  Art Museum Board of Governors. 1998-present
  CCFA Tenure and Promotion Committee. History Department Search Committee (Assistant Professor) History 2000-02 2002-03
University Marcus W. Orr Center for the Humanities Lecture Series. Faculty Senate; Sub-Committee on Plus-Minus Grading (implemented Fall '00). Post-Tenure Review Committee. Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Policies. Search Committee Director of International Programs and Services. NEH Summer Fellowship Review Committee. Search Committee for Vice Provost for Research at the University of Memphis. 1993-94 1996-98 1997 1996-98 1997-98 1999 2003

Mississippi & Memphis Chapter of Archaeological Institute of America American Research Center in Egypt Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. National Endowment for the Humanities Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago. The American Research Center in Egypt President Board of Governors Invited, Outside Reviewer for Tenure and Promotion Decision Invited Reviewer Invited, Outside Reviewer for Tenure Decision Invited Reviewer for Fellowship Applications Including U.S. State Dept. and NEH Fellowships 1991 - 1994 1997-2003 2001 and 2003 2001 2003 2004

Ligature, Inc., Chicago, IL - Grade 6 Textbook Review on Ancient Egypt 1989
Translated the mission statement of the Memphis Zoo into Egyptian hieroglyphs which decorate the facade of the zoo's administration building. 1992
Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, NY, Review of College Level Survey on Ancient Egypt 1993
Oxford University Press, New York, NY, Review of College Level Text on Egyptian Archaeology 1996
Oxford University Press, New York, NY, Pre review of monograph on Egyptian art 1997
Highlights Magazine, New York, NY, edited article on ancient Egypt 1998
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, pre-review of article on Roman era mummies 1999
National Geographic Explorer (television), "Mummies of Gold". 1999
Fox-TV, "Opening the Tombs of the Golden Mummies: Live" Cambridge The New York Times, 19 April Interview, 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2003