B. Sc. with High Honor Applied Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology 1978
M. Sc. Mathematics University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 1982
Ph. D. Mathematics University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 1984

Learning Laboratory Assistant Applied Mathematics Georgia Institute of Technology 1977-1978
Graduate Teaching Assistant Mathematics University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 1978-1983
Assistant Professor Mathematical Sciences Memphis State University 1984-1986
Visiting Assistant Professor Mathematics University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 1986-87
Assistant professor Mathematical Sciences Memphis State University 1987-1990
Associate Professor Mathematical Sciences Memphis State University 1991-1992
Visiting Associate Professor Department of Mathematics University of North Carolina, Charlotte 1992-1993
Associate Professor Mathematical Sciences University of Memphis 1993-2017
National Discipline Co-Leader Mathematics Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching 2000-2001
Visiting Scholar Mathematical Physics Erwin Schroedinger Institute, Vienna Austria May 2003
Research Member Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) August 2008
Professor Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Memphis 2017-present

National Merit Finalist National Merit Scholarship Corporation 1973
Regents Scholarship State of Georgia/Ga. Institute of Technology 74-75, 77-78
Research Fellowship University of North Carolina 1984
Professional Development Assignment University of Memphis 1992; 2003; 2010
Nominated, Thomas W. Briggs Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award University of Memphis 1999

(G) Complex Dynamics, Fractal Geometry, Chaos and Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory, Real Analysis (Measure Theory), Complex Analysis, Topology, Probability Theory, Theory of Operators on Hilbert Space, Fourier Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra University of Memphis
(U) Fractal Geometry, Chaos and Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis, Applied Matrix Theory/Markov Chains, Point-set topology, Advanced Calculus, Complex Variables, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Elementary Linear Algebra, Engineering Calculus I, II, III, Honors Calculus I, II, III, Honors Mathematics IV, Introduction to Proofs, Discrete Mathematics, Business Calculus, College Algebra, Pre-calculus, Concepts of Numbers, Trigonometry, Foundations of Mathematics University of Memphis
(U) Pre-Calculus, Calculus I, II, III, Business Calculus, Correspondence Courses in: Pre-Calculus, Business Calculus University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
(U) Pre-calculus with probability, Markov Chains University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Bachelor Lauren Sobral - Hardin Honors College Research Fellowship Summer 2017 December 2017
Bachelor Catherine T. Boatwright, Undergraduate Research 2016, expected
Ph. D. Tomas Juskuvecius (Committee Member) 2015
Ph. D. Jee Zhou (Committee Member) 2015
Masters Ben Jenkins (Committee Member) 2014
Doctoral Jared T. Collins (Thesis Adviser) December, 2013
Bachelor Randall Chastain (MemphiSTEM undergraduate research) 2013
Bachelor Jose Lobo (MemphiSTEM undergraduate research) 2012
Doctoral Damian Kubiak (Committee Member) 2012
Doctoral Shaun Ceci (Committee Member) 2011
Doctoral Gosia Czerwinska (Committee Member) 2011
Doctoral Andy Parrish (Committee Member) 2009
Doctoral Anca Buican Parrish (Committee Member) 2009
Doctoral Jeffrey P. Wheeler (Committee Member) 2008
Doctoral Robert Morris (Committee Member) 2006
Doctoral Eleni Katirtzglou (Committee Member) 1995
Bachelor Elizabeth Trouy (Undergraduate Research - Paper Published) 1990

Books Published

1. The Graphing Calculator in Math 1312, Student Guide, Wiley Custom Services, (1997), 50 pp. ; Revised second edition (1998), 52 pp.; Revised third edition (1999), 55 pp.

Refereed Journal Publications

Spectral analysis of the ergodic Hilbert transform, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 35 (1986), p. 379-390.

Hyponormal powers of composition operators, with P. Dibrell, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 102 no. 4 (1988), p. 914-918.

The spectral measure and Hilbert transform of a measure-preserving transformation, with K. Petersen, Transactions of the Amer. Math. Soc. 313 no. 1 (1989) , p. 121-131.

On some classes of weighted composition operators, with J. Jamison, Glasgow Math. J. 32 (1990), p. 87-94.

Composition operators on Lp and the Hopf decomposition, with J. Jamison, J. of Math. Anal. and Appl. 159 no. 2 (1991), p. 520-531.

Normal and quasinormal weighted composition operators, with M. Embry-Wardrop, R. Fleming, and S. Narayan, Glasgow Math. J. 33 (1991), p. 275-279.

When are two elements of GL(2, Z) similar?, with E. Trouy, Special Issue on Algebraic Linear Algebra of the J. of Linear Alg. and Appl. 157 (1991), p. 175-184.

Seminormal composition operators, with W. Hornor, J. of Operator Theory 29 (1993), p. 323-343.

Localized conditional expectation and a subnormality criterion for the adjoint of a weighted composition operator, with W. Hornor, Houston J. of Math 20 no. 2 (1994), p. 321-333.

Localizing and seminormal composition operators, with W. Hornor, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 124A (1994), p. 301-316.

Remarks on Normal and Hilbert-Schmidt composition operators, Far East J. of Math. Sci. 2 (1994), no. 1, p. 63-78.

Sharp estimates in Ruelle Theorems for Matrix Transfer Operators, with Y. Latushkin, Comm. in Math. Phys. 185, p. 379-396 (1997).

Localizing sets and the structure of sigma algebras, with A. Lambert and B. Weinstock, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 47, no. 3 (1998), p. 913-938.

Oscillation and Variation for the Hilbert transform, with R. Jones, K. Reinhold, and M. Wierdl, Duke Math. J. 105, no. 1 (2000), p. 59-83.

A generic C^1 expanding map has a singular S-R-B measure, with A. Quas, Comm. Math. Phys. 221 (2001) 2, 335 - 349.

Oscillation and variation for singular integrals in higher dimensions, with R. Jones, K. Reinhold and M. Wierdl, Transactions of the Amer. Math. Soc., 355 (5), 2115-2137 (2003).

Two-sided averages for which Oscillation fails, with R. Jones, New York Journal of Math. Vol 14 (2008), 205-214.

Specifying attracting cycles for Newton maps of polynomials, with J. T. Collins, J. of Difference Equations and Applications vol. 19 no. 8 (2013), 1361-1379. 

Blowup points and baby Mandelbrot sets for a family of singularly perturbed rational maps, with J. T. Collins,  Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 'Online First’ article with DOI 10.1007/s12346-015-0169-5 (22 pages), October 2015. 

An Alpern tower independent of a given partition, with J. T. Collins, S. Kalikow, R. King, and R. McCutcheon, Colloq. Math. 141 (no. 1),  119-124 (2015).

Recurrence and Primitivity for IP systems with polynomial wildcards,  with R. McCutcheon, Transactions of the Amer. Math. Soc.: Appeared electronically May 5, 2015; in print: vol. 368 no. 4, p. 2697-2721 (2016). 

Campbell, J.T. & McCutcheon, R., D sets and IP-rich sets in countable, cancellative abelian semigroups, Semigroup Forum (2017), p. 1-20.

Independence and Multi-towers, with R. McCutcheon and A. Windsor, submitted 2017.

Non-Refereed Publications

Slowly decaying averages and fat towers, with M. Wierdl, 9 pages, pre-print:

The equivalence of a certain maximal inequality with Carleson's inequality, University of Memphis Internal Report, 1989 (7 pages).

Presentations - Conference (refereed *)

The spectral measure and Hilbert transform of a measure preserving transformation, Southeastern Analysis Meeting, University of Alabama, March 1987.

Seminormal composition operators, Second Annual U. of Memphis/U. of Arkansas Mathematics Exchange, Fayetteville, Ark., October 1991.

Subnormality for the adjoint of a weighted composition operator, GPOTS, May 1992

Localizing for Weighted Composition Operators, North Carolina Operator Theory Symposium, Chapel Hill, N.C. November 1992.

Pure Composition Operators, Special Session on Operator Theory/Operator Algebras, Nat. meeting of the Amer. Math. Soc., San Antonio, TX January 1993.

Localizing for composition operators and Rohlin decompositions, North Carolina Operator Theory Symposium, Charlotte, N. C. October 1993.

Weighted composition operators on L^p spaces, Texas A&M Workshop on Modern Anal. and Op. Theory, August, 1994.

Spectral radius for transfer operators, N. Carolina Op. Theory Symp., Greenville, N. C., November 1994.

Sharp estimates in Ruelle Theorems for matrix coefficient transfer Operators, U. A. B. /A.U. Dynamics Conference, Birmingham, Ala., March 1996.

Sharp estimates in Ruelle theorems for matrix coefficient transfer operators, International Conf. on Dynamics, Weierstrauss Institute, Berlin, Germany, August 1996.

Singular integrals in harmonic analysis and ergodic theory, Annual Conf. on Harmonic Analysis, Auburn Univ., Auburn, Al., December 1997.

Oscillation in ergodic theory: singular integrals, Special Session in Ergodic Theory, Southeastern Regional Meeting of the AMS, Wake Forest University, October 1998.

Oscillation and variation for higher dimensional singular integrals, Conference on Modern and Classical Analysis, Vanderbilt University, May 1999.

Discrete singular integrals in ergodic theory, NSF-sponsored meeting on Ergodic Theory and Harmonic Analysis, Memphis, TN, January 2000.

Oscillation and variation for the Hilbert transform, Southeastern Analysis Meeting, University of Virginia, March 2000.

A generic C^1-expanding map has a unique S - R - B measure, NSF-sponsored meeting on Ergodic Theory and Harmonic Analysis, Memphis, TN, April 2001.

A generic C^1-expanding map has a unique S - R - B measure, First Joint Meeting of the AMS/SMF (French Mathematical Society), Lyon, France July 2001.

The helical transform revisited, Special Session on ergodic theory, Reg. Meeting of A.M.S. , Bloomington, Ind., April 2003.

Problem Presenter, Conference in honor of Itzhak Katznelson's 65th Birthday, Stanford University, December 2004.

Some recent results in ergodic Ramsey theory, International Paul Erdos Memorial Conference, Invited Lecture, University of Memphis, April 2012

Specifying attracting cycles for Newton maps of polynomials, Special Session on Ergodic Theory and Fractal Geometry, Oxford, MS March 2013

Some recent results on Newton maps for polynomials, Carolina Dynamics Symposium, Chapel Hill, NC, April 2013

Blowup points and baby Mandelbrot sets for a family of rational maps, AMS Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Ergodic Theory and Fractal Geometry, Knoxville, TN, March 2014.

Recurrence for IP-systems,  Carolina Dynamics Symposium, Davidson College, Davidson, NC, April 2014.

Recurrence and Primitivity for IP-systems with polynomial wildcards, International Meeting on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Torun, Poland, May 2014.

Recurrence for IP-systems, School on orbit equivalence and related topics, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile, December 2014.

Presentations - Universities/Industry (refereed *)

Some relationships between a.e. convergence and spectral theory, Colloquium, Williams College, Nov. 1986.

The spectral measure and Hilbert transform of a measure-preserving transformation, Colloquium, U. of N. Charlotte, February 1987.

Some remarks on the pointwise ergodic theorem and the existence of the Hilbert transform, Colloquium, U. of Richmond, April 1987.

Topological dynamics and uniform distribution mod1, Mid-South Colloquium, U. of Memphis, Feb. 1989.

Transference and rotated Hilbert transforms, Colloquium, U. of Toronto, March 1989.

Ergodic Theory and Harmonic Analysis, Colloquium, Miss. State U., Dec. 1989.

Reducing subspaces for composition operators, Colloquium, Virginia Polytechnical Institute, February 1993.

When are two elements of GL(2,Z) similar? Invited Address to Undergraduate Math. Club, VPI, Feb. 1993.

Spectral Theorems for matrix-coefficient transfer operators, Colloquium, U.N. C. Charlotte, May 1995.

Variation and oscillation in ergodic theory, probability, and harmonic analysis, Colloquium, Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee, May 2001.

Variation and oscillation for singular integrals in higher dimensions, Colloquium, Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee, March 2002.

The Wiener-Wintner Property for the helical transform, Invited Seminar, DePaul University, November 2003.

A borderline random Fourier series, Invited Seminar, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, March 2004.

The Wiener-Wintner Property for the helical transform, Invited Colloquium, Universite de Tours, France, May 2004.

The Wiener-Wintner property for the helical transform, Invited Colloquium, University of Victoria, B. C. (Canada), March 2007

Two-sided averages for which oscillation fails, Invited Seminar, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, March 2008

Introduction to ergodic Ramsey theory, Lafayette College NSF-REU, July 2008.

Ergodic Ramsey Theory, Invited Colloquium, University of Crete, Heraklion (Greece), July 2012

Some recent results in ergodic Ramsey Theory, Invited Colloquium, Georgia State University Department of Mathematics, November 2012

How to build a fractal, Invited 1-hour presentation to Georgia State University Mathematics Club, November 2012

Specifying attracting cycles for Newton maps of polynomials, Invited Colloquium, Wake Forest University, April 2013

Other Presentations (refereed *)

Invited Popular Lecture: Sliding block codes, or wallpaper?, Induction Ceremonies of Mu Alpha Theta, Central High School, Memphis, TN., Spring 1989.

Workshop: Calculus and Linear Algebra with a computer laboratory component, 130-minute hands-on workshop, including working through lab tutorials and discussion segment, Mid-South Instructional Technology Conference, organized by AAHE, MTSU, and Tenn. Board of Regents, Murfreesboro, TN, April 1997.

Workshop: Teaching with Maple, 1 hour hands-on workshop for visiting high-school teachers, including working through lab tutorials and discussion segment, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis, November 1999.

Workshop: Calculus with Maple, 2 hour hands-on workshop for visiting high-school students, including working through lab tutorials and discussion segment, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis, February 2000.

 Enhanced Teaching with Computer Algebra Systems, 1 hour presentation to  Memphis Area Council of Teachers of Mathematics Fall 2000, Dept. Math. Sci., University of Memphis, September 2000.

Invited Popular Lecture: How to Grow a Fractal, Induction Ceremonies of Sigma Xi Honor Society, University of Memphis, Spring 2001.

Invited Popular Lecture: Fractals are for Kids! , Induction Ceremonies of Mu Alpha Theta, Central High School, Memphis, TN., Spring 2001.

Why fractals are natural, Induction Ceremonies of Mu Alpha Theta, White Station High School, Memphis, TN Spring 2006

Chaos! Induction Ceremonies of Mu Alpha Theta, White Station High School, Memphis, TN Spring 2008

Calculus Boot Camp, 1-hour presentations with accompanying problem session for incoming freshmen, University of Memphis, August 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

Ensuring Teacher Quality, NSF-funded workshop via John Haddock, 5 90-minute workshops with high-school teachers from across TN, various dates July 2008 - July 2009

Fractals: The geometry of nature, Saturday Mathematics at Memphis, February 2009; a two-hour presentation to Memphis-area high school students ( )

I have given many 10-minute contributed (research) talks at special sessions in national and regional meetings of the Amer. Math. Soc.

Fractals: The geometry of Nature, Invited Presentation, St. Agnes High School, Memphis, TN, November 2013.



Southeastern Analysis Meeting, with J. Jamison, both co P.I.'s. Effort: 50/50%National Science Foundation/Prof. Robert Olin $11,000 March 1993
Micro-computer labs for instruction in Calculus, Botelho, co-P.I. Effort: 50/50% Campbell/Botelho.National Science Foundation ILI-IP $96,000 April 1996-July 1998
Almost-everywhere convergence, Wierdl, P.I. J. Campbell, co-P.I.. Effort: 80/20%National Science Foundation, Division of Mathematical Sciences, Modern Analysis $4500 travel support 1998-2001
Calculus Summer Academy 2000. Effort: 100%Memphis City Schools/Urban Systemic Program $6000 July 2000
Calculus Summer Academy 2001. Effort: 100%Memphis City Schools/Urban Systemic Initiative $7500 June 2001
Calculus Summer Academy 2002. Effort: 100%Memphis City Schools/Urban Systemic Initiative $8000 June 2002
Visiting Scholar - Research & TravelErwin Schroedinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna $3,000 May 2003
Teaching Algebra For Understanding, with C. Rousseau and S. Maxwell, College of Education, U. of M. Effort: 25%Eisenhower Foundation $108,000 June 2003-June 2004
Northwest Dynamics Symposium: Co-PI with A. QuasPacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) $20000 August, 2008
Travel/Local FundsMathematical Sciences Research Institute $2180 travel/local support Fall 2008
Ergodic Optimization, conference jointly organized with A. QuasBanff International Research Station (BIRS) Approx. $20000 February 2011
Travel/Local Funds Conference on Holomorphic and Hamiltonian Dynamical systemsCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) $1000 local support May 1-7, 2011
NSF travel support/Ergodic Ramsey Theory Conference, Heraklion, CreteNSF $1500 travel support June, 2013
Course Revitalization Grant, jointly with J. JamisonTennessee Board of Regents $9,000 2014
 Banff International Research Station Local Housing/Expenses for 5-day workshop July 2015
Internal Support
Investigations into Harmonic Analysis J. Campbell, P.I., 100% U of M Faculty Research Development Grant $3,000 Summer 1988
Mini-conference on measuarable transformations and composition operators J. Campbell, P.I., 100% U of M College of Arts and Sciences $3,000 January 1992
Computer labs for instruction in Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations J. Campbell, P.I., 100% U of M TAF Innovative Instruction Grant $5,300 1996-1997
Lab Remodeling and Furniture Funds J. Campbell/F. Botelho 50/50% U of M Graduate Research Office/U of M College of Arts and Sciences $14,000 1996-1997
Lab Supplement for Math 3391 J. Campbell, P.I., 100% U of M TAF Innovative Instructional Grant $4,200 1998-2000
205/207 Lab Emergency Equipment J Campbell, 100% U of M IT Office $4,000 1999
Academic Enrichment Proposal J. Campbell, A. Quas, 50/50% U of M College of Arts and Sciences $1,000 2000-2001
Upgrading the Core J. Campbell, C. Rousseau 50/50% U of M College of Arts and Sciences/U of M IT Office $12,000 2000-2001
Upgrading the Core, renewal U of M College of Arts and Sciences/U of M IT Office $12,000 2001-2002
Harmonic Analysis and Ergodic Theory, Effort: 100% U of M Faculty Research Grant $6,000 2003-2004
Travel Enrichment Funds College of Arts and Sciences $500 Fall 2008
Saturday Mathematics at Memphis U of M Public Service Funds $1000 Spring 2009
Distinguished Lecturer in Mathematics, Dr. Kenneth M. Golden Student Activities Coucil $2500 April, 2013
Distinguished Lecturer in Mathematics, Dr. Bob Devaney Student Activities Council $3000 April, 2015
Helen Hardin Honors College Summer Research Mentor for Lauren Sobral Hardin Honors College $700 Summer 2017

  Mid-South Colloquium Committee [C] 1987-88
  Department Publicity Coordinator [C] 87-88
  Hiring Committee 87-88, 02-03, 04-05, 07-08
  Library Committee [C] 88-90, 93-95
  Library Committee 91-92, 95-97
  Undergraduate Coordinator [C] 98-2002; 2013-present
  Undergraduate Committee 88-89, 91-92; 95-99; 2005-2008; 2012-2013
  Colloquium Committee [C] 89-90, 93-94
  Technology in Teaching Committee [C] 94-98
  Computer Advisory Committee to the Chair 93-94, 95-96
  Computer Systems Advisory Commitee 97-98
  Faculty Senate 94-96; 2005-06
  Dean's Technology Advisory Committee 95-97
  Ph. D./Masters Qualifying Exam Design and Grading Often since 1986
  Course Coordinator for: Math 1181, 1211, 1312, 1321, 3242 Often
  Faculty Adviser, Cantor Sect (Student Math Organization) 1999-2015
  Departmental Newsletter Committee [C] 2002-3
  Departmental Newsletter Committee 2001-02
  Departmental Web Page Committee 2001-02
  Departmental Faculty Evaluation Committee 2004, 2005
  Faculty Research Grant Evaluation Committee 2005-06
  Departmental Recruiting (off campus) [C] 2006-2010
  Director of Departmental Honors Program 2008-present
  College UG Curriculum Committee 2006; 2013 - present
  Advising Coordinator 2013-present
  Departmental Undergraduate Coordinator 2013-present
  Chair's Advisory Committee 2015-present
  Scholarship Committee [C] 2008 - present
  University Undergraduate Curriculum Council Fall 2016-present

Various journals: Proceeedings of the A.M.S., Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Journal of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Journal of Operator Theory, Indiana Univ. Math. Journal, Far East J. of Math., Journal of Math. Analysis and Applications, Studia Mathematica Referee Various years since 1987
Math Reviews Reviewer Since 1992
Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) National Mathematics Discipline Co-Leader 2000-2001
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences Editor 2004-2010

Appendix A

Academic Year (please indicate year) Course # Course Name Credit Hours Percent Taught Enroll Labratory Supervised(S)/Instructed(I) New Preparation (Y) /(N)
Fall 2015 Math 1830 Elementary Calculus 3 100 85   N
Fall 2015 Math 7350 Real Analysis I 3 100 8   Y
Fall 2015 UNHP 1100 Honors Symposium: Fractals and Chaos 1 100 13   Y
Spring 2016 Math 7351 Real Analysis II 3 100 6   Y
Spring 2016 Math 2702 Intro to Proofs 3 100 10   N
Summer 2016 Math 3242 Intro to Linear Algebra 3 100 17   N
Fall 2016 MATH 2422 Honors Calculus 3 4 100 15   Y
Fall 2016 MATH 7016 Fourier Analysis 3 100 10   Y
Spring 2017 MATH 3402 Honors Mathematics IV 4 100 10   Y
Spring 2017 MATH 4/6083 Dynamical Systems/Chaos 3 100 15   Y
Fall 2017 MATH 2422 Honors Calculus III 4 100 12   N
Fall 2017 MATH 2702 Introduction to Proofs 3 100 13   N
Fall 2017 MATH 4402 Senior Honors Seminar 3 100 1   Y
Spring 2018 MATH 4/6351 Mathematical Analysis 3 100 6   Y

Appendix B

Outcomes of some student mentoring:

1990 - Elizabeth Trouy, undergraduate. We co-authored a research paper. She went on to receive an NSF Graduate Fellowship at Arizona State University.

2011 - Jose Lobo, undergraduate. He worked with me on an undergraduate STEM research grant through the MemphiSTEM grant (run by John Haddock and Stephanie Ivey). He helped me develop some computer projects for my Honors Forum course. Mr. Lobo is currently (2013) a graduate student in the Engineering College here at the U of M.

2012-13 Randall Chastain, undergraduate. He worked with me on a STEM research grant through the MemphiSTEM grant (run by John Haddock and Stephanie Ivey). He helped me develop more efficient algorithms in the project begun by Mr. Lobo. He graduated in May of 2013. The skills he developed in this project (programming with MATHEMATICA) helped him land a job in Maine, working for a software development company.

2010 -2013 Jared Collins, Ph. D. student. Jared took several courses from me, and wrote his Ph. D. dissertation under my direction. He graduated December 2013. We have two (joint) research papers published, and one other paper published with other joint authors. He is currently (2016)  an assistant professor at Freed-Hardeman University. 

2017 Lauren Sobral, undergraduate. Lauren presented our research from the summer 2017 Honors Research Fellowship at WIPS, October 30 2017. She wrote her Honors Thesis on this subject, and has been accepted to speak about it at NCUR 2018 (National Conference on Undergraduate Research). We currently have a paper in preparation on this subject, in collaboration with Dr. Ben McCarty (an associate professor in our department) who is developing computer models for us.

Appendix C