Name: David J. Grynkiewicz | Department:Mathematical Sciences |
Habilitation (Privatdozent) | Mathematics | Karl Franzens University of Graz | 2008 |
Ph.D. | Mathematics | Caltech | 2005/2006 |
B.A. | Mathematics | Bates College | 2001 |
Associate Chair | Department of Mathematical Sciences | University of Memphis | Fall 2022 - Present |
Full Professor | Department of Mathematical Sciences | University of Memphis | September 2024 - Present |
Associate Professor | Department of Mathematical Sciences | University of Memphis | Fall 2016 - August 2024 |
Tenure Track Assistant Professor | Department of Mathematical Sciences | University of Memphis | September 2013 - Fall 2016 |
Visiting Professor and Researcher | Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing | Karl-Franzens University of Graz | October 2009 - August 2013 |
Lise Meitner Scientist | Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing | Karl-Franzens University of Graz | October 2007 - September 2009 |
NSF Math and Physical Sciences Distinguished International Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Departament de Matematica Aplicada 4 | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona | November 2005 - September 2007 |
Assitant Director for the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program | Mathematics | Univerisity of Idaho | Summer 2001 and 2003 |
Paul Erdos Professorship | Department of Mathematics, University of Memphis | 2016 - 2019 |
MATH 7261 Algebraic Theory I | University of Memphis |
MATH 7411 Point Set Topology | University of Memphis |
MATH 7262 Algebraic Theory II | University of Memphis |
MATH 7236/8236 Probabilistic Combinatorics | University of Memphis |
MATH 3242 Introduction to Linear Algebra | University of Memphis |
MATH 4411/6411 - Topology | University of Memphis |
MATH 7261 - Algebraic Theory I | University of Memphis |
Special Topics: Combinatorial Number Theory | University of Memphis |
MATH 7262 - Algebraic Theory II | University of Memphis |
MATH 1720 - Trigonometry | University of Memphis |
MATH 7261 - Algebraic Theory I | University of Memphis |
MATH 1720 - Trigonometry | University of Memphis |
Math 3402 - Honors Math IV (Lin. Alg. + Diff. Eq.) | University of Memphis |
Math 4084/6084 - Introduction to Graph Theory | University of Memphis |
Math 1730 - Precalculus | University of Memphis |
Math 8045 - Algebraic Topology | University of Memphis |
Math 7261 - Algebraic Theory II | University of Memphis |
Math 1720 - Trigonometry | University of Memphis |
Math 7261 - Algebraic Theory I | University of Memphis |
Math 3242 - Elementary Linear Algebra | University of Memphis |
Math 3242 - Elementary Linear Algebra | University of Memphis |
Special Topics Course - Algebraic Number Theory | University of Memphis |
MATH 1720 - Trigonometry | University of Memphis |
MATH 3221- Elementary Number Theory | University of Memphis |
MATH 4084/6084- Introduction to Graph Theory | University of Memphis |
MATH 7235/8235 - Combinatorics | Univeristy of Memphis |
MATH 2110 - Calculus III | University of Memphis |
MATH 7237/8237 - Graph Theory | University of Memphis |
MATH 1420 - Foundations of Mathematics | University of Memphis |
MATH 4242/6262 - Linear Algebra | University of Memphis |
MATH 1720 - Trigonometry | University of Memphis |
MATH 4261/6261 - Abstract Algebra | University of Memphis |
MATH 1720 - Trigonometry | University of Memphsi |
MATH 7262 - Algebraic Theory II | University of Memphis |
MATH 4084/6084 - Introduction to Graph Theory | University of Memphis |
MATH 7261 - Algebraic Theory I | Univeristy of Memphis |
MATH 1420 - Foundations of Mathematics | University of Memphis |
MATH 7262 - Algebraic Theory II | University of Memphis |
MATH 1420 - Foundations of Mathematics | University of Memphis |
MATH 7261 - Algebraic Theory I | University of Memphis |
MATH 2110 - Calculus III | University of Memphis |
MATH 7262 - Algebraic Theory II | University of Memphis |
MATH 1720 - Trigonometry | University of Memphis |
MATH 4411/6411 - Topology | University of Memphis |
Additive Combinatorics | University of Graz |
Additive Number Theory | University of Graz |
Algebraic Number Theory | University of Graz |
Commutative Algebra | University of Graz |
Combinatorial Number Theory | University of Graz |
Additive Number Theory | University of Graz |
Masters | Noah Molder | 2025 (anticipated) |
Ph.D | Josias Gomez | In Progress |
Ph.D | Runze Wange | In Progress |
Ph.D | John Ebert | 2024 |
Masters | Thomas Fleming | 2022 |
Postdoc | Chao Liu | 2020 - 2022 |
Ph.D (Univerisity of Graz) Exchange Student in 2018 | Junseok Oh | 2019 |
Ph.D | Christapher Worley | Disscontinued Studies (personal reasons) |
With Alfred Geroldinger and Qinghai Zhong.
Combinatorial Factorization Theory: Factorization Theory in Krull Monoids via Additive Combinatorics. In progress (700+ pp.)
The Characterization of Finite Elasticities: Factorization Theory in Krull Monoid via Convex Geometry,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2316, Springer, 2022
Structural Additive Theory, Developments in Mathematics 30, Springer 2013
MathSciNet Review MR3243507
B. Landman and A. Robertson, Ramsey theory on the integers.Second edition. Student Mathematical Library, 73. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2014. xx+384 pp.
ISBN 978-0-8218-9867-3
The 3k-4 Theorem modulo a Prime: High Density for A + B.
with J. Ebert. Structure of a Sequence with Prescribed Zero-Sum Subsequences: Rank Two $p$-Groups.
European J. Combin. 118 (2024), Paper No. 103888, 13 pp.
A Generalization of the Chevalley-Warning and Ax-Katz Theorems with a View Towards Combinatorial Number Theory.
Combinatorica 43 (2023), no. 6, 1179–1213.with Chao Liu. A Multiplicative Property for Zero-Sums II.
Electronic J. Combinatorics 29 (2022), no. 3, Paper No. 3.12, 16 pp.
with Chao Liu. A multiplicative property for zero-sums I.
Discrete Math. 345 (2022), no. 10, Paper No. 112974, 21 pp
with A. Geroldinger, Jun Seok Oh, and Qinghai Zhong. On Product-One Sequences over Dihedral Groups.
J. Algebra App. 21 (2022), no. 4, Paper No. 2250064, 58 pp.
with P. Candela and Gonzalez-Sanchez. On sets with small sumset and m-sum free sets in Z/pZ,
Bull. Soc. Math. France 149 (2021), no. 1, 155–177.
Representing Sequence Subsums as Sumsets of Near Equal Sized Sets.
in Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory IV, ed. M. Nathanson, Springer (2021), Ch. 11.
A Single Set Improvement to the 3k-4 Theorem.
J. Number Theory 214 (2020), 360--381.
with U. Vishne. The index of small length sequences,
International J. Algebra and Computation 30 (2020), no. 5, 977--1014.
Iterated Sumsets and Setpartitions,
Ramanujan J. 52 (2020), no. 3, 499--518.
with Chunlin Wang and Kevin Zhao. The Structure of a Sequence with Prescribed Zero-Sum Subsequences.
Integers 20 (2020) A3.
with S. Adhikari, R. Balasubramanian, and S. Eliahou, A Conjecture of Fox-Kleitman and Additive Combinatorics,
Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 129 (2019), no. 4, Art. 43.
with S. Adhikari, R. Balasubramanian, and S. Eliahou. On the degree of regularity of a particular linear equation,
Acta Arith. 184 (2018), no. 2, 187-191.
Iterated Sumsets and Subsequence Sums,
J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A, 160 (2018), 136–167.
Planar Subsets with Small Doubling.
Quart. J. Math., 68 (2017), no. 1, 161-192.
with V. Lev. Symmetric Kneser's Theorem with Trios and 3-Transform.
J. Combinatorics and Number Theory, 7 (2015), no. 3, 419–435.
with A. Geroldinger and Pingzhi Yuan. On Products of k Atoms II.
Mosc. J. Comb. Number Theory, 5 (2015), no. 3, 3-59.
with A. Chapman, E. Matrzi, L Rowen, and U. Vishne. Classification of Monomial p-
Central Spaces in Central Simple Algebras of Degree p,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 220 (2016), no. 10, 3363-3371.
with Weidong Gao and Xingwu Xia. On n-Sums in an Abelian Group.
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 25 (2016), no. 3, 419-435.
with F. Hennecart. A Weighted zero-sum problem with quadratic residues,
Uniform Distribution Theory, 10 (2015), no. 1, 69-105.
with D. Bernstein and C. Yerger. On three sets with nondecreasing diameter.
Discrete Math., 338 (2015), no. 8, 1328-1344.
with N. R. Baeth, A. Geroldinger, and D. Smertnig. A semigroup-theoretical view of
direct-sum decompositions and associated combinatorial problems.
Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 14 (2015), no.2, 1550016, 60 pp.
The large Davenport constant II: General Upper Bounds.
J. Pure and Applied Algebra, 217 (2013), no. 12, 2221–2246.
with P. Baginski, A. Geroldinger and A. Philipp. Products of two atoms in Krull monoids
and arithmetical characterizations of class groups.
European J. Combin., 34 (2013), no. 8, 1244–1268.
with A. Geroldinger. The large Davenport constant I: groups with a cyclic, index 2
J. Pure and Applied Algebra, 217 (2013), no. 5, 863-885.
with A. Philipp and V. Ponomarenko. Arithmetic progression weighted subsequence
Israel J. Math., 193 (2013), no. 1, 359-398.
with S. D. Adhikari and Z. H. Sun. On weighted zero-sum sequences.
Advances in Applied Math., 48 (2012), no. 3, 506-527.
with G. A. Freiman, O. Serra and Y. Stanchescu. Inverse additive problems for Minkowski
sumsets II.
J. Geometric Analysis, 23 (2013), no. 1, 395-414.
with G. A. Freiman, O. Serra and Y. Stanchescu. Inverse additive problems for Minkowski
sumsets I.
Collectanea Mathematica, 63 (2012), no. 3, 261-286.
Note on a conjecture of Graham.
European J. Combin., 32 (2011), no. 8, 1336-1344.
with E. Marchan and O. Ordaz. A weighted generalization of two theorems of Gao.
Ramanujan J., 28 (2012), no. 3, 323-340.
with A. Geroldinger and W. A. Schmid. The catenary degree of Krull monoids I.
J. Theor. Nombres Bordeaux, 23 (2011), no. 1, 137-169.
with A. Geroldinger and W. A. Schmid. Zero-sum problems with congruence conditions.
Acta Math. Hungar., 131 (2011), no. 4, 323-345.
with A. Geroldinger and G. J. Schaefer and W. A. Schmid. On the arithmetic of Krull
monoids with infinite cyclic class group.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 214 (2010), no. 12, 2219-2250.
with I. Bardaji. Long arithmetic progressions in sets with small sumset.
Integers, 10 (2010), 335-350, (electronic) A28.
with V. Lev. 1-saturating sets, caps, and doubling-critical sets in binary spaces.
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 24 (2010), no. 1, 169-190.
with A. Geroldinger. On the structure of minimal zero-sum sequences with maximal
cross number.
Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 1 (2009), no. 2, 109-126.
with A. Geroldinger. On the arithmetic of Krull monoids with finite Davenport constant.
J. Algebra, 321 (2009), 1256-1284.
On extending Pollard's Theorem for t-representable sums.
Israel J. Math., 177 (2010), no. 1, 413-439,
with W. D. Gao and A. Geroldinger. Inverse zero-sum problems III.
Acta Arithmetica, 141 (2010), 103-152.
with E. Marchan, and O. Ordaz. Representation of finite abelian group elements by
subsequence sums.
J. Theor. Nombres Bordeaux 21 (2009), no. 3, 559-587.
with O. Serra. Properties of two dimensional sets with small sumset.
J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A, (2010), no. 2, 164-188.
with J. Zhuang. Weighted sequences in finite cyclic groups.
Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 9 (2009), 40-46.
with V. Lev, and O. Serra. Connectivity of addition Cayley graphs.
J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B, 99 (2009), 202-217.
with O. Ordaz, M. T. Varela, and F. Villarroel. On Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv inverse theorems.
Acta Arith., 129 (2007), no. 4, 307-318.
A step beyond the Kemperman Structure Theorem.
Mathematika 55 (2009), 67-114.
On the number of m-term zero-sum subsequences.
Acta Arith., 121 (2006), no. 3, 275-298.
On a conjecture of Hamidoune for subsequence sums.
Integers, 5 (2005), no. 2, A7, 11 pp.
A weighted Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem.
Combinatorica, 26 (2006), no. 4, 445-453.
Quasi-periodic decompositions and the Kemperman Structure Theorem.
European J. Combin., 26 (2005), no. 5, 559-575.
An extension of the Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem to hypergraphs.
European J. Combin., 26 (2005), no. 8, 1154-1176.
with A. Bialostocki. On the intersection of two m-sets and the Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv
Ars Combin. 83 (2007), 335-339.
with A. Schultz. A five color zero-sum generalization.
Graphs and Combinatorics, 22 (2006), no. 3, 351-360.
with R. Sabar. Monochromatic and zero-sum sets of nondecreasing modified diameter.
Electron. J. Combin., 13 (2006), no. 1, Research Paper 28, 19 pp.
with A. Bialostocki, P. Dierker and M. Lotspeich. On some developments of the Erdos-
Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem II.
Acta Arith., 110 (2003), no. 2, 173-184.
On four colored sets with nondecreasing diameter and the Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem.
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 100 (2002), no. 1, 44-60.
On a partition analog of the Cauchy-Davenport Theorem.
Acta Math. Hungar., 107 (2005), no. 1-2, 161-174.
On four color monochromatic sets with nondecreasing diameter.
Discrete Math., 290 (2005), no. 2-3, 165-171.
On some Rado numbers for generalized arithmetic progressions.
Discrete Math., 280 (2004), no. 1-3, 39-50.
New Trends in Arithmetic Combinatorics and related Fields (25w5331),
Banff International Research Station in Granada, June 2025.
Plenary Talk: TBA
An Extension of the Ax-Katz Theorem Modulo Differing Prime Powers, 2022
Combinatorics Seminar, U. Mississippi
Polynomial Methods in Combinatorial Number Theory, 2022
Colloquium, U. Linz
CANT(Combinatorial and Addtive Number Theory) (Virtual), May 2021.
Characterizing infinite subsets of lattice points having finite-like behavior (30 min. talk)
Balu Fest, March 2021
Plenary Talk (60 min.): The 3k-4 Theorem Modulo a Prime for Large Density Sumsets
Joint Meetings of the AMS and MAA, Virtual, Jan. 2021.
Special Session: Finite Elasticities in Krull Domains with Finitely Generated Class Group
Workshop on Additive Combinatorics, International Center for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS-TIFR), Bangalore, Feb. 2020 - Mar 2020.
Plenary Talk Series (5 Lectures): Set Addition
Zero-Sum Ramsey Theory: Graphs, Sequences and More (19w5132), CMO Banff International Research Station, Oaxaca, Nov. 2019.
Plenary Talk: Sequence Subsums in Zero-Sum Theory
Joint International Meeting of the CMS and AMS, Shanghai, June 2018
Special Session Organizer: Additive Combinatorics and its Interplay with Factorization Theory
Conference on Rings and Factorizations, Graz, Feb. 2018
Plenary Talk: Finiteness of the Elasticities $rho_k(G_0)$ Inside a Lattice
Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory, Graz, Jan. 2016
Plenary Talk: The Freiman 3k-4 Theorem
Additive Combinatorics in Marseille, Marseille, Sep. 2015.
Short Plenary Talk: Symmetric Kneser's Theorem with Trios and 3-Transform
Joint Meeting of the AMS and MAA, 2015
(AMS) Special Session: On Sets of Lengths in Krull Monoids.
The Index of Zero-Sum Free Sequences and Kummer Subspaces.
University of Graz, Austria, 2014.
Joint Meeting of the Israel Mathematical Union and the AMS, 2014
Special Session in Additive Number Theory: The Index of Minimal Zero-Sum Sequences
and Kummer Subspaces.
Joint Meetings of the AMS and MAA, 2013
(AMS) Special Session: The large Davenport constant for Non-abelian groups
Joint Meetings of the AMS and MAA, 2013
(AMS) Special Session: The large Davenport constant for Non-abelian groups
Additive Combinatorics in Paris, July 2012
Short Plenary Talk: Sidon sets and the isoperimetric method
Wilsonfest, Caltech, March 2012
Plenary Speaker: Freiman homomorphisms
DocCourse in Additive Combinatorics, CRM, Barcelona, Feb. 2008.
Problem Session Course (jointly taught with W. Schmid): Additive group theory and the
theory of non-unique factorization
TU Graz, School of Discrete Mathematics, Austria, 2024
Seminar: Inverse Sumset Results mod p at High Density
Inverse Question for the Davenport Constant in Rank Two Groups (2 parts), 2023.
Guest Lecturer for Doctoral Student Course, University of Graz.
Subsequence Sums: Optimal Bounds in the Partition Theorem and the Gao-Olson Generalization of the EGZ Theorem.
Nankai University, Center for Combinatorics, 2018
On the Degree of Regularity of (x_1-y_1)+...+(x_1-y_k)=c
University of Graz, 2017
A Zero-Sum Conjecture of Hamidoune
U. Mississippi, 2016
The rho_k Invariants for Finite Abelian Groups
University of Graz, Austria, 2015
Some Topics in Additive Theory
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 2013
Additive Theory
University College Dublin, 2013
On a Weighted Generalization of Two Theorems of Gao VI, 2010.
Harisch Chandra Research Institute, India.
On a Weighted Generalization of Two Theorems of Gao V, 2010.
Harisch Chandra Research Institute, India.
On a Weighted Generalization of Two Theorems of Gao IV, 2010.
Harisch Chandra Research Institute, India.
On a Weighted Generalization of Two Theorems of Gao III, 2010.
Harisch Chandra Research Institute, India.
On a Weighted Generalization of Two Theorems of Gao II, 2010.
Harisch Chandra Research Institute, India.
On a Weighted Generalization of Two Theorems of Gao I, 2010.
Harisch Chandra Research Institute, India.
Sumset bounds for two-dimensional sets.
U. Deleware, 2008.
Extremal examples for the Davenport constant in rank two groups.
Technical University of Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, 2008.
On the multiplicity of zero-sum subsequences.
U. Paris VI, 2006.
Conference on Rings and Factorizations 2023, University of Graz, Austria, 2023.
Parallel Session: Zero-Sums in $p$-groups via a Generalization of the Ax-Katz Theorem.
A Chevalley Warning Theorem Modulo Differing Prime Powers (2 parts), 2022
Combinarics Seminar, U. Memphis
CANT 2019, CUNY, New York, May 2019.
Main Session: An Inverse Zero-Sum Problem for Elementary Abelian p-groups of rank two.
6th Annual Mississippi Discrete Math Workshop, U. Mississippi, 2018.
Parallel Session: Improving Olson's Generalization of the Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem
Integers Conference, Augusta GA, 2018
Parallel Session: Exact Bounds in the Gao-Olson Complete Sequence Theorem
Discrete Mathematics Days, Sevilla, 2018
Parallel Session: Iterated Sumsets and Olson's Generalization of the Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem
The Freiman 3k-4 Theorem
University of Memphis, 2016
Zero-Sums and Polynomial
University of Memphis, 2016
Sumsets and t-Popular Sums
University of Memphis
Journees Arithmetiques, Debrecen, July 2015.
Parallel Session: Pairwise Balanced Designs and Weighted Davenport Constants.
Sumsets and Homomorphisms
University of Memphis, 2013
Integers Conference, U. West Georgia, October 2011
Parallel Session: Freiman homomorphisms
Journees Arithmetiques, Vilnius, June 2011
Parallel Session: On Freiman's 3k - 4 Theorem in groups of prime order
OMG + DMV Kongress, Graz 2009
Parallel Session: On Pollard's Theorem for general abelian groups
Journees Arithmetiques, St. Etienne, July 2009.
Parallel Session: The catenary degree of Krull monoids.
Eurocomb 2007, Sevilla, Sep. 2007.
Parallel Session: The connectivity of addition Cayley graphs.
Joint Meeting of the AMS and MAA, New Orleans, Jan. 2007.
Parallel Session: Extending the Freiman 3k - 3 Theorem to distinct sets.
2nd Meeting of the Czech and Catalan Mathematical Societies, Barcelona, Sep. 2006.
Parallel Session: On two zero-sum conjectures of Gao, Thangadurai and Zhuan.
Rencontres Arithmetique et Combinatoire, St. Etienne, France, 2006.
Parallel Session: The structure of subsets of an arbitrary abelian group with a small
sumset |A + B| = |A| + |B|.
AMS Sectional Meeting, Santa Barbara, 2006.
Parallel Session: A weighted version of the Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem.
CANT 2005, New York.
Parallel Session: The Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv Theorem in hypergraphs.
Integers Conference, U. West Georgia, Oct./Nov. 2003.
Contributed Paper: On a conjecture of Hamidoune for subsequence sums
Joint Meeting of the AMS and MAA, New Orleans, Jan. 2001.
Parallel Session: On a conjecture of Bialostocki, Erdos, and Lefmann.
MAA Fall Northeastern Section Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, 2000.
Student Session: On a conjecture of Bialostocki, Erdos, and Lefmann.
Additive Group Theory and Non-Unique Factorizations (M1014–N13) | Austrian Science Fund (FWF) | $464,594 | 2007 - 2009 |
New and Classical Ideas in Zero-Sum and Additive Theory: International and Collaborative Postdoctoral Research (DMS-0502193) | National Science Foundation (NSF) | $149,482 | 2005 - 2007 |
New Student Orientation: Math Dept. Representative | Incoming First years | August 2021 |   |
Presentation on Utility of a Math Degree | Advanced High School Students | 2019 |   |
Organizer for Discover Math Day | Incoming first years | 2016 - 2019 |   |
Math Representative at MEMbound day | High School Students and their Parents | 2018 |   |
University of Memphis | Associate Chair: Department of Mathematical Sciences | 2022 - Present |
University of Memphis | Administration Committee | 2024-2025 |
University of Memphis | Graduate Committe: Recruitment and Admissions | 2024-2025 |
University of Memphis | Undergraduate Committe: Teaching Evaluations | 2024-2025 |
University of Memphis | Extenal Liason Committee: Science and Engineering (Chair) | 2024-2025 |
University of Memphis | Algebra Qualifying Exam | Summer 2024 |
University of Memphis | Algebra Qualifying Exam | Winter 2024 |
University of Memphis | Search Committee: Chair Dept. Math. | 2024 |
University of Memphis | Search Committee: Administrative Assistant II | 2024 |
University of Memphis | Search Committee: Assistant Professor of Teaching | 2023-2024 |
University of Memphis | Search Committee (Chair): Tenure Track Assistant Professor Combinatorics and Graph Theory | 2023-2024 |
University of Memphis | Search Committee: Tenure Track Assistant Professor Data Science | 2023-2024 |
University of Memphis | Prize Committe for Undegraduate Math Scholarships | 2023 |
University of Memphis | Algebra Qualifying Exam | Summer 2023 |
University of Memphis | Algebra Qualifying Exam | Winter 2023 |
University of Memphis | Search Committee for Tenure Track Position in Data Science/Statistics/Graph Theory | 2022-2023 |
University of Memphis | Search Committee for Postdoctoral Researcher in Ergodic Theory | 2022-2023 |
University of Memphis | Search Committee for Postdoctoral Researcher in PDE | 2022-2023 |
University of Memphis | Search Committee (chair) for Ralph Faudree Assistant Pofessor | 2022 |
University of Memphis | Algebra Qualifying Exam | Summer 2022 |
University of Memphis | Prize Committee awarding the Dr. Ralph Faudree Award | 2022 |
University of Memphis | Comprehensive Exam Committee for Conner Griffin | 2022 |
University of Memphis | Prize Committe for Undegraduate Math Scholarships | 2022 |
University of Memphis | Search Committee for Dept. Office Coordinator | 2022 |
University of Memphis | Search Search Committee for Tenure Track Position in Combinatorics | 2021-2022 |
University of Memphis | Search Committee (Chair) for Ralph Faudree Assistant Professor | 2021-2022 |
University of Memphis | Algebra Ph.D Qualifying Exam | January 2022 |
University of Memphis | Algebra Ph.D Qualifying Exam | Summer 2021 |
University of Memphis | Algebra Qual Training Course for Pamela Guerrero | Fall 2020 |
University of Memphis | Algebra Ph.D Qualifying Exam | Aug. 2020 |
University of Memphis | Reviewer for Math Scholarship Applicants | 2020-2022 |
University of Memphis | Sponsored one RISE Fellowship (Harry Boucher) | 2019 |
University of Memphis | Hosted two Prospective Graduate Students on Campus | Spring 2020 |
University of Memphis | Sub for Mate Wierdl at Faculty Senate Meeting | April 2019 |
University of Memphis | Algebra Ph.D Qualifying Exam | Jan. 2020 |
University of Memphis | Ph.D Committee for David Lewis | Mar. 2020 |
University of Memphis | Ph.D Committee for Rebekah Herman | Mar. 2020 |
University of Memphis | Ph.D Graduate Committe (Curriculum, advising, exams, recruitment) | 2018-2024 |
University of Memphis | Recruitment and Outreach Committee | 2017 - 2024 |
University of Memphis | Faculty Advisor for the Cantor Sect (Student Math Club) | Fall 2015 - 2021 |
University of Memphis | Faculty Advisor for the Putnam Exam | 2014 - 2019 |
Univeristy of Memphis | Web and Newsletter Committee | 2014 - 2024 |
University of Memphis | Undergraduate Committee | 2013 - 2024 |
University of Memphis | Algebra Ph.D. Qualifying Exam | Summer 2014 - Jan. 2016 |
University of Memphis | Search Commitee for the Ralph Faudree Assistant Professorship | 2018/19 |
University of Memphis | Ph.D Commitee Member for Kamil Popielarz | 2018 |
University of Memphis | Ph.D. Committe for Julian Sahasrabudhe | 2017 |
University of Memphis | Ph.D. Committee for Scott Binski | 2017 |
University of Memphis | Serach Committee for Ralph Faudree Assistant Professorship | 2016 |
University of Memphis | Prize Committee for Ralph Faudree Award for Doctoral Students | 2016 |
NSERC Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | Grant Proposal Reviewer | 2022-2023 |
NSERC Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council | Grant Proposal Reviewer | 2018-2019 |
NKFIH Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office | Grant Proposal Reviewer | 2018 |
NKFIH Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office | Grant Proposal Reviewer | 2016 |
Proceedings of the AMS | Referee |   |
Journal of the European Mathematical Society | Referee |   |
Advances in Mathematics | Referee |   |
London Mathematical Society | Referee |   |
Combinatorica | Referee |   |
Israel J. Math | Referee |   |
Forum of Mathematics | Referee |   |
Discrete Analysis | Referee |   |
Fundamenta Mathematicae | Referee |   |
American Mathematical Monthly | Referee |   |
Journal Combin. Theory | Referee |   |
Acta Arithmetica | Referee |   |
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing | Referee |   |
Discrete Mathematics | Referee |   |
Integers | Referee |   |
Graphs and Combinatorics | Referee |   |
Electronic J. Combin. | Referee |   |
Ars Combin. | Referee |   |
J. Korean Math. Soc | Referee |   |
Applied Mathematics E-Notes | Referee |   |
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana | Referee |   |
Uniform Distriution Theory | Referee |   |
AMS MathSciNet (Mathematical Reviews) | Reviewer |   |
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica | Referee |   |
Academic Year (please indicate year) | Course # | Course Name | Credit Hours | Percent Taught | Enroll | Labratory Supervised(S)/Instructed(I) | New Preparation (Y) /(N) |
Spring 2019 | MATH 8812 | Algebraic Number Theory | 3 | 100 | 5 |   | Yes |
Spring 2019 | MATH 1720 | Trigonometry | 3 | 100 | 61 |   | No |
Summer 2019 | MATH 3242 | Elementary Linear Algebra | 3 | 100 | 9 |   | Yes |
Fall 2019 | MATH 7261 | Algebraic Theory I | 3 | 100 | 5 |   | No |
Fall 2019 | MATH 3242 | Elementary Linear Algebra | 3 | 100 | 32 |   | No |
Spring 2020 | MATH 7262 | Algebraic Theory II | 3 | 100 | 4 |   | No |
Spring 2020 | MATH 1720 | Trigonometry | 3 | 100 | 36 |   | No |
Fall 2020 | MATH 1730 | Precalculus | 4 | 100 | 52 |   | Yes |
Fall 2020 | MATH 8045 | Algebraic Topology | 3 | 100 | 7 |   | Yes |
Spring 2021 | MATH 8084 | Introduction to Graph Theory | 3 | 100 | 10 |   | Yes |
Spring 2021 | MATH 3402 | Honors Mathematics IV | 4 | 100 | 10 |   | Yes |
Fall 2021 | MATH 1720 | Trigonometry | 3 | 100 | 17 |   | No |
Fall 2021 | MATH 7261 | Algebraic Theory I | 3 | 100 | 13 |   | No |
Spring 2022 | MATH 1720 | Trigonometry | 3 | 100 | 28 |   | No |
Spring 2022 | MATH 7262 | Algebraic Theory II | 3 | 100 | 9 |   | No |
Fall 2022 | MATH 7261 | Algebraic Theory I | 3 | 100 | 5 |   | No |
Fall 2022 | MATH 8035 | Special Topics: Combinatorial Number Theory | 3 | 100 | 8 |   | Yes |
Spring 2023 | MATH 4411/6411 | Topology | 3 | 100 | 5 |   | No |
Fall 2023 | MATH 7236/8236 | Probabilistic Combinatorics | 3 | 100 | 4 |   | Yes |
Fall 2023 | MATH 3242 | Introduction to Linear Algebra | 3 | 100 | 48 |   | No |
Spring 2024 | 7262 | Algebraic Theory II | 3 | 100 | 6 |   | No |
Spring 2024 | 7411 | Point Set Topology | 3 | 100 | 6 |   | Yes |
Fall 2024 | MATH 7261 | Algebraic Theory I | 3 | 100 | 6 |   | No |
John Ebert (Ph.D Student). Became instructor at the Mathematics Department for Athens Technical College in Georgia |
Chao Liu (Postdoc). Became Instructor at U. Mississippi. |
Junseok Oh (Visiting Exchange Ph.D Student) Now at Jeju National University, South Korea |
Asked to complete the manuscript ``Hyper-atoms applied to the critical pair Theory,'' which was submitted and under revision when its author, Yahya Hamidoune, passed away unexpectedly: Combinatorica 39 (2019), 1281--1315. |
Hand double for the CBS television series Numb3rs. |