Name: Bentuo Zheng Department:Mathematical Sciences

Ph.D. Mathematics Texas A&M University 2007
M.S. Mathematics Peking University 2002
B.S. Mathematics Peking University 1999

Graduate Director Mathematical Sciences University of Memphis 09/2022-
Professor Mathematical Sciences University of Memphis 09/2020-
Associate Professor Mathematical Sciences University of Memphis 09/2015-08/2020
Assistant Professor Mathematical Sciences University of Memphis 08/2010-08/2015
Bing Instructor Mathematics University of Texas at Austin 08/2007-08/2010

Graduate Student Association Awards for Mentorship University of Memphis 2024
Erdos Professorship University of Memphis 2023
Alumni Association Award for Distinguished Research University of Memphis 2021
Dunavant Professorship University of Memphis 2018
First-time Principal Investigators Award University of Memphis 2013
R. H. Bing Fellowship the University of Texas at Austin 2007-2010
Guseman Prize Texas A&M University 2007
NSF Vigre Fellowship Texas A&M University 2004-2005
AUF Fellowship Texas A&M University 2004-2005
AUF Fellowship Texas A&M University 2003-2004

Business Math II Texas A&M University
Real Analysis I the University of Texas at Austin
Differential and Integral Calculus the University of Texas at Austin
Integral Calculus the University of Texas at Austin
Sequences, Series and Multivariable Calculus the University of Texas at Austin
Probability I the University of Texas at Austin
Differential Calculus the University of Texas at Austin
Probability I the University of Texas at Austin
Integral Calculus the University of Texas at Austin
MATH3242-Fall 2010-Introduction to Linear Algebra University of Memphis
MATH1720-Spring 2011-Trigonometry University of Memphis
MATH 7411-Spring 2011-Point set topology University of Memphis
MATH 1710-Fall 2011-College Algebra University of Memphis
MATH 1830-Spring 2012-Elementary Calculus University of Memphis
MATH 1830-Spring 2012-Elementary Calculus University of Memphis
MATH 3120-Summer 2012-Differential Equations University of Memphis
MATH 4350-Fall 2012-Introduction to Real Analysis I University of Memphis
MATH 6351-Spring 2013-Introduction to Real Analysis II University of Memphis
MATH 2702-Summer 2013-Intro Proof/Fundamental Math University of Memphis
MATH 1720-Fall 2013-Trigonometry University of Memphis
MATH 1830-Spring 2014-Elementary Calculus University of Memphis
MATH 3581-Spring 2014-College Geometry University of Memphis
MATH 1720-Fall 2014-Trigonometry University of Memphis
MATH 1830-Fall 2014-Elementary Calculus University of Memphis
MATH 1830-Spring 2015-Elementary Calculus University of Memphis
MATH 1420-Spring 2015-Foundations of Mathematics University of Memphis
MATH 1830-Fall 2016-Elementary Calculus University of Memphis
MATH 4/6350-Fall 2016-Introduction to Real Analysis University of Memphis
MATH 1830-Fall 2017-Elementary Calculus University of Memphis
MATH 7350-Fall 2017-Real Varialbes I University of Memphis
MATH 7351-Spring 2018-Real Variables II University of Memphis
MATH 7311/8311-Spring 2018-Topics in Analysis University of Memphis
MATH 7049/8049-Fall 2018-Topics in Banach Space Theory University of Memphis
MATH 7311/8311-Fall 2018-Topics in Analysis University of Memphis
MATH 8311-Topics in Analysis-Spring 2019 University of Memphis
MATH 3581-College Geometry-Spring 2019 University of Memphis
MATH 2702-Intro Proofs/Fundamental Math-Fall 2019 University of Memphis
MATH 3242-Intro Linear Algebra-Fall 2019 University of Memphis
MATH 3242-Intro Linear Algebra-Spring 2020 University of memphis
MATH 3581-College Geometry-Spring 2020 University of memphis
MATH 3242-Intro Linear Algebra-Fall 2020 University of Memphis
MATH 2702-Intro Proofs/Fundamental Math-Fall 2020 University of Memphis
MATH 7411-Spring 2021-Point Set Topology University of Memphis
MATH 1720-Spring 2021-Trigonometry University of Memphis
MATH 1420-Spring 2022-Foundations of Mathematics University of Memphis
MATH 1720-Spring 2022-Trigonometry University of Memphis
MATH 7350-Fall 2022- Real Variables I University of Memphis
MATH 1720-Fall 2022-Trigonometry University of Memphis
MATH 7351-Spring 2023-Real Variables II University of Memphis

Master of Science Mohammad Alam In Progress
Master of Science Gordian Bruns In Progress
Master of Science Sampa Mondol In Progress
Master of Science Chamika Kankanamge In Progress
Master of Science Samiran Mondal In Progress
Master of Science Tahimina Chowdhury In Progress
Master of Science Saurav Eldho In Progress
Master of Science S M Sala Uddin Samrat In Progress
Master of Science Vindya Dasanayaka In Progress
Master of Science Tapesh Yadav 2023
Master of Science Sara Hisham Alsuradi 2023
Master of Science Conner Griffin 2023
Master of Science Runze Wang 2023
Postdoc Xin Ma 2023
Ph.D Monika Yadav 2022
Ph.D Diego Calle Cadavid 2020
Master of Mathematics Francis Samuel 2019
Postdoc Qingping Zeng 2018
Postdoc Linxing Bao 2018
Postdoc Zhenghua Luo 2017
Postdoc Yunbai Dong 2015
Postdoc Zhang, Wen 2014
Postdoc Sreejith Siju In Progress
PhD Tapesh Yadav In Progress

Refereed Journal Publications

The numerical index of $ell_p^2$, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 71 (2023), no. 5, 768-773 (with Monika).

Operators with the Lipschitz bounded approximation property, Sci. China Math. 66 (2023), no. 7, 1545-1554 (with R. Liu and J. Shen).

Ball covering property from commutative function spaces to non-commutative spaces of operators,  Journal of Functional Analysis, 283 (2022), no. 1, Paper No. 109502, 15pp (Minzeng Liu, Rui Liu, Jimeng Lu and Bentuo Zheng*).

Stability of the ball-covering propertyStudia Math., 250 (2020), no. 1, 19-34 (Zhenghua Luo and Bentuo Zheng*).

On spreading sequences and asymptotic structuresTransactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol 370, no. 10, 2018, 6933-6953. (D. Freeman, E. Odell, B. Sari, Bentuo Zheng*)

Operators on $L_p$ which factor through $X_p$, Journal of Functional Analysis273 (2017), no. 2, 782–798 (Bentuo Zheng)

Ball proximinal and strongly ball proximinal spaces, Journal of Convex Analysis, 22 (2015), no. 3, 673-685 (P. Lin, W. Zhang, Bentuo Zheng*).

The weak bounded approximation property of pairs, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 143 (2015), no. 4, 1665-1673 (D. Chen, J. Kim, Bentuo Zheng*).

Stability of ball proximinality, Journal of Approximation Theory, 183 (2014), 72-81 (P. Lin, W. Zhang, Bentuo Zheng*)

The strong approximation property and the weak bounded approximation property, Journal of Functional Analysis, 183 (2014), 72-81 (J. Kim, Bentuo Zheng*)

The weak bounded approximation property of pairs, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 143 (2015), no. 4, 1665–1673 (D. Chen, J. Kim, Bentuo Zheng*)

Norm closed ideals in the algebra of bounded linear operators on Orlicz sequence spaces, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 142 (2014), no. 5, 1669-1680 (P. Lin, B. Sari, Bentuo Zheng*).

Lipschitz p-integral operators and Lipschitz p-nuclear operators, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 75 (2012), No. 13, 5270-5282 (D. Chen, Bentuo Zheng*)

Commutators on l_p(l_q), Studia Math., 206 (2011), no. 2, 175-190 (D. Chen, W. B. Johnson, Bentuo Zheng*)

Systems formed by translates of one element in Lp(R), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 363 (2011), no. 12, 6505-6529 (E. Odell, B. Sari, Th. Schlumprecht, Bentuo Zheng)

Subspaces and quotients of Banach spaces with shrinking unconditional bases, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 185 (2011), 375-388 (W. B. Johnson, Bentuo Zheng*)

Remarks on Lipschitz p-summing operators, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 139 (2011), 2891-2898 (D. Chen, Bentuo Zheng*)

A characterization of Schauder frames which are near-Schauder bases, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 16 (2010), no. 5, 791-803 (Rui Liu, Bentuo Zheng)

On the unconditional subsequence property, Journal of Functional Analysis,258 (2010), no 2, 604-615 (E. Odell, Bentuo Zheng*)

On operators from separable reflexive spaces with asymptotic structure, Studia Math., 185 (2008), no. 1, 87-98 (Bentuo Zheng)

A characterization of subspaces and quotients of reflexive Banach spaces withunconditional basis, Duke Mathematical Journal 141 (2008), no. 3, 505-518 (W. B. Johnson, Bentuo Zheng*)

On operators which factor through lp or c0, Studia Math., (176) 2006, no. 2, 177-190 (Bentuo Zheng)



Game Theory and the Geometry of Banach SpacesNational Science Foundation $108,675 (PI) 2008-2012
The Geometry of Banach Spaces and Its ApplicationsNational Science Foundation $150,000 (PI) 2012-2017
The Geometry of Banach SpacesSimons Foundation $42,000 (PI) 2018-2023
Internal Support
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Solutions for Supply Chain Risk Management: A Data-Driven Approach University of Memphis $15,000 (PI) 05/2024-12/2025
Approximation Property and Machine Learning Faculty Research Grants $6500 (PI) 2022-2023

University of Memphis Representative of Natural Sciences 2023
University of Memphis CAS PDA Assignment Committee 2023
University of Memphis Alumni Association Distinguished Research Award Committee 2022
University of Memphis CAS PDA Assignment Committee 2022
University of Memphis Advisory Board for Mathematical Sciences 2022-
University of Memphis Graduate Council of CAS 2022-
University of Memphis Chair of Graduate Curriculum Development 2022-
University of Memphis Chair of Graduate Students Recruitment 2022-
University of Memphis Graduate Director 2022-
University of Memphis Graduate Committee 2020-2022
University of Memphis Postdoc Hiring Committee 2019-2020
University of Memphis Chair of Analysis Qualifying Exam 2018-2019
University of Memphis Graduate Committee 2018-2019
University of Memphis Colloquium Committee 2018-2019
Univeristy of Memphis Chair of Analysis Qualifying Exam 2017-2018
University of Memphis Graduate Committee 2017-2018
University of Memphis Colloquium Committee 2017-2018
University of Memphis Director of Banach Space Bulletin Board 2016-
University of Memphis Blaylock Colloquium Committee 2011-2012
University of Memphis Faculty Hiring Committee 2011-2012
University of Memphis Chair of Hiring Committee 2011-2012
University of Memphis Cantorsect Committee 2012-2013
University of Memphis Library books Committee 2012-2013
Unviersity of Memphis Undergraduate Curriculum Development Committee 2013-2014
University of Memphis Colloquium Talks Committee 2013-2014
University of Memphis Cantorsect Committee 2014-2015
University of Memphis Undergraduate Curriculum Development Committee 2015-2016
University of Memphis Undergraduate Advisor 2015-
University of Memphis Colloquium Talk Committee 2016-2017
University of Memphis Graduate Advisor 2016-
University of Memphis Organizer of the AMS Special Session on Banach Spaces and Applications 2015
University of Memphis Organizer of Special Session on Banach Spaces and Applications, ICOMAS 2018