CV - Help

Welcome to the University of Memphis CV website. This site will be used to - add and maintain your CV information, and indentify items to be included in Delaware II reporting.

Guidelines for preparing the CV and Profile (e.g. What goes in appendix a-e?, What goes in outreach? etc.)

How do I log in to the CV and Profile website?

What is the recommended browser?

What will an individual staff member see after logging in to the CV and Profile site?

What will an administrative user see after logging in to the CV and Profile site?

How do I display the CV?

How do I add new CV entries?

How do I add new Appendix entries?

How do I edit/reorder/delete an existing CV entry?

How do I edit/reorder/delete an existing Appendix entry?

How do I add multiple journal/presentation entries at once?

How do I mark a presentation as Invited/Not Invited, and a publication as Refereed?

Can I move a record from one section to another section?

Profiles - Help

How do I create a profile?

What information can I add to my profile and how do I do that?

Who can view/read my profile?

Guidelines for Preparing Curriculum Vitae

Appendices are provided for the inclusion of information and explanations that may be needed for clarification. The vitae is to be used to provide data. Do not include evaluation statements. The order in which the information is requested is not to be associated with priority.

Guidelines for preparing the vitae are provided below. Fictional examples from a spectrum of disciplines are available in the dean's and chair's offices should additional guidance be needed.

Data should be listed chronologically with most recent event entered last. In cases where you have an extensive amount of information (e.g. under Experience, Publications, Presentation, Service) you may append information you have from some other source even though formatted differently. Effective January 1, 1998, all new data are to be recorded as outlined in this curriculum vitae.

EDUCATION: Include Certification obtained through special programs/agencies.

WORK EXPERIENCE: Include all academic and non-academic experience.

HONORS/AWARDS: Include recognition obtained as a pre- and post-graduate.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Summarize major areas of instruction covered over teaching career. Specific course information for the past two years should be provided in Appendix A. Contributions to curriculum development can be provided in Appendix A. Involvement in teaching honors courses should be noted separately, since assignment to participation in the University Honors Program is regarded as a sign of merit.

ADVISING/MENTORING: List all students for whom supervision in shcolarly activities has been provided. In case of graduate degree study this would mean service as the committee chair. In the case of undergraduate degree study it is most likely that faculty mentoring will be formalized in some way, e.g. Independent Study, Research. If appropriate, student outcomes in terms of employment, graduate school, postdoctoral positions, etc., could be included in Appendix B. Use Appendix B to elaborate on advisory/mentoring roles as deemed necessary. Numbers of students advised may not of itself provide sufficient information on advisory role. Service as an advisor is commonly formalized by a department/school/college and can be a significant part of a person's responsibility.

CREATIVE ACTIVITIES: Use Appendix C to provide information that does not fit the format outlined and to explain information that may need clarification. Substantive work in progress should be reported in the appendix. For example, a book near completion should be included.

SUPPORT: Appendix D could be used to list information on previous support and proposals submitted by not funded and to explain information that may need clarification.

OUTREACH: Although a project may not have a formal designation, provide a short description under Project. Participants could include faculty, students and people from the community. Sponsorship could range from a federal agency to a local business. Specific information on amount of funding should be provided under SUPPORT. Appendix E can be used to provide a brief description of additional information on a project if needed.

SERVICE: Do not include service not linked to a discipline or the University.

CONSULTING: Although this information is optional, consulting may arise from an individual's scholarship or expertise.

PUBLICATIONS: Include all refereed and non-refereed publications, books, book reviews, and artistic works (this includes performances, exhibits, and recitals). NOTE: the Creative/Artistic category is included to accommodate faculty in the fine arts by allowing entries relevant to their specific discipline. Use Appendix C to provide information that does not fit the format outlined and to explain information that may need clarification.

PRESENTATIONS: Include all invited and not invited presentations. If the presentation is deemed to be refereed/non-refereed, it should be noted in the entry. Use Appendix C to provide information that does not fit the format outlined and to explain information that may need clarification.

How do I log in to the CV and Profile website?

Log in using your UofM "Universal User ID" (uuid) and password. This is the password maintained by the new iAM identity site ( ) and used for things such as postoffice/outlook email, and e~Print access. All staff will be able to create and edit a CV and Profile.

What is the recommended browser?

Windows users : Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher, and Mozilla FireFox 1.0.4 or higher.
Macintosh users : Mozilla V1.7.7, Mozilla FireFox V1.0.3, and Netscape V7.2

What will an individual staff member see after logging in to the CV and Profile site?

Individuals will be see the "My CV" screen displaying the person's name, current academic department affiliation, and a few system options. The navigation menu in the upper right portion of the screen will be active and ready for use.

What will an administrative user see after logging in to the CV and Profile site?

Individuals with administrative authority will see a selection list of the departments for which they have administrative CV access. The administrative access is based on records stored in an enterprise database, and are the same as the privileges that have been established for the Effort Certification application.

Once a department has been selected, a list of all current faculty members is displayed. Click on the magnifying glass icon to view the rendered CV for that person in a new browser window. Click on an individual faculty name to "assume the identity" of that faculty member for editing purposes.

How do I display the CV?

The "View CV" link, located in the navigation area, will dynamically generate the CV in a new browser window.

How do I add new CV entries?

Select a link (e.g. Education, Work Experience, Honors/Awards, etc.) from the navigation area. A [Add New Entry] button appears at the top of the content display area. Clicking the button opens an empty entry form. You can add as many as 15 records at once. You can also select either "Add to the beginning of list" or "Add to the end of list" options. You can add new entries to either the beginning or end of an existing list. You cannot add it to the middle of an existing list. Click the [Save] button to save the entry.

How do I add new Appendix entries?

Click on the Appendices link, located in the navigation area. Click on the appropriate appendix link. An [Add New Appendix Record] button appears at the top of the content display area. Clicking the button opens an empty entry form. You can also select either "Add to the beginning of list" or "Add to the end of list" options. You can add new entries to either the beginning or end of an existing list. You cannot add it to the middle of an existing list. Click the [Save Appendix Record] button to save the entry.

How do I edit/reorder/delete an existing CV entry?

Click a link (e.g. Education, Work Experience, Honors/Awards, etc.) from the navigation area. For example, to view/edit the "work experience" records, click the "Work Experience" link in the navigation area. A list of all current entries will be displayed. Each display line includes:

  • Edit - Click on the entry to open it in an edit window. Click the [Save Record] button to save any updated information.
  • Change Display Order - If you want to change the second entry to first and the first to second, you would select 2 in the drop-down list associated with the first entry, and select 1 in the drop-down list associated with the second entry. Click the [Apply Changes] button for the changes to take effect.
  • Delete - If you want to delete an entry, select the check box under the Delete column associated with an entry, and click the [Apply Changes] button. The selected entry will be deleted. You can delete multiple records at the same time by selecting the checkboxes of records you want to delete, and then clicking the [Apply Changes] button.

How do I edit/reorder/delete an existing Appendix entry?

Click on the Appendices link from the navigation area. Click on the appropriate appendix link. A list of all current entries will be displayed. Each display line includes:

  • Edit - Click on the entry to open it in an edit window. Click the [Save Record] button to save any updated information.
  • Change Display Order - If you want to change the second entry to first and the first to second, you would select 2 in the drop-down list associated with the first entry, and select 1 in the drop-down list associated with the second entry. Click the [Apply Chnages] button for the changes to take effect.
  • Delete - If you want to delete an entry, select the check box under the Delete column associated with an entry, and click the [Apply Changes] button. The selected entry will be deleted. You can delete multiple records at the same time by selecting the checkboxes of records you want to delete, and then clicking the [Apply Changes] button.

How can I add multiple journal/presentation entries at once?

For presentations, click on the Presentations link from the navigation area. Click on Add/Edit Presentations link, click on [Add New Presentation Record] button. Clicking the button opens an editor window. You can copy a list of presentations from a Word document and paste it in the editor window. Where there is a hard return between entries, the editor will treat each entry as a separate presentation. NOTE: To reveal hard returns in your Word document (before copying/pasting) hold down the Ctrl, Shift, and press the * key. Hard returns will be denoted by the ¶ symbol. Now click the [Save Presentation Record] button.

How do I mark a presentation as Invited/Not Invited, and a publication as Refereed?

For presentations, click on the entry to open it in an edit window. Select either the Invited (Conference), Invited (Other-University/Industry), or Not Invited checkbox. Click the [Save Record] button to save the updated information.
For publications, click on the entry to open it in an edit window. Select the "Refereed?" checkbox. Click the [Save Journal record] button.

Can I move a record/s from one section to another section?

Yes. You can move any of the free-form area (e.g. presentations, publications, appendices b-e) entries. If you want to move an entry in Appendix E to Presentations area as an invited presentation for a conference, click on the entry as though you would edit it. Now, select Presentations - Invited(Conference) option for the drop down menu, and click [Move Entry]. Doing this will delete the entry from Appendix E and move it to Presentations area.

How do I create a profile?

By default, a profile is already created for you. It basically consists of your name, title, phone number, fax number, office location, email, and the url for your personal home page. This information is retrieved from the university's enterprise directory server. If you notice that some of this information is not displayed on your default profile, please have this information entered/changed in the university's enterprise directory server.

By clicking on the "Creat/Edit Profile" link in the navigation area, you can add the following information -

  • Office Hours
  • Profile - A brief/detailed description of yourself, your research interests, etc.
  • Additional Information - Classes you are teaching in the current semester, links to the course syllabus, etc.
By clicking on the "Upload Photo" link, you can upload a photograph, which will be displayed on your profile page. Directions for uploading a photograph are -
  • The maximum size of the image recommended is 200W x 250H pixels
  • Click on the "Photo Upload" link
  • Click the [Browse] button. This will open up a "Choose File" window.
  • Using the choose file window, browse to the location on your computer where the image you want to upload is located, select it, hit the [Open] button.
  • Click the [Upload] button. You have now successfully uploaded a picture to your profile.

What information can I add to my profile and how do I do that?

If you choose, you can add all sections of your CV to your profile.

For example, to add a few entries from your "Work Experience" section to your profile, you would follow the following steps -

  • Click on the [Work Experience] button from the navigation area.
  • Now, select the checkboxes under the "Include in profile" column, for the entries you wish to include in your profile.
  • Click the [Apply Changes] button.
  • You can view the changes to your profile by clicking on the "View Profile" link located in the navigation area.

Who can view/read my profile?

The whole world can read your profile. The url(web address) to get to your profile would be -