- First, find your latest Quality Hours and Quality Points from a grade report or transcript and fill in Old QHours and Old QPoints in the top section. If you hit Calculate, you can verify the accuracy of the numbers by matching the GPA to the one on the report you are using.
- Undergraduates can usually repeat most courses at least once - see rules
- Graduates usually can only repeat two courses below B - see rules
- Use the New Courses section to see what your GPA will become by guessing what grades you will earn for current or future courses.
- Use the Repeat Courses section to see how repeating low grades can dramatically improve you GPA
- This is program is unofficial and you are responsible for detecting errors.
- Notify Web Services about fixing bugs.
- The program will not accept 0 Old QHours and 0 Old QPoints so it won't work with a student who has failed everything.
- The repeat course feature will not work unless Old QHours and Old QPoints are entered into the first two fields. The work around is enter some new courses, find a New QHours and New QPoints you want to work with and copy them to Old QHours and Old QPoints.
Rules for Grading
There are different rules for repeating courses. Please read the catalog that applies to you. Catalogs are good for seven years.